--- title: 如何带着SEO的思维将MDN的Web文档写的更符合搜索引擎展现 slug: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Write_for_SEO tags: - MDN内容贡献 - MDN搜索优化 - MDN搜索引擎优化 - MDN文档 - MDN的SEO优化 - SEO - 搜索引擎优化 translation_of: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Write_for_SEO ---
{{IncludeSubnav("/zh-CN/docs/MDN")}}{{draft("为了更好的将MDN的文档符合SEO要求,我们在此提供了一些提升MDN搜索引擎优化的技术建议。本文是由MDN的志愿者们整理翻译完成的。 ")}}






目前我们刚开始了改进MDN文档在搜索引擎优化({{Glossary("SEO")}}) 的长期项目的初期阶段。 我们最近完成了一系列小规模实验来测试能提升SEO的方法,并确定哪些内容能够作为SEO指南提供给我们的贡献者们。


SEO 要点

The following is a list of things you should check while writing and reviewing content to help ensure that the page and its neighbors will be indexed properly by search engines.


Each article should be as unique as possible. Articles that look similar to one another textually will wind up being considered to be about roughly the same thing, even if they aren't. For example, if an interface has the properties width and height, it's easy for the text to be surprisingly similar, with just a few words swapped out, and using the same example. This makes it hard for search engines to know which is which, and they wind up sharing page rank, resulting in both being harder to find than they ought to be.

Understandably, writers confronted with two related properties like width and height (or any other set of functionally related features) are tempted to write the article on width, then copy that article and paste it into the one on height, replacing a few words. Done!

Unfortunately, the result is two pages that, as far as search engines are concerned, may as well be the same thing.

It's important, then, to ensure that every page has its own content. Here are some suggestions to help you accomplish that:

The easiest way to avoid being overly similar is of course to write each article from scratch if time allows.


如果文章过短,那么搜索引擎可能会难以甚至无法对其建立关键字索引。一般来说,文章的主体内容应该至少包含 250-300 个单词。但是也不要对内容确实很少的文章进行刻意的扩充,在可能的情况下尽量遵守该指导原则即可。

See also