--- title: Ferramentas de Desenvolvimento do Firefox slug: Tools tags: - Desenvolvendo Mozilla - Desenvolvimento da Web - 'Desenvolvimento da Web: Ferramentas' - Ferramentas - Guía - Precisa de Tradução - 'l10n:priority' translation_of: Tools ---

Examinar, editar, e depurar HTML, CSS, e JavaScript no PC e nos dispositivos móveis.

If you are looking for information on using the web developer tools available in Firefox, you've come to the right place — this page provides links to detailed information on all of the core tools and additional tools, and further information such as how to connect to and debug Firefox for Android, how to extend the devtools, and how to debug the browser as a whole.

Please explore the links found in the sidebar, and further down the page. If you have any feedback or questions about the devtools, send us messages on our mailing list or IRC channel (see the community links near the bottom of the page). If you have any feedback or questions specifically about the documentation, the MDN discourse is a good place to post.

Nota: If you are a beginner to web development and using developer tools, our learning web development docs will help you — see Getting started with the Web and What are browser developer tools? for good starting points.

As Ferramentas Principais

The right-hand side of the Developer Tools toolbar, which can be opened with  Ctrl + Shift + I on Windows and Linux, or Cmd + Opt + I on OS X, contains several buttons that let you perform actions or change tool settings.

This button will only appear when there are multiple iframes on a page. Click it to display a list of the iframes on the current page and select the one with which you want to work.
Click this button to take a screenshot of the current page. (Note: This feature is not turned on by default and must be enabled in settings before the icon will appear.)
Toggles Responsive Design Mode.
Opens the menu that includes docking options, the ability to show or hide the split console, and Developer Tools settings. The menu also includes links to the documentation for Firefox Web Tools and the Mozilla Community.
Closes the Developer Tools

Inspetor de Página

Ver e editar conteúdo e apresentação da página. Visualize muitos aspetos da página, incluindo o modelo de caixa, animações e apresentações de grelha.

Consola da Web

Ver mensagens registadas por uma página da Web e interagir com a página utilizando o JavaScript.

Depurador de JavaScript

Parar, explorar, examinar e modificar o JavaScript em execução numa página.

Monitor de Rede

Ver os pedidos de rede efetuados quando uma página é carregada.

Ferramentas de Desempenho

Analise a reação geral do site, JavaScript, e desempenho da apresentação.

Modo de Desenho Responsivo

Veja como o seu site da Web ou a aplicação serão apresentados e se comportam nos diferentes dispositivos e tipos de rede.

Nota: The collective term for the UI inside which the DevTools all live is the Toolbox.

Mais Ferramentas

Estas ferramentas de desenvolvimento também estão integradas no Firefox. Ao contrário das 'Ferramentas Principais' acima, pode não utilizá-las todos os dias.

Figure out which objects are keeping memory in use.
Inspetor de Armazenamento 
Inspect cookies, local storage, indexedDB, and session storage present in a page.
DOM Property Viewer
Inspect the page's DOM properties, functions, etc.
Barra de Ferramentas do Programador
A command-line interface for the developer tools.
Select a color from the page.
A text editor built into Firefox that lets you write and execute JavaScript.
Style Editor
View and edit CSS styles for the current page.
Shader Editor
View and edit the vertex and fragment shaders used by WebGL.
Editor de Áudio da Web
Examine the graph of audio nodes in an audio context, and modify their parameters.
Capturas de ecrã
Efetuar uma captura de ecrã de uma página completa ou de um único elemento.
Measure a portion of the page
Measure a specific area of a web page.
Overlay horizontal and vertical rulers on a web page

Para as ferramentas e recursos mais recentes para os programadores, experimente o Firefox Developer Edition.

Transferir Edição de Desenviolvimento

Ligação das Ferramentas de Desenvolvimento

Se abrir as ferramentas de desenvolvimento utilizando os atalhos de teclado ou os itens de menu equivalentes, eles irão apontar para o documento hospedado no separador ativo. Mas pode anexar as ferramentas a uma variedades de outros destinos, também, ambos dentro do navegador atual e em navgeadores diferentes ou atém em dispositivos diferentes.

Depurar extras, separadores de conteúdo, e workers em execução no navegador.
Connecting to Firefox for Android
Connect the developer tools to an instance of Firefox running on an Android device.
Connecting to iframes
Connect the developer tools to a specific iframe in the current page.
Connecting to other browsers
Connect the developer tools to Chrome on Android and Safari on iOS.

Depurar o navegador

By default, the developer tools are attached to a web page or web app. But you can also connect them to the browser as a whole. This is useful for browser and add-on development.

Consola do Navegador
See messages logged by the browser itself and add-ons, and run JavaScript code in the browser's scope.
Caixa de Ferramentas do Navegador
Attach the Developer Tools to the browser itself.

Aumentar as ferramentas de desenvolvimento

The developer tools are designed to be extensible. Firefox add-ons can access the developer tools and the components they use to extend existing tools and add new tools. With the remote debugging protocol you can implement your own debugging clients and servers, enabling you to debug websites using your own tools or to debug different targets using the Firefox tools.

Adicione um novo painel às ferramentas de desenvolvimento
Write an add-on that adds a new panel to the Toolbox.
Protocolod e Deputação Remoto
The protocol used to connect the Firefox Developer Tools to a debugging target like an instance of Firefox or a Firefox OS device.
Editor de Fonte
A code editor built into Firefox that can be embedded in your add-on.
A Interface do Depurador
An API that lets JavaScript code observe the execution of other JavaScript code. The Firefox Developer Tools use this API to implement the JavaScript debugger.
Consola da Web - saída personalizada
How to extend and customize the output of the Web Console and the Browser Console.
Exemplo de extras das ferramentas de desenvolvimento
Utilize estes exemplos para compreender como implementar um add-on das ferramentas de desenvolvimento.

Migração do Firebug

Firebug is coming to the end of its lifespan (see Firebug lives on in Firefox DevTools for details of why), and we appreciate that some people will find migrating to another less familiar set of DevTools to be challenging. To ease a transition from Firebug to the Firefox developer tools, we have written a handy guide — Migrating from Firebug.


If you want to help to improve the developer tools, these resources will get you started.

Mozilla wiki page explaining how to get involved.
A tool helping to find bugs to work on.