title: Join the MDN Web Docs community
slug: orphaned/MDN/Community
- Guide
- Landar
- MDN Meta
- Mötesplats
translation_of: MDN/Community
original_slug: MDN/Community
MDN Web Docs är mer än en wiki: Det är en mötesplats för utvecklare som arbetar tillsammans för att göra MDN till en enastående resurs till utvecklarna som använder öppna webb-teknologier.
We'd love it if you contribute to MDN, but we'd love it even more if you participate in the MDN community. Here's how to get connected, in three easy steps:
- Skapa ett MDN-konto.
- Gå med i konversationer.
- Följ det som händer.
Så här fungerar mötesplatsen
The following are more articles that describe the community of MDN.
- Community roles
- There are a number of roles within the MDN community that have specific responsibilities.
- Doc sprints
- This is a guide to organizing a documentation sprint. It contains advice and tips from people who have organized doc sprints, to help you in organizing one, too.
- Följ det som händer
- MDN is brought to you by the Mozilla Developer Network community. Here are some ways to that we share information about what we're doing.
- MDN community conversations
- The "work" of MDN happens on the MDN site, but the "community" also happens through (asynchronous) discussion and (synchronous) online chat and meetings.
- Arbeta i mötesplatsen
- A major part of contributing to MDN documentation on any significant scale is knowing how to work as part of the MDN community. This article offers tips to help you make the most of your interactions with both other writers and with development teams.