--- title: 3D 碰撞检测 slug: Games/Techniques/3D_collision_detection translation_of: Games/Techniques/3D_collision_detection ---
本文介绍了用于在3D环境中实现不同边界体积碰撞检测的技术。 后续文章将讨论特定3D库中的实现。
在游戏中,为了简化物体之间的碰撞检测运算,通常会对物体创建一个规则的几何外形将其包围。其中,AABB(axis-aligned bounding box)包围盒被称为轴对齐包围盒。
Note: 参考这里,使用Three.js进行边界体积碰撞检测。
如果检测到一个点是否在AABB内部就非常简单了 — 我们只需要检查这个点的坐标是否在AABB内; 分别考虑到每种坐标轴. 如果假设 Px, Py 和 Pz 是点的坐标, BminX–BmaxX, BminY–BmaxY, 和 BminZ–BmaxZ 是AABB的每一个坐标轴的范围, 我们可以使用以下公式计算两者之间的碰撞是否发生:
function isPointInsideAABB(point, box) { return (point.x >= box.minX && point.x <= box.maxX) && (point.y >= box.minY && point.y <= box.maxY) && (point.z >= box.minY && point.z <= box.maxZ); }
检查一个AABB是否和另一个AABB相交类似于检测两个点一样. 我们只需要基于每一条坐标轴并利用盒子的边缘去检测. 下图显示了我们基于 X 轴的检测 — 当然, AminX–AmaxX 和 BminX–BmaxX 会不会重叠?
function intersect(a, b) { return (a.minX <= b.maxX && a.maxX >= b.minX) && (a.minY <= b.maxY && a.maxY >= b.minY) && (a.minZ <= b.maxZ && a.maxZ >= b.minZ); }
function isPointInsideSphere(point, sphere) { // we are using multiplications because is faster than calling Math.pow var distance = Math.sqrt((point.x - sphere.x) * (point.x - sphere.x) + (point.y - sphere.y) * (point.y - sphere.y) + (point.z - sphere.z) * (point.z - sphere.z)); return distance < sphere.radius; }
上面的代码有一个平方根,是一个开销昂贵的计算。一个简单的优化,以避免它由半径平方,所以优化方程不涉及distance < sphere.radius * sphere.radius
function intersect(sphere, other) { // we are using multiplications because it's faster than calling Math.pow var distance = Math.sqrt((sphere.x - other.x) * (sphere.x - other.x) + (sphere.y - other.y) * (sphere.y - other.y) + (sphere.z - other.z) * (sphere.z - other.z)); return distance < (sphere.radius + other.radius); } }
在 JavaScript, 我们可以像这样子做:
function intersect(sphere, box) { // get box closest point to sphere center by clamping var x = Math.max(box.minX, Math.min(sphere.x, box.maxX)); var y = Math.max(box.minY, Math.min(sphere.y, box.maxY)); var z = Math.max(box.minZ, Math.min(sphere.z, box.maxZ)); // this is the same as isPointInsideSphere var distance = Math.sqrt((x - sphere.x) * (x - sphere.x) + (y - sphere.y) * (y - sphere.y) + (z - sphere.z) * (z - sphere.z)); return distance < sphere.radius; }
3D physics engines provide collision detection algorithms, most of them based on bounding volumes as well. The way a physics engine works is by creating a physical body, usually attached to a visual representation of it. This body has properties such as velocity, position, rotation, torque, etc., and also a physical shape. This shape is the one that is considered in the collision detection calculations.
We have prepared a live collision detection demo (with source code) that you can take a look at to see such techniques in action — this uses the open-source 3D physics engine cannon.js.
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