--- title: WebRTC API slug: Web/API/WebRTC_API tags: - API - Audio - Landing - Media - NeedsTranslation - Networking - TopicStub - Video - WebRTC - WebRTC API - streaming translation_of: Web/API/WebRTC_API ---

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communications) é uma tecnologia que permite aplicativos e sites da Web a capturarem e opcionalmente transmitirem mídia de áudio e/ou vídeo, assim como trocar informação arbitrária entre navegadores sem a necessidade de um intermediador. O conjunto de padrões que abrangem WebRTC possibilita o compartilhamento de informação e a realização de teleconferência peer-to-peer, dispensando a instalação de plug-ins ou quaisquer softwares de terceiros.

WebRTC consiste em diversas APIs e protocolos interrelacionados que trabalham juntos. A documentação que você encontrará aqui o ajudará a entender os fundamentos de WebRTC, como configurar e usar, tanto informação, quanto conexões de mídia e mais. 

WebRTC conceitos e uso

WebRTC serve à diversas propostas, e sobrepõe-se substancialmente com a API de Captura e Transmissão. Juntas, provém capacidades poderosas de multimídia para a Web, incluíndo suporte para conferência em áudio e vídeo, troca de arquivos, administração de identidade, e lidando com sistemas telefônicos legados enviando sinais {{Glossary("DTMF")}}.

Conexões entre dois peers são criadas usando—e representadas por—uma interface {{DOMxRef("RTCPeerConnection")}}. Uma vez que a conexão tenha sido estabilizada e iniciada, media streams ({{DOMxRef("MediaStream")}}s) (transmissões de mídia) e/ou data channels ({{DOMxRef("RTCDataChannel")}}s) (canais de dados) podem ser adicionados à conexão.

Dados de mídia podem consistir em qualquer número de tracks(faixas) de dados de mídia; tracks, que são representados por objetos baseados na interface {{DOMxRef("MediaStreamTrack")}} , que podem conter um número dentre tipos de dados de mídia, incluíndo áudio, vídeo e texto (como legendas ou até mesmo nomes de capítulos). A maioria das transmissões consiste de ao menos uma faixa de áudio e comumente também uma faixa de vídeo, e podem ser usadas para enviar e receber ambas as mídias ao vivo ou dados salvos de mídia (como um filme transmitido).

Você também pode usar a conexão entre dois peers para trocar dados arbitrários binários usando a interface {{DOMxRef("RTCDataChannel")}}. Isto pode ser usado para informação de back-channel (canal de volta), troca de metadata, pacotes de status de games, transferência de arquivos, ou até mesmo como um canal primário para transferir dados.

são necessários mais detalhes e links e tutoriais relevantes

WebRTC interfaces

Porque WebRTC provê interfaces que trabalham em conjunto para realizar uma variedade de tarefas, nós dividimos as interfaces na listagem abaixo por categoria. Por favor, atente-se a sidebar para uma listagem em ordem alfabética.

Conexão, configuração e gerenciamento

Estas interfaces são usadas para configurar, abrir e gerenciar conexões WebRTC.

Representa a conexão WebRTC entre o computador local e um peer remoto. É usado para lidar com um streaming eficiente de dados entre os dois peers.
Representa um canal de dados bidirecional entre dois peers de uma conexão
Represents events that occur while attaching a {{domxref("RTCDataChannel")}} to a {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection")}}. The only event sent with this interface is {{event("datachannel")}}.
Represents the parameters of a session. Each RTCSessionDescription consists of a description type indicating which part of the offer/answer negotiation process it describes and of the SDP descriptor of the session.
Provides information detailing statistics for a connection or for an individual track on the connection; the report can be obtained by calling {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.getStats()")}}.
Represents a candidate internet connectivity establishment (ICE) server for establishing an {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection")}}.
Represents information about an internet connectivity establishment (ICE) transport.
Represents events that occurs in relation to ICE candidates with the target, usually an {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection")}}. Only one event is of this type: {{event("icecandidate")}}.
Manages the encoding and transmission of data for a {{domxref("MediaStreamTrack")}} on an {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection")}}.
Manages the reception and decoding of data for a {{domxref("MediaStreamTrack")}} on an {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection")}}.
Indicates that a new incoming {{domxref("MediaStreamTrack")}} was created and an associated {{domxref("RTCRtpReceiver")}} object was added to the {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection")}} object.

Identity and security

The WebRTC API includes a number of interfaces to manage security and identity.

Enables a user agent is able to request that an identity assertion be generated or validated.
Represents the identity of the a remote peer of the current connection. If no peer has yet been set and verified this interface returns null. Once set it can't be changed.
Registers an  identity provider (idP).
Represents an identity assertion generated by an identity provider (idP). This is usually for an {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection")}}. The only event sent with this type is {{event("identityresult")}}.
Represents an error associated with the identity provider (idP). This is usually for an {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection")}}. Two events are sent with this type: {{event("idpassertionerror")}} and {{event("idpvalidationerror")}}.
Represents a certificate that an {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection")}} uses to authenticate.


These interfaces are related to interactivity with public-switched telephone networks (PTSNs).

Manages the encoding and transmission of dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) signaling for an {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection")}}.
Indicates an occurrence of a of dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF). This event does not bubble (except where otherwise stated) and is not cancelable (except where otherwise stated).


Introduction to WebRTC protocols
This article introduces the protocols on top of which the WebRTC API is built.
WebRTC connectivity
A guide to how WebRTC connections work and how the various protocols and interfaces can be used together to build powerful communication apps.
Lifetime of a WebRTC session
WebRTC lets you build peer-to-peer communication of arbitrary data, audio, or video—or any combination thereof—into a browser application. In this article, we'll look at the lifetime of a WebRTC session, from establishing the connection all the way through closing the connection when it's no longer needed.
Signaling and two-way video calling
A tutorial and example which turbs a WebSocket-based chat system created for a previous example and adds support for opening video calls among participants. The chat server's WebSocket connection is used for WebRTC signaling.
Using WebRTC data channels
This guide covers how you can use a peer connection and an associated {{domxref("RTCDataChannel")}} to exchange arbitrary data between two peers.
Using DTMF with WebRTC
WebRTC's support for interacting with gateways that link to old-school telephone systems includes support for sending DTMF tones using the {{domxref("RTCDTMFSender")}} interface. This guide shows how to do so.


Improving compatibility using WebRTC adapter.js
The WebRTC organization provides on GitHub the WebRTC adapter to work around compatibility issues in different browsers' WebRTC implementations. The adapter is a JavaScript shim which lets your code to be written to the specification so that it will "just work" in all browsers with WebRTC support.
Taking still photos with WebRTC
This article shows how to use WebRTC to access the camera on a computer or mobile phone with WebRTC support and take a photo with it.
A simple RTCDataChannel sample
The {{domxref("RTCDataChannel")}} interface is a feature which lets you open a channel between two peers over which you may send and receive arbitrary data. The API is intentionally similar to the WebSocket API, so that the same programming model can be used for each.



WebRTC-proper protocols


Specification Status Comment
{{SpecName('WebRTC 1.0')}} {{Spec2('WebRTC 1.0')}} The initial definition of the API of WebRTC.
{{SpecName('Media Capture')}} {{Spec2('Media Capture')}} The initial definition of the object conveying the stream of media content.
{{SpecName('Media Capture DOM Elements')}} {{Spec2('Media Capture DOM Elements')}} The initial definition on how to obtain stream of content from DOM Elements

In additions to these specifications defining the API needed to use WebRTC, there are several protocols, listed under resources.