--- title: 'Проверьте ваши навыки: Селекторы' slug: Learn/CSS/Building_blocks/Селекторы/Селекторы_Задачи tags: - CSS - Начинающий translation_of: Learn/CSS/Building_blocks/Selectors/Selectors_Tasks ---

Цель этой задачи — помочь вам проверить ваше понимание селекторов в CSS.

Примечание: Вы можете проверять решения в интерактивном редакторе, расположенном ниже, но, возможно, вам будут полезны онлайн-инструменты, такие как  CodePen, jsFiddle или Glitch, которые можно использовать для работы над заданием, предварительно загрузив в них код.

Если вы зашли в тупик, обратитесь к нам за помощью — смотрите раздел Оценка или дальнейшая помощь внизу этой страницы.

Selectors One

Without changing the HTML, use CSS to do the following things:

Text with the CSS applied for the solution to task 1.

Try updating the live code below to recreate the finished example:

{{EmbedGHLiveSample("css-examples/learn/tasks/selectors/type.html", '100%', 700)}}

For assessment or further work purposes, download the starting point for this task to work in your own editor or in an online editor.

Selectors Two

Without changing the HTML, make the following changes to the look of the content in this example:

Text with the CSS applied for the solution to task 2.

Try updating the live code below to recreate the finished example:

{{EmbedGHLiveSample("css-examples/learn/tasks/selectors/class-id.html", '100%', 800)}}

For assessment or further work purposes, download the starting point for this task to work in your own editor or in an online editor.

Selectors Three

In this example, try making the following changes without adding to the HTML.

Text with the CSS applied for the solution to task 3.

Try updating the live code below to recreate the finished example:

{{EmbedGHLiveSample("css-examples/learn/tasks/selectors/pseudo.html", '100%', 800)}}

For assessment or further work purposes, download the starting point for this task to work in your own editor or in an online editor.

Selectors Four

In this task try the following:

Text with the CSS applied for the solution to task 4.

Try updating the live code below to recreate the finished example:

{{EmbedGHLiveSample("css-examples/learn/tasks/selectors/combinators.html", '100%', 800)}}

For assessment or further work purposes, download the starting point for this task to work in your own editor or in an online editor.

Selectors Five

In this final task add CSS using attribute selectors to do the following:

Four links with different color borders.

Try updating the live code below to recreate the finished example:

{{EmbedGHLiveSample("css-examples/learn/tasks/selectors/attribute-links.html", '100%', 800)}}

For assessment or further work purposes, download the starting point for this task to work in your own editor or in an online editor.

Assessment or further help

You can practice these examples in the Interactive Editors mentioned above.

If you would like your work assessed, or are stuck and want to ask for help:

  1. Put your work into an online shareable editor such as CodePen, jsFiddle, or Glitch. You can write the code yourself, or use the starting point files linked to in the above sections.
  2. Write a post asking for assessment and/or help at the MDN Discourse forum Learning category. Your post should include: