title: Questões comuns
slug: Learn/Common_questions
- Aprendendo
- Infraestrutura
- Internet
- NeedsTranslation
- TopicStub
- Web
- WebMechanics
translation_of: Learn/Common_questions
Esta sessão de Área de Aprendizado é voltada para dar respostas à questões comuns que possam surgir, que não necessariamente sejam parte do núcleo dos meios de aprendizado (ex. artigos sobre HTML ou CSS.) Estes artigos foram feitos para funcionar de forma independente.
Como a Web funciona?
Esta seção cobre a mecânica da Web —questões relacionadas a conhecimentos gerais sobre o ecossistema da Web e como ele funciona.
- A Internet é a espinha dorsal da Web, a infraestrutura técnica que faz a Web possível. Mais basicamente, a Internet é uma gigantesca rede de computadores que se comunicam juntos. Este artigo discute o básico sobre o funcionamento da Internet.
- Nesse artigo nós descrevemos vários conceitos relaciona a Web: webpages, websites, Web servers, and search engines. Esses termos são frequentemente confundidos por iniciantes na web, ou são utizados de maneira incorreta. Vamos entender o que eles realmente significam!
- Com {{Glossary("Hypertext")}} e {{Glossary("HTTP")}}, URL é um conceito-chave quando se trata da Internet. Ele é um mecanimos utilizado pelos {{Glossary("Navegador","navegadores")}} para recuperar qualquer recurso publicado na Web
- Domain names eles são uma parte essencial para a infraestrutura da internet. Eles deixam o endereço legivel por humanos para qualquer Web server disponivel na internet.
- O termo "Web server" pode se referir ao hardware ou ao software que serve sites para clientes na Web — ou ambos deles trabalhando juntos. Nesse artigo nós veremos como Web servers funcionam, e porque eles são importantes.
- Nesse artigo, nós veremos do que são hypelinks e porque eles importam.
Questions related to the tools/software you can use to build websites.
- When you're launching a website, you may spend nothing or your costs may go through the roof. In this article we discuss how much everything costs and what you get for what you pay (or don't pay).
- In this article we explain which software components you need when you're editing, uploading, or viewing a website.
- In this article we highlight some things to think about when choosing and installing a text editor for web development.
- When working on a web project, you'll want to test it locally before you show it to the world. Some types of code require a server to test, and in this article we'll show you how to set one up. We'll also cover how to put a scalable structure in place so that your files stay organized even when your project gets big.
- Every browser features a set of devtools for debugging HTML, CSS, and other web code. This article explains how to use the basic functions of your browser's devtools.
- So you've published your website online — very good! But are you sure it works properly? This article provides some basic troubleshooting steps.
- This article shows how to publish your site online with FTP tools — one fo the most common ways to get a website online so others can access it from their computers.
- This article provides a basic guide to publishing content using GitHub's gh-pages feature.
- Looking for a place to host your website? Here's a step-by-step guide to hosting your website on Google App Engine.
- This set of articles shows you how to use the Developer Tools in Firefox to debug and improve performance of your website, using the tools to check the memory usage, the JavaScript call tree, the amount of DOM nodes being rendered, and more.
Design and accessibility
This section lists questions related to aesthetics, page structure, accessibility techniques, etc.
- This article covers the all-important first step of every project: define what you want to accomplish with it.
- When designing pages for your website, it's good to have an idea of the most common layouts. This article runs thorugh some typical web layouts, looking at the parts that make up each one.
- This article introduces the basic concepts behind web accessibility.
- This article provides basic techniques to help you design websites for any kind of user — quick accessibility wins, and other such things.
- This article describes specific features of HTML that can be used to make a web page more accessible to people with different disabilities.