--- title: HTMLElement.contentEditable slug: Web/API/HTMLElement/contentEditable translation_of: Web/API/HTMLElement/contentEditable ---
{{APIRef("HTML DOM")}}

A propriedade HTMLElement.contentEditable é usada para indicar se o elemento é editável ou não. Esse atributo enumerado pode ter os seguintes valores:

Você pode usar a propriedade {{domxref( "HTMLElement.isContentEditable")}} para testar o valor calculado {{domxref ("Boolean")}} desta propriedade.


editable = element.contentEditable element.contentEditable= "true"


Especificação Status Comentário
{{SpecName('HTML WHATWG', 'interaction.html#contenteditable', 'contenteditable')}} {{Spec2('HTML WHATWG')}} Initial definition

Compatibilidade com navegadores

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support 11 {{CompatGeckoDesktop(1.9)}} 6[1] 10.6 3.2
Feature Android Firefox Mobile (Gecko) IE Mobile Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
Basic support 3 {{CompatGeckoMobile(1.9)}} 6[1] {{CompatNo}} 5

[1] Internet Explorer has a bunch of bugs regarding the implementation of this feature. IE10 crashes in some cases when editing lists (bug 796187). IE11+ uses invalid positioning for caret when an element is floated (bug 858749). In IE9-10 the window freezes when using mousewheel while dragging (bug 809254). IE10-11 does not fire the input event (bug 794285). IE10 crashes after selecting "Cut" from the context menu (bug 801770). IE11+ does not allow placing the caret in an empty table cell (bug 807199). IE10 does not fire contextmenu event when right-clicking on misspelled words (bug 774350). IE11 appends {{HTMLElement("br")}} elements to {{HTMLElement("body")}} when showing/hiding an {{HTMLElement("iframe")}} with contenteditable document inside (bug 864804). IE11 does not allow disabling resize handles for images/inputs (bug 907422).

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