--- title: CSS 常见问题 slug: Learn/CSS/Howto/CSS_FAQ translation_of: Learn/CSS/Howto/CSS_FAQ original_slug: Web/CSS/Common_CSS_Questions ---
基于Gecko的浏览器, 有三分之一 Almost Standards Mode, 只有一些小怪癖。
<!DOCTYPE html> /* 这一行是 HTML5 的 doctype 声明。,使用该声明会使现代浏览器使用 HTML5 解析器处理页面,这是推荐的 doctype 声明。*/ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
HTML元素可以拥有一个id/或class属性。 id属性为元素指定应用一个有效名称,只能有一个具有该名称的元素。class属性指定一个类名的元素,而这个名称可以被页面内的许多元素被使用。 CSS允许你可以对特定的id和/或类名的元素应用样式。
较少样式的样式表通常性能更高。因此建议尽可能多地使用类, 保留id作为特定用途 (比如链接label标签和form元素或者为语义上唯一的元素应用样式)。
与CSS2相比,已经发生了改变。 关键字 initial 现在是一个有效的CSS属性。它将给定的CSS属性值重置为默认值。
CSS 不允许这样做。(See Eric Meyer's note about the Working Group's stance). 但是,将多个类分配给单个元素,可以提供相同的效果。
<style type="text/css"> .news { background: black; color: white; } .today { font-weight: bold; } </style> <div class="news today"> ... content of today's news ... </div>
在语法上正确的样式规则可能在某些情况下不适用。你可以使用 DOM Inspector's CSS Style Rules 调试这类问题。 下面列出了最常见的忽略样式规则的实例:
The way CSS styles are applied to HTML elements depends also on the elements hierarchy. It is important to remember that a rule applied to a descendent overrides the style of the parent, in spite of any specificity or priority of CSS rules.
.news { color: black; } .corpName { font-weight: bold; color: red; } <!-- news item text is black, but corporate name is red and in bold --> <div class="news"> (Reuters) <span class="corpName">General Electric</span> (GE.NYS) announced on Thursday... </div>
In case of complex HTML hierarchies, if a rule seems to be ignored, check if the element is inside another element with a different style.
In CSS stylesheets, order is important. If you define a rule and then you re-define the same rule, the last definition is used.
#stockTicker { font-weight: bold; } .stockSymbol { color: red; } /* other rules */ /* other rules */ /* other rules */ .stockSymbol { font-weight: normal; } <!-- most text is in bold, except "GE", which is red and not bold --> <div id="stockTicker"> NYS: <span class="stockSymbol">GE</span> +1.0 ... </div>
To avoid this kind of error, try to define rules only once for a certain selector, and group all rules belonging to that selector.
Using shorthand properties for defining style rules is good because it uses a very compact syntax. Using shorthand with only some attributes is possible and correct, but it must be remembered that undeclared attributes are automatically reset to default. This means that a previous rule for a single attribute could be implicitly overridden.
#stockTicker { font-size: 12px; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; } .stockSymbol { font: 14px Arial; color: red; } <div id="stockTicker"> NYS: <span class="stockSymbol">GE</span> +1.0 ... </div>
In the previous example the problem occurred on rules belonging to different elements, but it could happen also for the same element, because rule order is important.
#stockTicker { font-weight: bold; font: 12px Verdana; /* font-weight is now normal */ }
选择器The *
wildcard selector refers to any element, and it has to be used with particular care.
body * { font-weight: normal; } #stockTicker { font: 12px Verdana; } .corpName { font-weight: bold; } .stockUp { color: red; } <div id="section"> NYS: <span class="corpName"><span class="stockUp">GE</span></span> +1.0 ... </div>
In this example the body *
selector applies the rule to all elements inside body, at any hierarchy level, including the .stockUp class. So font-weight: bold;
applied to the .corpName class is overridden by font-weight: normal;
applied to all elements in the body.
The use of the * selector should be minimized as it is a slow selector, especially when not used as the first element of a selector. Its use should be avoided as much as possible.
When multiples rules apply to a certain element, the rule chosen depends on its style specificity. Inline style (in HTML style
attributes) comes first, followed by ID selectors, then class selectors and eventually element-name selectors.
div { color: black; } #orange { color: orange; } .green { color: green; } <div id="orange" class="green" style="color: red;">This is red</div>
The rules are more complicated when the selector has multiple parts. More detailed information about how selector specificity is calculated can be found in the CSS 2.1 Specification chapter 6.4.3
The use of such properties on production websites is not recommended. If nevertheless needed, you are hinted to make a plan for the website evolution: these prefixed properties can be modified or even suppressed when the standard evolve.
Please see the Mozilla CSS Extensions page for more information on the Mozilla-prefixed CSS properties.
z-index只会在有着指定position (position:absolute
, position:relative
, or position:fixed