--- title: Function slug: Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function tags: - Function - JavaScript - Konstruktor translation_of: Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function original_slug: Web/JavaScript/Referencje/Obiekty/Function ---
Konstruktor Function
tworzy nowy obiekt Function(tworzy funkcję poprzez konstruktor). W JavaScripcie właściwie każda funkcja jest obiektem Function
new Function ([arg1[, arg2[, ...argN]],] functionBody)
arg1, arg2, ... argN
", "theValue
", or "a,b
objects created with the Function
constructor are parsed when the function is created. This is less efficient than declaring a function with a function expression or function statement and calling it within your code, because such functions are parsed with the rest of the code.
All arguments passed to the function are treated as the names of the identifiers of the parameters in the function to be created, in the order in which they are passed.
Note: Functions created with the Function
constructor do not create closures to their creation contexts; they always are created in the global scope. When running them, they will only be able to access their own local variables and global ones, not the ones from the scope in which the Function
constructor was called. This is different from using {{jsxref("Global_Objects/eval", "eval")}} with code for a function expression.
Wywołanie konstruktora Function jako funkcję (bez użycia operatora 'new') ma taki sam efekt jak wywołanie konstruktora(z operatorem).
The global Function
object has no methods or properties of its own, however, since it is a function itself it does inherit some methods and properties through the prototype chain from {{jsxref("Function.prototype")}}.
prototype objectFunction
instances inherit methods and properties from {{jsxref("Function.prototype")}}. As with all constructors, you can change the constructor's prototype object to make changes to all Function
constructorPoniższy przykład tworzy obiekt Function(tworzy funkcję poprzez konstruktor), który przyjmuje dwa argumenty.
// Przykład może być uruchomiony bezpośrednio w konsoli JavaScript // Tworzy funkcję, która przyjmuje dwa argumenty i zwraca ich sumę var adder = new Function('a', 'b', 'return a + b'); // Wywołanie funkcji adder(2, 6); // > 8
Argumenty "a
" i "b
" są formanie nazwami argumentrów, które są użyte w ciele funkcji, "return a + b
Creating functions with the Function
constructor is one of the ways to dynamically create an indeterminate number of new objects with some executable code into the global scope from a function. The following example (a recursive shortcut to massively modify the DOM) is impossible without the invocation of the Function
constructor for each new query if you want to avoid closures.
<!doctype html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>MDN Example - a recursive shortcut to massively modify the DOM</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var domQuery = (function() {
var aDOMFunc = [
function setSomething(bStyle, sProp, sVal) {
var bSet = Boolean(sVal), fAction = aDOMFunc[bSet | bStyle << 1],
aArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1, bSet ? 3 : 2),
aNodeList = bStyle ? this.cssNodes : this.nodes;
if (bSet && bStyle) { aArgs.push(''); }
for (
var nItem = 0, nLen = this.nodes.length;
nItem < nLen;
fAction.apply(aNodeList[nItem++], aArgs)
this.follow = setSomething.caller;
return this;
function setStyles(sProp, sVal) { return setSomething.call(this, true, sProp, sVal); }
function setAttribs(sProp, sVal) { return setSomething.call(this, false, sProp, sVal); }
function getSelectors() { return this.selectors; };
function getNodes() { return this.nodes; };
return (function(sSelectors) {
var oQuery = new Function('return arguments.callee.follow.apply(arguments.callee, arguments);');
oQuery.selectors = sSelectors;
oQuery.nodes = document.querySelectorAll(sSelectors);
oQuery.cssNodes = Array.prototype.map.call(oQuery.nodes, function(oInlineCSS) { return oInlineCSS.style; });
oQuery.attributes = setAttribs;
oQuery.inlineStyle = setStyles;
oQuery.follow = getNodes;
oQuery.toString = getSelectors;
oQuery.valueOf = getNodes;
return oQuery;
<div class="testClass">Lorem ipsum</div>
<p>Some text</p>
<div class="testClass">dolor sit amet</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
.attributes('lang', 'en')('title', 'Risus abundat in ore stultorum')
.inlineStyle('background-color', 'black')('color', 'white')('width', '100px')('height', '50px');
Specification | Status | Comment |
ECMAScript 1st Edition. | Standard | Initial definition. Implemented in JavaScript 1.0. |
{{SpecName('ES5.1', '#sec-15.3', 'Function')}} | {{Spec2('ES5.1')}} | |
{{SpecName('ES6', '#sec-function-objects', 'Function')}} | {{Spec2('ES6')}} |
Feature | Chrome | Firefox (Gecko) | Internet Explorer | Opera | Safari |
Basic support | {{CompatVersionUnknown}} | {{CompatVersionUnknown}} | {{CompatVersionUnknown}} | {{CompatVersionUnknown}} | {{CompatVersionUnknown}} |
Feature | Android | Chrome for Android | Firefox Mobile (Gecko) | IE Mobile | Opera Mobile | Safari Mobile |
Basic support | {{CompatVersionUnknown}} | {{CompatVersionUnknown}} | {{CompatVersionUnknown}} | {{CompatVersionUnknown}} | {{CompatVersionUnknown}} | {{CompatVersionUnknown}} |