--- title: 'Django Tutorial Part 3: 使用模型' slug: learn/Server-side/Django/Models translation_of: Learn/Server-side/Django/Models ---
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Prerequisites: Django Tutorial Part 2: Creating a skeleton website.
Objective: 能够设计并创建你自己的数据模型,并为其合适地选择域。



这个教程展示了如何定义并访问 LocalLibrary website 的模型。






一旦我们决定了模型和域,我们需要考虑他们的关系。Django允许你定义一对一 (OneToOneField),一对多(ForeignKey)和多对多(ManyToManyField)的关系。(译者注:此处我们以关系型数据库为基准,如果采用NoSQL,如MangoDB则无法如此考虑)

思考着以上内容,以下的UML关系表显示了我们在该例子里定义的模型。如上所述哦,我们已经为书籍(大概的细节),书籍实例(物理副本是否可获取状态)和作者创建了模型。我们也决定了为流派而创建的模型,所以变量值可以通过管理界面获取。此外,我们决定了不创建 BookInstance:status的模型——我们已经硬编码了这个值(LOAN_STATUS)因为我们不期望这些被改变。通过每个方框你可以看到模型名字,值域名和类型,还有方法和返回的类型。

这个图表也显示了模型之间的关系, including their multiplicities. 这些在图表里每个模型边上的数字(最大和最小)显示了他们的关系。 例如,链接Book和Genre两个盒子的线表示它们是关联的。 靠近Book模型的数字显示一本书必须有一个或多个Genre(要多少有多少),然而另一端靠近Genre的数字显示了它可以有零或无数本相关的书籍。

LocalLibrary Model UML - v3

Note: 下一部分提供了基本的关于模型如何被定义和使用的解释。边阅读,边考虑以下我们是如何根据以上的图标构建数据库内的模型的。

Model primer

This section provides a brief overview of how a model is defined and some of the more important fields and field arguments.

Model definition

Models are usually defined in an application's models.py file. They are implemented as subclasses of django.db.models.Model, and can include fields, methods and metadata. The code fragment below shows a "typical" model, named MyModelName:

from django.db import models

class MyModelName(models.Model):
    A typical class defining a model, derived from the Model class.

    # Fields
    my_field_name = models.CharField(max_length=20, help_text="Enter field documentation")

    # Metadata
    class Meta:
        ordering = ["-my_field_name"]

    # Methods
    def get_absolute_url(self):
         Returns the url to access a particular instance of MyModelName.
         return reverse('model-detail-view', args=[str(self.id)])

    def __str__(self):
        String for representing the MyModelName object (in Admin site etc.)
        return self.field_name

In the below sections we'll explore each of the features inside the model in detail:


my_field_name = models.CharField(max_length=20, help_text="Enter field documentation")



字段名称用于在视图和模版中引用它。字段还有一个标签,它被指定一个参数(verbose_name),或者通过大写字段的变量名的第一个字母,并用空格替换下划线(例如my_field_name的默认标签为My field name )。


Common field arguments



Common field types


还有许多其他类型的字段,包括不同类型数字的字段(大整数,小整数,浮点数),布林值,URLs,唯一ids和其他“时间相关”的信息(持续时间,时间等)。你可以查阅完整列表  .


你可以通过宣告 class Meta 来宣告模型级别的元数据,如图所示:

class Meta:
    ordering = ['-my_field_name']



ordering = ['title', '-pubdate']


另一个常见的属性是  verbose_name,一个  verbose_name说明单数和复数形式的类别。

verbose_name = 'BetterName'



完整有用的元数据选项在这里Model metadata options  (Django docs).



最起码,在每个模型中,你应该定义标准的Python类方法__str__() 来为每个物件返回一个人类可读的字符串此字符用于表示管理站点的各个记录(以及你需要引用模型实例的任何其他位置)。通常这将返回模型中的标题或名称字段。

def __str__(self):
    return self.field_name

Django方法中另一个常用方法是 get_absolute_url() ,这函数返回一个在网站上显示个人模型记录的URL(如果你定义了该方法,那么Django将自动在“管理站点”中添加“在站点中查看“按钮在模型的记录编辑栏)。get_absolute_url()的典型示例如下:

def get_absolute_url(self):
    """Returns the url to access a particular instance of the model."""
    return reverse('model-detail-view', args=[str(self.id)])

注意  :假设你将使用URL /myapplication/mymodelname/2 来显示模型的单个记录(其中“2”是id特定记录),则需要创建一个URL映射器来将响应和id传递给“模型详细视图” (这将做出显示记录所需的工作)。以上示例中,reverse()函数可以“反转”你的url映射器(在上诉命名为“model-detail-view”的案例中,以创建正确格式的URL。



Model management



要创建一个记录,你可以定义一个模型实例,然后呼叫  save()

# Create a new record using the model's constructor.
a_record = MyModelName(my_field_name="Instance #1")

# Save the object into the database.



# Access model field values using Python attributes.
print(a_record.id) #should return 1 for the first record.
print(a_record.my_field_name) # should print 'Instance #1'

# Change record by modifying the fields, then calling save().
a_record.my_field_name="New Instance Name"


你可以使用模型的  objects 属性(由base class提供)搜寻符合某个条件的纪录

Note: 要用"抽象的"模型还有栏位说明怎么搜寻纪录可能会有点令人困惑。我们会以一个Book模型,其包含titlegenre字段,而genre也是一个仅有name一个字段的模型。

我们可以取得一个模型的所有纪录,为一个  QuerySet 使用objects.all()。 QuerySet 是一个可迭代的物件,表示他含有多个物件,而我们可以藉由迭代/回圈取得每个物件。

all_books = Book.objects.all()

Django的  filter()方法让我们可以透过符合特定文字或数值的字段筛选回传的QuerySet例如筛选书名里有"wild"的书并且计算总数,如下面所示。

wild_books = Book.objects.filter(title__contains='wild')
number_wild_books = Book.objects.filter(title__contains='wild').count()

要比对的字段与比对方法都要被定义在筛选的参数名称里,并且使用这个格式:比對字段__比對方法 (请注意上方范例中的  title 与  contains 中间隔了两个底线唷)。在上面我们使用大小写区分的方式比对title还有很多比对方式可以使用:  icontains(不区分大小写), iexact(不大小写区分且完全符合), exact(区分大小写但完全符合)还有  ingt(大于), startswith,之类的。全部的用法在这里。

有时候你会须要透过某个一对多的字段来筛选(例如一个  外鍵)。这样的状况下,你可以使用两个底线来指定相关模型的字段。例如透过某个特定的genre名称筛选书籍,如下所示:

books_containing_genre = Book.objects.filter(genre__name__icontains='fiction')  # Will match on: Fiction, Science fiction, non-fiction etc.

Note: 你可以用下划线来表示不同关系 (ForeignKey/ManyToManyField) .例如,一本书有不同的类型,用“cover“关系可能会帮助起一个参数名字 type__cover__name__exact='hard'.

还有很多是你可以用索引(queries)来做的,包含从相关的模型做向后查询(backwards searches)、连锁过滤器(chaining filters)、回传「值的小集合」等。更多资讯可以到  Making queries (Django Docs)查询。

Defining the LocalLibrary Models

In this section we will start defining the models for the library. Open models.py (in /locallibrary/catalog/). The boilerplate at the top of the page imports the models module, which contains the model base class models.Model that our models will inherit from.

from django.db import models

# Create your models here.

Genre model

Copy the Genre model code shown below and paste it into the bottom of your models.py file. This model is used to store information about the book category — for example whether it is fiction or non-fiction, romance or military history, etc. As mentioned above, we've created the Genre as a model rather than as free text or a selection list so that the possible values can be managed through the database rather than being hard coded.

class Genre(models.Model):
    Model representing a book genre (e.g. Science Fiction, Non Fiction).
    name = models.CharField(max_length=200, help_text="Enter a book genre (e.g. Science Fiction, French Poetry etc.)")

    def __str__(self):
        String for representing the Model object (in Admin site etc.)
        return self.name

The model has a single CharField field (name), which is used to describe the genre (this is limited to 200 characters and has some help_text. At the end of the model we declare a __str__() method, which simply returns the name of the genre defined by a particular record. No verbose name has been defined, so the field will be called Name in forms.

Book model

Copy the Book model below and again paste it into the bottom of your file. The book model represents all information about an available book in a general sense, but not a particular physical "instance" or "copy" available for loan. The model uses a CharField to represent the book's title and isbn (note how the isbn specifies its label as "ISBN" using the first unnamed parameter because the default label would otherwise be "Isbn"). The model uses TextField for the summary, because this text may need to be quite long.

from django.urls import reverse #Used to generate URLs by reversing the URL patterns

class Book(models.Model):
    Model representing a book (but not a specific copy of a book).
    title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    author = models.ForeignKey('Author', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True)
    # Foreign Key used because book can only have one author, but authors can have multiple books
    # Author as a string rather than object because it hasn't been declared yet in the file.
    summary = models.TextField(max_length=1000, help_text="Enter a brief description of the book")
    isbn = models.CharField('ISBN',max_length=13, help_text='13 Character <a href="https://www.isbn-international.org/content/what-isbn">ISBN number</a>')
    genre = models.ManyToManyField(Genre, help_text="Select a genre for this book")
    # ManyToManyField used because genre can contain many books. Books can cover many genres.
    # Genre class has already been defined so we can specify the object above.

    def __str__(self):
        String for representing the Model object.
        return self.title

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        Returns the url to access a particular book instance.
        return reverse('book-detail', args=[str(self.id)])

The genre is a ManyToManyField, so that a book can have multiple genres and a genre can have many books. The author is declared as ForeignKey, so each book will only have one author, but an author may have many books (in practice a book might have multiple authors, but not in this implementation!)

In both field types the related model class is declared as the first unnamed parameter using either the model class or a string containing the name of the related model. You must use the name of the model as a string if the associated class has not yet been defined in this file before it is referenced! The other parameters of interest in the author field are null=True, which allows the database to store a Null value if no author is selected, and on_delete=models.SET_NULL, which will set the value of the author to Null if the associated author record is deleted.

The model also defines __str__() , using the book's title field to represent a Book record. The final method, get_absolute_url() returns a URL that can be used to access a detail record for this model (for this to work we will have to define a URL mapping that has the name book-detail, and define an associated view and template).

BookInstance model

Next, copy the BookInstance model (shown below) under the other models. The BookInstance represents a specific copy of a book that someone might borrow, and includes information about whether the copy is available or on what date it is expected back, "imprint" or version details, and a unique id for the book in the library.

Some of the fields and methods will now be familiar. The model uses

import uuid # Required for unique book instances

class BookInstance(models.Model):
    Model representing a specific copy of a book (i.e. that can be borrowed from the library).
    id = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, help_text="Unique ID for this particular book across whole library")
    book = models.ForeignKey('Book', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True)
    imprint = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    due_back = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True)

        ('m', 'Maintenance'),
        ('o', 'On loan'),
        ('a', 'Available'),
        ('r', 'Reserved'),

    status = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=LOAN_STATUS, blank=True, default='m', help_text='Book availability')

    class Meta:
        ordering = ["due_back"]

    def __str__(self):
        String for representing the Model object
        return '%s (%s)' % (self.id,self.book.title)

We additionally declare a few new types of field:

The model __str__() represents the BookInstance object using a combination of its unique id and the associated Book's title.

Note: A little Python:

Author model

Copy the Author model (shown below) underneath the existing code in models.py.

All of the fields/methods should now be familiar. The model defines an author as having a first name, last name, date of birth, and (optional) date of death. It specifies that by default the __str__() returns the name in last name, firstname order. The get_absolute_url() method reverses the author-detail URL mapping to get the URL for displaying an individual author.

class Author(models.Model):
    Model representing an author.
    first_name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    last_name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    date_of_birth = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True)
    date_of_death = models.DateField('Died', null=True, blank=True)

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        Returns the url to access a particular author instance.
        return reverse('author-detail', args=[str(self.id)])

    def __str__(self):
        String for representing the Model object.
        return '%s, %s' % (self.last_name, self.first_name)

Re-run the database migrations

All your models have now been created. Now re-run your database migrations to add them to your database.

python3 manage.py makemigrations
python3 manage.py migrate

Language model — challenge

Imagine a local benefactor donates a number of new books written in another language (say, Farsi). The challenge is to work out how these would be best represented in our library website, and then to add them to the models.

Some things to consider:

After you've decided, add the field. You can see what we decided on Github here.


In this article we've learned how models are defined, and then used this information to design and implement appropriate models for the LocalLibrary website.

At this point we'll divert briefly from creating the site, and check out the Django Administration site. This site will allow us to add some data to the library, which we can then display using our (yet to be created) views and templates.

See also

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