title: Common questions
slug: Learn/Common_questions
  - CodingScripting
  - Infrastructure
  - Learn
  - NeedsTranslation
  - TopicStub
  - Web
  - WebMechanics
translation_of: Learn/Common_questions

<p class="summary">Tę sekcję Strefy Nauki zaprojektowano w celu podania odpowiedzi na popularne pytania, które mogą się pojawić, a niekoniecznie są częścią innych, ustrukturyzowanych ścieżek nauki (na przykład artykułów o <a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/HTML">HTML</a> czy <a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS">CSS</a>). Jest to luźny zbiór pytań i odpowiedzi na nie.</p>

<h2 id="Jak_działa_Sieć">Jak działa Sieć</h2>

<p>Ta sekcja zawiera zasady działania sieci - pytania dotyczące ogólnej wiedzy o Sieci.</p>

 <h3 id="Jak_działa_Internet"><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/How_does_the_Internet_work">Jak działa Internet?</a></h3>
 <dd><strong>Internet</strong> jest podstawą Sieci, techniczną infrastrukturą, która umożliwia jej funkcjonowanie. W swojej podstawie, Internet jest wielką siecią komputerów, które komunikują się ze sobą. Ten artykuł pokazuje jak to działa - na podstawowym poziomie.</dd>
 <h3 id="Jaka_jest_różnica_między_serwisem_internetowym_stroną_internetową_serwerem_i_wyszukiwarką"><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/Pages_sites_servers_and_search_engines">Jaka jest różnica między serwisem internetowym, stroną internetową, serwerem i wyszukiwarką?</a></h3>
 <dd>Ten artykuł opisuje różne pojęcia związane z siecią - serwisy internetowe, strony, serwery i wyszukiwarki. Te pojęcia są często mylone przez początkujących albo używane w niewłaściwym kontekście. Nauczymy się, co każde z nich oznacza!</dd>
 <h3 id="Co_to_jest_URL">Co to jest<a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/What_is_a_URL"> URL?</a></h3>
 <dd>Obok {{Glossary("Hypertext")}} i {{Glossary("HTTP")}}, URL (Uniform Resource Locator) to jest jedno z kluczowych pojęć związanych z Internetem. Jest to mechanizm używany przez przeglądarki do znajdowania i wydobywania zasobów opublikowanych w Sieci.</dd>
 <h3 id="What_is_a_domain_name"><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/What_is_a_domain_name">What is a domain name?</a></h3>
 <dd>Domain names are a key part of the Internet infrastructure. They provide a human-readable address for any web server available on the Internet.</dd>
 <h3 id="What_is_a_web_server"><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/What_is_a_web_server">What is a web server?</a></h3>
 <dd>The term "Web server" can refer to the hardware or software that serves web sites to clients across the Web — or both of them working together. In this article we go over how web servers work, and why they're important.</dd>
 <h3 id="What_are_hyperlinks"><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/What_are_hyperlinks">What are hyperlinks?</a></h3>
 <dd>In this article, we'll go over what hyperlinks are and why they matter.</dd>

<h2 id="Tools_and_setup">Tools and setup</h2>

<p>Questions related to the tools/software you can use to build websites.</p>

 <h3 id="How_much_does_it_cost_to_do_something_on_the_Web"><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/How_much_does_it_cost">How much does it cost to do something on the Web?</a></h3>
 <dd>When you're launching a website, you may spend nothing or your costs may go through the roof. In this article we discuss how much everything costs and what you get for what you pay (or don't pay).</dd>
 <h3 id="What_software_do_I_need_to_build_a_website"><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/What_software_do_I_need">What software do I need to build a website?</a></h3>
 <dd>In this article we explain which software components you need when you're editing, uploading, or viewing a website.</dd>
 <h3 id="What_text_editors_are_available"><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/Available_text_editors">What text editors are available?</a></h3>
 <dd>In this article we highlight some things to think about when choosing and installing a text editor for web development.</dd>
 <h3 id="What_are_browser_developer_tools"><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/What_are_browser_developer_tools">What are browser developer tools?</a></h3>
 <dd>Every browser features a set of devtools for debugging HTML, CSS, and other web code. This article explains how to use the basic functions of your browser's devtools.</dd>
 <h3 id="How_do_you_make_sure_your_website_works_properly"><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/Checking_that_your_web_site_is_working_properly">How do you make sure your website works properly?</a></h3>
 <dd>So you've published your website online — very good! But are you sure it works properly? This article provides some basic troubleshooting steps.</dd>
 <h3 id="How_do_you_set_up_a_local_testing_server"><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/set_up_a_local_testing_server">How do you set up a local testing server?</a></h3>
 <p>This article explains how to set up a simple local testing server on your machine, and the basics of how to use it.</p>
 <h3 id="How_do_you_upload_files_to_a_web_server"><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/Upload_files_to_a_web_server">How do you upload files to a web server?</a></h3>
 <dd>This article shows how to publish your site online with <a class="glossaryLink" href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/FTP" title="FTP: FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is the standard network protocol for transferring files from one host to another over the Internet through TCP.">FTP</a> tools — one of the most common ways to get a website online so others can access it from their computers.</dd>
 <h3 id="How_do_I_use_GitHub_Pages"><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/Using_GitHub_Pages">How do I use GitHub Pages?</a></h3>
 <dd>This article provides a basic guide to publishing content using GitHub's gh-pages feature.</dd>
 <h3 id="How_do_you_host_your_website_on_Google_App_Engine"><a href="/en-US/Learn/Common_questions/How_do_you_host_your_website_on_Google_App_Engine">How do you host your website on Google App Engine?</a></h3>
 <dd>Looking for a place to host your website? Here's a step-by-step guide to hosting your website on Google App Engine.</dd>
 <h3 id="What_tools_are_available_to_debug_and_improve_website_performance"><a href="/en-US/docs/Tools/Performance">What tools are available to debug and improve website performance?</a></h3>
 <dd>This set of articles shows you how to use the Developer Tools in Firefox to debug and improve performance of your website, using the tools to check the memory usage, the JavaScript call tree, the amount of DOM nodes being rendered, and more.</dd>

<h2 id="Design_and_accessibility">Design and accessibility</h2>

<p>This section lists questions related to aesthetics, page structure, accessibility techniques, etc.</p>

 <h3 id="How_do_I_start_to_design_my_website"><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/Thinking_before_coding">How do I start to design my website?</a></h3>
 <dd>This article covers the all-important first step of every project: define what you want to accomplish with it.</dd>
 <h3 id="What_do_common_web_layouts_contain"><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/Common_web_layouts">What do common web layouts contain?</a></h3>
 <dd>When designing pages for your website, it's good to have an idea of the most common layouts. This article runs thorugh some typical web layouts, looking at the parts that make up each one.</dd>
 <h3 id="What_is_accessibility"><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/What_is_accessibility">What is accessibility?</a></h3>
 <dd>This article introduces the basic concepts behind web accessibility.</dd>
 <h3 id="How_can_we_design_for_all_types_of_users"><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/Design_for_all_types_of_users">How can we design for all types of users?</a></h3>
 <dd>This article provides basic techniques to help you design websites for any kind of user — quick accessibility wins, and other such things.</dd>
 <h3 id="What_HTML_features_promote_accessibility"><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/HTML_features_for_accessibility">What HTML features promote accessibility?</a></h3>
 <dd>This article describes specific features of HTML that can be used to make a web page more accessible to people with different disabilities.</dd>

<h2 id="HTML_CSS_and_JavaScript_questions">HTML, CSS and JavaScript questions</h2>

<p>For common solutions to HTML/CSS/JavaScript problems, try the following articles:</p>

 <li><a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/HTML/Howto">Use HTML to solve common problems</a></li>
 <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/Howto">Use CSS to solve common problems</a></li>
 <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Howto">Use JavaScript to solve common problems</a></li>