--- title: ':-moz-placeholder' slug: conflicting/Web/CSS/:placeholder-shown tags: - CSS - CSS Pseudo-class - CSS Reference - Non-standard translation_of: Web/CSS/:placeholder-shown translation_of_original: Web/CSS/:-moz-placeholder original_slug: Web/CSS/:-moz-placeholder ---
在Firefox 19+版本中 :-moz-placeholder
伪类将被 {{ cssxref('::-moz-placeholder') }} 伪元素所替代.:placeholder-shown
. This functionality will be reintroduced in Gecko at some point in the future, unprefixed and under the new name. {{bug(1069012)}}{{ CSSRef() }}{{Non-standard_header}}{{ gecko_minversion_header("2.0") }}
伪类控制元素所显示的文字占位符文字占位符. 它允许开发者/设计师改变文字占位符样式. 默认的文字占位符颜色为浅灰色,当你的表单背景色为类似的颜色时它可能效果并不是很明显,那么你就可以使用这个伪类来改变文字占位符的颜色.
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>Placeholder demo</title> <style type="text/css"> input:-moz-placeholder { color: green; } </style> </head> <body> <input id="test" placeholder="Placeholder text!"> </body> </html>
在手机等设备上搜索框和表单字段经常会缩的很短,有时输入框并不能完全显示文字占位符,那么它便会被生硬的"切断".为了防止出现这种难看的效果,可以使用CSS text-overflow: ellipsis;
input[placeholder] { text-overflow: ellipsis; } ::-moz-placeholder { text-overflow: ellipsis; } /* firefox 19+ */ input:-moz-placeholder { text-overflow: ellipsis; }
It was David Walsh, the man on fire who introduced this to a lot of designers. Placeholders and Overflow.
{{ Bug(457801) }}