--- title: MDN - Convenções e Definições slug: MDN/Guidelines/Conventions_definitions tags: - Documentação - Guía - Linhas Diretrizes - MDN - Metadados MDN translation_of: MDN/Guidelines/Conventions_definitions original_slug: MDN/Guidelines/Convencoes_definicoes ---

Este artigo define algumas convenções e definições que são normalmente utilizadas na MDN, que talvez não sejam óbvias para algumas pessoas quando elas as encontrarem na documentação.


Desaprovada e obsoleta

Desaprovada e obsoleta são termos comuns associados com as tecnologias e especificações, mas o que eles significam?

Na MDN, o termo 'desaprovada' utilizado para marcar uma API ou tecnologia que já não é recomendada, mas que ainda está implementada e poderá funcionar. Mais recentemente, nós atualizamos-la para a definição utilizada no projeto de dados compatíveis do navegador, que é que "a funcionalidade já não é mais recomendada. Esta poderá ser removida no futuro ou pode ser mantida apenas para fins de compatibilidade. Evite utilizar esta funcionalidade".
No MDN, o termo 'obsoleta'utilizado para marcar uma API ou tecnologia que já não é mais recomendada, mas também não é mais implementada nos navegadores. Isto foi no entanto confuso - é semelhante a obsoleta, e a distinção não é muito útil (ainda não o deveria utilizar num site de produção). Portanto, nós não estamos mais a utilizá-lo, e quaisquer instâncias encontradas deveriam ser removidas/substituídas por 'obsoleta'.


Experimental can mean different things depending on the context you hear or read it in. When a technology is described as experimental on MDN, it means that the technology is nascent and immature, and currently in the process of being added to the Web platform (or considered for addition).

One or both of these will be true:

If one or both of these definitions is true, then you should think carefully before you start using that technology in any kind of production project (i.e. not just a demo or experiment). See also the definition of experimental in our browser-compat-data project.

Conversely, an item is no longer experimental when:

Páginas arquivadas

Archived pages are pages that are stored in the MDN Archive of obsolete content. These pages contain information out-of-date enough that it is not directly useful to anyone anymore.

Most commonly, these concern Mozilla projects that have been discontinued and shouldn't be relied on anymore. But we don't simply delete them because they form a useful historical record, and some of the patterns or ideas contained within might be useful for future work. A good example is the B2G (Firefox OS) project.

Quando é que uma página deverá ser arquivada?

A page should be archived if it fits the above description. To archive a page, you should use the "Move page feature" (Advanced > Move this article) to move the page into the Archive page tree (/en-US/docs/Archive). You might not have the permissions to use this feature, and before you start archiving pages you should discuss it with the MDN community first — talk to us on our Discourse forum.

Páginas eliminadas

Deleted pages are pages that have been explicitly deleted from MDN — see for example the SharedKeyframeList interface and SharedKeyframeList() constructor. These pages contain information that is not useful in any way anymore, and/or might be incorrect to the point where keeping it available might be confusing or bad for people to know.

These might be:

Quando é que uma página deverá ser eliminada?

A page should be deleted if it fits the above description. To delete a page, you should use the "Delete this page feature" (Advanced > Delete this page) to delete the page. You will probably not have the permissions to use this feature, and when thinking about deleting pages you should discuss it with the MDN community first — talk to us on our Discourse forum.

Quando documentar novas tecnologias

On MDN, we are constantly looking to document new web standards technologies as appropriate. We try to strike a balance between publishing the documentation early enough so developers can learn about new features as soon as they need to, and publishing it late enough so that the technology is mature and stable so the docs won't need constant updates or rapid removal.

In general, our definition of the earliest we'll consider documenting a new technology is:

"When the feature is on a standards track and is implemented somewhere."

You should definitely consider documenting a new technology if:

You should be more wary of documenting a new technology (but should still consider it if it makes sense) if it:

You should not consider documenting a new technology if it:


Quando é removido algo da especificação

Sometimes during the development of a new specification, or over the course of the evolution of living standards such as HTML, new elements, methods, properties, and so forth are added to the specification, stay there for a while, then get removed again. Sometimes this happens very quickly, and sometimes these new items remain in the specification for months or even years before being removed. This can make it tricky to decide how to handle the removal of the item from the spec. Here are some guidelines to help you decide what to do.

For the purposes of this discussion, the word "item" is used to mean anything which can be part of a specification: an element or an attribute of an element, an interface or any individual method, property, or other member of an interface, and so forth.

Please use common sense with wording of warning messages and other changes to text suggested by the guidelines above. Different items will require different wording and handling of the situation. When in doubt, feel free to ask for advice on the MDN Web Docs chat room on Matrix, or on the MDN Web Docs discussion forum.

Copiar conteúdo dentro da MDN

Sometimes, you need to reuse the same text on multiple pages (or you want to use one page's content as a template for another page). You have three options:

Copiar conteúdo de outro lado

Often, there is useful content about a topic somewhere on the web besides on MDN. However, copying such content can be fraught with difficulties, both legal and technical.

On the technical level, search engines typically penalize a site in their rankings for reproducing content available elsewhere. Therefore, it is preferable to have original content on MDN, to enhance the search engine ranking of MDN's content. You can link to the existing content from MDN.

On the legal level, you must be authorized to contribute the content, and it must be licensed and attributed in a way that is compatible with MDN's license.