title: CSS довідник
slug: Web/CSS/Reference
translation_of: Web/CSS/Reference
original_slug: Web/CSS/Довідник
This CSS Reference shows the basic syntax of a CSS rule; lists all standard CSS properties, pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements, @-rules, units, and selectors, all together in alphabetical order, as well as just the selectors by type; and allows you to quickly access detailed information for each of them. It not only lists the CSS 1 and CSS 2.1 properties, but also is a CSS3 reference that links to any CSS3 property and concept standardized, or already stabilized. Also included is a brief DOM-CSS / CSSOM reference.
Note that CSS rule-definitions are entirely (ASCII) text-based, whereas DOM-CSS / CSSOM, the rule-management system, is object-based.
See also Mozilla CSS Extensions for Gecko-specific properties prefixed with -moz
; and WebKit CSS Extensions for WebKit-specific properties. See Vendor-prefixed CSS Property Overview by Peter Beverloo for all prefixed properties.
Basic rule syntax
Be warned that any syntax error in a rule definition will invalidate the entire rule.
Style rules
selectorlist { property: value; [more property:value; pairs] }
...where selectorlist is: selector[:pseudo-class] [::pseudo-element] [, more selectorlists]
See selector, pseudo-element, pseudo-class lists below.
strong { color: red;}
div.menu-bar li:hover > ul { display: block; }
More about examples: #1, #2
As these have so many different structure-formats, see the desired At-rule for syntax.
Keyword index
- Basic Selectors
- Combinators (more info)
- Pseudo-elements (more info)
- {{ Cssxref("::after") }}
- {{ Cssxref("::before") }}
- {{ Cssxref("::first-letter") }}
- {{ Cssxref("::first-line") }}
- {{ Cssxref("::selection") }}
- {{ Cssxref("::backdrop") }}
- {{ Cssxref("::placeholder") }} {{experimental_inline}}
- {{ Cssxref("::marker") }} {{experimental_inline}}
- {{ Cssxref("::spelling-error") }} {{experimental_inline}}
- {{ Cssxref("::grammar-error") }} {{experimental_inline}}
- Standard pseudo-classes (more info)
- {{ Cssxref(":active") }}
- {{ cssxref(':any')}}
- {{ Cssxref(":checked") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":default") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":dir", ":dir()")}}
- {{ Cssxref(":disabled") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":empty") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":enabled") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":first") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":first-child") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":first-of-type") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":fullscreen") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":focus") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":hover") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":indeterminate") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":in-range") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":invalid") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":lang", ":lang()") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":last-child") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":last-of-type") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":left") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":link") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":not", ":not()") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":nth-child", ":nth-child()") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":nth-last-child", ":nth-last-child()") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":nth-last-of-type", ":nth-last-of-type()") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":nth-of-type", ":nth-of-type()") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":only-child") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":only-of-type") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":optional") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":out-of-range") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":read-only") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":read-write") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":required") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":right") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":root") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":scope") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":target") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":valid") }}
- {{ Cssxref(":visited") }}
A complete list of selectors in the Selectors Level 3 specification.
CSS3 Tutorials
These small how-to pages describe new technologies appeared in CSS3, or in CSS2.1 but with low support until recently:
Major object types:
Important methods:
- {{domxref("CSSStyleSheet.insertRule")}}
- {{domxref("CSSStyleSheet.deleteRule")}}