--- title: Cascata slug: Tools/Desempenho/Cascata translation_of: Tools/Performance/Waterfall ---

A 'Cascata' (Waterfall) mostra-lhe várias coisas que o navegador está a fazer na medida em que este excecuta o seu site ou aplicação. É baseado na ideia de que as coisas que o navegador faz quando executa um site pode ser dividido em vários tipos - executar JavaScript, atualizar a disposição, etc... - e que em qualquer ponto no tempo, o navegador está a fazer essas coisas.

Assim, se vir um sinal de um problema de desempenho - uma quebra na frame rate, por exemplo - pode ir para a 'Cascata' para ver o que o navegador estava a fazer nesse ponto da gravação.

Along the X-axis is time. Recorded operations, called markers, are shown as horizontal bars, laid out in a waterfall to reflect the serial nature of the browser's execution.

When a marker is selected you'll see more information about it in a sidebar on the right. This includes the marker's duration and some more information that's specific to the marker type.


The markers for operations are color-coded and labeled. The following operations are recorded:

Nome e descrição Cor Informação detalhada

DOM Event

JavaScript code that's executed in response to a DOM event.

Event Type
For example, "click" or "message".
Event Phase
For example, "Target" or "Capture".

JavaScript functions executed in the page are labeled with the reason the function was called:

Script Tag
Promise Callback
Promise Init
JavaScript URI
Event Handler

Call stack, with links to functions.

Analisar HTML

Time spent parsing the page's HTML.

Call stack, with links to functions.

Analisar XML

Time spent parsing the page's XML.

Call stack, with links to functions.

Recalcular Estilo

Calculating the computed styles that apply to page elements.

Restyle Hint
A string indicating what kind of restyling is needed. The hint may be any of:

Disposição (Layout)

Calculating the position and size of page elements. This operation is sometimes called "reflow".



Desenhar píxeis para o ecrã.


Coleção de Lixo

Garbage collection event. Non-incremental GC events are labeled "(Non-incremental)".

A string the indicating the reason GC was performed.
Motivo Não Incremental
If the GC event was non-incremental, the string indicates the reason non-incremental GC was performed.

New in Firefox 46: if the GC event was caused by allocation pressure, a link appears, labeled "Show Allocation Triggers". Click the link to see the allocation profile leading up to this GC event.

See Allocations and Garbage Collection for more details.

Ciclo da Coleção

Reclaiming C++ reference-counted data structures.

Like garbage collection, but for C++ objects. See Kyle Huey's blog post about cycle collection.

Always "Collect".

CC - Reduçãod e Gráfico

Preparation/pre-optimization for Cycle Collection.

Always "ForgetSkippable".


The period between matching calls to console.time() and console.timeEnd().

Nome do temporizador
The argument passed to the console functions.
Stack at start
Call stack console.time(), with links to functions.
Stack at End
(New in Firefox 41). Call stack at console.timeEnd(). If this is inside a callback from a Promise, this will also show the "Async stack".


A single call to console.timeStamp().

The argument passed to timeStamp().

DOM - Conteúdo Carregado

The document's DOMContentLoaded event.



The document's load event.


Worker event in main thread

Shown when the main thread sends a message to a worker, or receives a message from a worker.

One of:

Serialize data on the main thread
The main thread is serializing a message to be sent to the worker.
Deserialize data on the main thread
The main thread is deserializing a message received from the worker.

Worker event in worker thread

Shown when a worker receives a message from the main thread, or sends a message to the main thread.

One of:

Serialize data in Worker
The worker is serializing a message to be sent to the main thread.
Deserialize data in Worker
The worker is deserializing a message received from the main thread.

The markers, and their colors, are the same in the Waterfall tool as in the Waterfall overview, making is easy to correlate from one to the other.

Filtrar marcadores

You can control which markers are displayed using a button in the Toolbar:

Padrões de cascata

Exactly what you'll see in the Waterfall is very dependent on the kind of thing your site is doing: JavaScript-heavy sites will have a lot of orange, while visually dynamic sites will have a lot of purple and green. But there are common patterns which can alert you to possible performance problems.

Renderizar cascata

One pattern that you'll often see in the Waterfall view is something like this:

This is a visualization of the basic algorithm the browser uses to update the page in response to some event:

  1. JavaScript Function Call: some event - for example, a DOM event - causes some JavaScript in the page to run. The JavaScript changes some of the page's DOM or CSSOM.
  2. Recalculate Style: if the browser thinks the computed styles for page elements have changed, it must then recalculate them.
  3. Layout: next, the browser uses the computed styles to figure out the position and geometry for the elements. This operation is labeled "layout" but is also sometimes called "reflow".
  4. Paint: finally, the browser needs to repaint the elements to the screen. One last step is not shown in this sequence: the page may be split into layers, which are painted independently and then combined in a process called "Composition".

This sequence needs to fit into a single frame, since the screen isn't updated until it is complete. It's commonly accepted that 60 frames per second is the rate at which animations will appear smooth. For a rate of 60 frames per second, that gives the browser 16.7 milliseconds to execute the complete flow.

Importantly for responsiveness, the browser doesn't always have to go through every step:

The Animating CSS properties article shows how animating different CSS properties can give different performance outcomes, and how the Waterfall can help signal that.

Bloquear JavaScript

By default, a site's JavaScript is executed in the same thread that the browser uses for layout updates, repaints, DOM events, and so on. This means that long-running JavaScript functions can cause unresponsiveness (jank): animations may not be smooth, or the site might even freeze.

Using the frame rate tool and the Waterfall together, it's easy to see when long-running JavaScript is causing responsiveness problems. In the screenshot below, we've zoomed in on a JS function that's caused a drop in the frame rate:

The Intensive JavaScript article shows how the Waterfall can highlight responsiveness problems caused by long JavaScript functions, and how you can use asynchronous methods to keep the main thread responsive.

Pinturas dispendiosas

Some paint effects, such as box-shadow, can be expensive, especially if you are applying them in a transition where the browser has to calculate them in every frame. If you're seeing drops in the frame rate, especially during graphically-intensive operations and transitions, check the Waterfall for long green markers.

Coleção de lixo

Red markers in the Waterfall represent garbage collection (GC) events, in which SpiderMonkey (the JavaScript engine in Firefox) walks the heap looking for memory that's no longer reachable and subsequently releasing it. GC is relevant to performance because while it's running the JavaScript engine must be paused, so your program is suspended and will be completely unresponsive.

To help reduce the length of pauses, SpiderMonkey implements incremental GC: this means that it can perform garbage collection in fairly small increments, letting the program run in between. Sometimes, though, it needs to perform a full non-incremental collection, and the program has to wait for it to finish.

In trying to avoid GC events, and especially non-incremental GC events, it's wise not to try to optimize for the specific implementation of the JavaScript engine. SpiderMonkey uses a complex set of heuristics to determine when GC is needed, and when non-incremental GC in particular is needed. In general, though:

When the Waterfall records a GC marker it indicates:

Adicionar marcadores com a API da consola

Two markers are directly controlled by console API calls: "Console" and "Timestamp".

Marcadores da consola

These enable you to mark a specific section of the recording.

To make a console marker, call console.time() at the start of the section, and console.timeEnd() at the end. These functions take an argument which is used to name the section.

For example, suppose we have code like this:

var iterations = 70;
var multiplier = 1000000000;

function calculatePrimes() {


  var primes = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
    var candidate = i * (multiplier * Math.random());
    var isPrime = true;
    for (var c = 2; c <= Math.sqrt(candidate); ++c) {
      if (candidate % c === 0) {
          // not prime
          isPrime = false;
    if (isPrime) {


  return primes;

The Waterfall's output will look something like this:

The marker is labeled with the argument you passed to console.time(), and when you select the marker, you can see the program stack in the right-hand sidebar.

Async stack

New in Firefox 41.

Starting in Firefox 41, the right-hand sidebar will also show the stack at the end of the period: that is, at the point console.timeEnd() was called. If console.timeEnd() was called from the resolution of a Promise, it will also display "(Async: Promise)", under which it will show the "async stack": that is, the call stack at the point the promise was made.

For example, consider code like this:

var timerButton = document.getElementById("timer");
timerButton.addEventListener("click", handleClick, false);

function handleClick() {

function timerFinished() {

function runTimer(t) {
  return new Promise(function(resolve) {
    setTimeout(resolve, t);

The Waterfall will display a marker for the period between time() and timeEnd(), and if you select it, you'll see the async stack in the sidebar:

Marcadores de data/hora

Timestamps enable you to mark an instant in the recording.

To make a timestamp marker, call console.timeStamp(). You can pass an argument to label the timestamp.

For example, suppose we adapt the code above to make a timestamp every 10 iterations of the loop, labeled with the iteration number:

var iterations = 70;
var multiplier = 1000000000;

function calculatePrimes() {

  var primes = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {

    if (i % 10 == 0) {

    var candidate = i * (multiplier * Math.random());
    var isPrime = true;
    for (var c = 2; c <= Math.sqrt(candidate); ++c) {
      if (candidate % c === 0) {
          // not prime
          isPrime = false;
    if (isPrime) {
  return primes;

In the Waterfall you'll now see something like this: