--- title:
slug: Web/HTML/Element/header tags: - HTML - HTML елементи translation_of: Web/HTML/Element/header original_slug: Web/HTML/Елемент/Заголовок ---

HTML <header> елемент представляє групу вступних або навігаційних елементів. Він може містити елементи заголовків, а також інші елементи, такі як логотип, форма пошуку та інше.

Content categories Flow content, palpable content.
Permitted content Flow content, but with no <header> or {{HTMLElement("footer")}} descendant.
Tag omission {{no_tag_omission}}
Permitted parents Any element that accepts flow content. Note that a <header> element must not be a descendant of an {{HTMLElement("address")}}, {{HTMLElement("footer")}} or another {{HTMLElement("header")}} element.
Permitted ARIA roles {{ARIARole("group")}}, {{ARIARole("presentation")}}
DOM interface {{domxref("HTMLElement")}}

Зауваження до використання

The <header> element is not sectioning content and therefore does not introduce a new section in the outline. That said, a header element is intended to usually contain the surrounding section's heading (an h1h6 element), but this is not required.


This element only includes the global attributes.


  <h1>Main Page Title</h1>
  <img src="mdn-logo-sm.png" alt="MDN logo">

Main Page Title



Specification Status Comment
{{SpecName('HTML WHATWG', 'semantics.html#the-header-element', '<header>')}} {{Spec2('HTML WHATWG')}}  
{{SpecName('HTML5 W3C', 'sections.html#the-header-element', '<header>')}} {{Spec2('HTML5 W3C')}}  

Browser compatibility


Feature Chrome Edge Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support 5 {{CompatVersionUnknown}} {{CompatGeckoDesktop("2.0")}} 9.0 11.10 4.1
Feature Android Edge Firefox Mobile (Gecko) IE Mobile Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
Basic support 2.2 {{CompatVersionUnknown}} {{CompatGeckoMobile("2.0")}} 9.0 11.0 5.0

See also