--- title: Como comunicar um problema na MDN slug: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Report_a_problem tags: - Como... - Guía - Metadados MDN translation_of: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Report_a_problem original_slug: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Comunicar_um_problema ---
De vez em quando, pode encontrar problemas ao utilizar a MDN. Se é um problema com a infra-estrutura do site ou um erro no conteúdo da documentação, pode tentar corrigi-lo ou comunicar o problema. Enquanto o primeiro é o preferido, o último é às vezes o melhor que pode gerir, e isso também está bem.
Obviously, since MDN is a wiki, the best thing you can possibly do is fix problems you spot yourself. But maybe you don't know the answer or are in the middle of a deadline on your own project or something, and need to jot down the problem so someone can look at it later.
As is the case with all things Mozilla, you report a documentation problem by filing a bug. That's when filing a documentation request bug comes in. The documentation request form gathers the information needed to get us started on fixing the issue.
Of course, our writing community is busy, so sometimes the quickest way to see a documentation problem resolved is to fix it yourself. See How to create and edit pages for details.
Kuma, the Mozilla-developed platform used for the MDN web site, is in a state of continuous development. Our developers—as well as a number of volunteer contributors—are constantly making improvements. If you see a bug, or have a problem with the site, or even have a suggestion for something that could make the software more awesome, you can use the Kuma bug form to file a report. You can also use this form to report performance problems with the site, though odds are that performance-monitoring tools have already notified the appropriate people.