--- title: HTMLFormElement.elements slug: Web/API/HTMLFormElement/elements translation_of: Web/API/HTMLFormElement/elements ---
The {{domxref("HTMLFormElement")}} property elements
returns an {{domxref("HTMLFormControlsCollection")}} listing all the form controls contained in the {{HTMLElement("form")}} element. Independently, you can obtain just the number of form controls using the {{domxref("HTMLFormElement.length", "length")}} property.
You can access a particular form control in the returned collection by using either an index or the element's {{domxref("Element.name", "name")}} or {{domxref("Element.id", "id")}}.
Prior to HTML 5, the returned object was an {{domxref("HTMLCollection")}}, on which HTMLFormControlsCollection
is based.
Note: Similarly, you can get a list of all of the forms contained within a given document using the document's {{domxref("Document.forms", "forms")}} property.
nodeList = HTMLFormElement.elements
An {{domxref("HTMLFormControlsCollection")}} containing all non-image controls in the form. This is a live collection; if form controls are added to or removed from the form, this collection will update to reflect the change.
The form controls in the returned collection are in the same order in which they appear in the form by following a preorder, depth-first traversal of the tree. This is called tree order.
{{page("/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLFormElement", "Elements that are considered form controls")}}
In this example, we see how to obtain the list of form controls as well as how to access its members by index and by name or ID.
<form id="my-form"> <input type="text" name="username"> <input type="text" name="full-name"> <input type="password" name="password"> </form>
var inputs = document.getElementById("my-form").elements; var inputByIndex = inputs[0]; var inputByName = inputs["username"];
This example gets the form's element list, then iterates over the list, looking for {{HTMLElement("input")}} elements of type "text"
so that some form of processing can be performed on them.
var inputs = document.getElementById("my-form").elements; // Iterate over the form controls for (i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { if (inputs[i].nodeName === "INPUT" && inputs[i].type === "text") { // Update text input inputs[i].value.toLocaleUpperCase(); } }
var inputs = document.getElementById("my-form").elements; // Iterate over the form controls for (i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { // Disable all form controls inputs[i].setAttribute("disabled", ""); }
Specification | Status | Comment |
{{SpecName('HTML WHATWG', '#dom-form-elements', 'HTMLFormElement.elements')}} | {{ Spec2('HTML WHATWG') }} | |
{{SpecName("DOM2 HTML", "html.html#ID-76728479", "HTMLFormElement.elements")}} | {{Spec2("DOM2 HTML")}} | Initial definition |