--- title: 兼容性表格 slug: MDN/Structures/Compatibility_tables tags: - MDN Meta - 兼容性表格 - 指南 - 浏览器兼容性 translation_of: MDN/Structures/Compatibility_tables ---
MDN 为我们的开放网页文档提供了兼容性表格的标准格式; 它是对比所有浏览器之间,包含 DOM,HTML,CSS,JavaScript,SVG 等技术的文档。本文将介绍如何使用我们的功能将兼容性数据添加到MDN页面。
重要: 数据的生成方式已经发生了变更。过去,我们的表格直接嵌入在页面中,而且数据是手动填写的。这样效率很低,难以维护,而且使得数据不够灵活,不便更新。所以我们正在把我们的兼容性表格迁移到一个数据 repo 中(https://github.com/mdn/browser-compat-data)并且改为使用程序化的方式生成它。
本指南中,我们撰写了关于如何向 MDN 添加新的兼容性数据的文档,但是我们仍然保留了旧的方法来保证旧文档的兼容性表格可用:正如你所见,手动输入的表格依然存在于 MDN 上。如果你有必要使用旧方法的话,可以参考这篇文章:Old compatibility tables。
数据存储在一个 GitHub repo 中,到 https://github.com/mdn/browser-compat-data 查看。想要访问它,你必须拥有一个 GitHub 账号,fork浏览器兼容数据仓库到你自己的账户,然后克隆你的fork到你的本地机器。
首先,确定一下你想为何种 Web 技术贡献兼容性数据。可以是一个 HTML 元素、CSS 属性、JS 语法或者 JS API 接口。我们鼓励您贡献 API 接口的数据, 因为已经有人在贡献 HTML、JS 和 CSS 的数据了。你可以在表格 Browser Compat Data migration 中查看各个需要添加兼容性数据的 Web 技术的数据状态。
在添加新数据之前,你应该保证您的 fork 是主 repo 的最新版本(它们应包含相同的内容)。在您的 fork 里添加一个包含您的更改的分支,然后把它pull到您本地的仓库,这样你就可以开始贡献了:
在您的终端或命令行中进入您的fork的本地仓库,用以下命令将(服务器上的)主 repo 添加到远端服务器列表中(您只需执行以下命令一次):
git remote add upstream https://github.com/mdn/browser-compat-data.git
如果您不确定自己是否做到了这一点, 您可以检查您仓库已经在用的远端服务器列表:
git remote -v
git checkout master
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master
将来自主 repo 的更新 push 回您自己的 repo 中:
git push -f
举个例子,如果您想补充WebVR API的信息,您可以创建一个名为“webvr”的分支.
git pull
git checkout -b name-of-branch
或 InternalError.json
,等等。注意:您会留意到,该仓库还包含了浏览器拓展和HTTP的数据。These data sets are basically finished as they stand, but more features may need to be added in the future.
{ "css": { "properties": { "border-width": { "__compat": { ... } } } } }
以上的数据能在 browser-width.json 文件中找到——可将这与 MDN上渲染后的浏览器兼容性 相比较。
. 请以 cue.json 作为参考示例。html.elements
;请以 Array.json 作为参考示例。在一个HTML、CSS和JS页面中,通常您只需要有一个特性。API则有些不同——它们总是包含多个子特性 (参见下边的 {{anch("Sub-features")}})。
: MDN上这个特性的页面的URL。注意,这个URL不可以带上本地化文件夹名称,例如:是 /docs/...
而不是 /docs/en-US/...
: 所有不同浏览器对这个特性的浏览器支持的信息。status
: Contains members reporting the standards track status of this feature.浏览器成员名称在架构里被定义(参见 浏览器标识符)。你应该使用现有定义的标识符的完整列表。如果你希望添加其他浏览器,请先联系我们,因为这可能会产生广泛的影响,不应该在未经认真考虑就这么做。
在一个基本的浏览器兼容数据文件中,你只需要在浏览器标识符成员仲包含"version_added" (以下我们会说到{{anch("Advanced cases")}})。其他你可能使用的值还包括:
: 如果一个浏览器支持这个特性,但你不知道准确的版本号,取值用true
: 如果一个浏览器支持这个特性,取值用 false
: 如果一个浏览器支持这个特性,取值用 null
。在 status
: 如果这个特性是试验性的,取值为 true
,否则为 false
: 如果这个特性是个在某些规范里的标准的属性(最常见的是W3C/WHATWG,但有其他规范如Khronos或TC39等),取值为true
,否则为 false
: 如果这个特性已经过时,取值为true
,否则为 false
。作为例子,以下是 border-width 特性的数据 (参见 border-width.json) :
"__compat": { "mdn_url": "https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/border-width", "support": { "chrome": { "version_added": "1" }, "webview_android": { "version_added": "2" }, "edge": { "version_added": true }, "edge_mobile": { "version_added": true }, "firefox": { "version_added": "1" }, "firefox_android": { "version_added": "1" }, "ie": { "version_added": "4" }, "ie_mobile": { "version_added": "6" }, "opera": { "version_added": "3.5" }, "opera_android": { "version_added": "11" }, "safari": { "version_added": "1" }, "safari_ios": { "version_added": "3" } }, "status": { "experimental": false, "standard_track": true, "deprecated": false } }
There is a fourth, optional, member that can go inside the __compat member — description
. This can be used to include a human-readable description of the feature. You should only include this if it is hard to see what the feature is from glancing at the data. For example, it might not be that obvious what a constructor is from looking at the data structure, so you can include a description like so:
{ "api": { "AbortController": { "__compat": { ... }, "AbortController": { "__compat": { "mdn_url": "https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/AbortController/AbortController", "description": "<code>AbortController()</code> constructor", "support": { ... } } } ... etc. } } }
In a page where the compat table has more than one row, you'll need multiple subfeatures inside each feature to define the information for each row. This can happen, for example, when you've got the basic support for a feature stored in one row, but then the feature also has a new property or value type that was addded much later in the specification's life and is only supported in a couple of browsers.
As an example, see the compat data and corresponding MDN page for the background-color
property. The basic support exists inside the __compat
object as explained above, then you have an additional row for browsers' support for "alpha channel for hex values", which contains its own __compat
{ "css": { "properties": { "background-color": { "__compat": { ... }, "alpha_ch_for_hex": { "__compat": { ... }, } } } } }
For an API, you've got the top two levels defined as api.name-of-the-interface
, then a top-level __compat
section to define the overall browser compatibility of the interface, then a sub-feature for each of the methods, properties, and constructors contained inside the interface. The basic structure looks like this:
{ "api": { "VRDisplay": { "__compat": { ... }, "cancelAnimationFrame": { "__compat": { ... } }, "capabilities": { "__compat": { ... } }, ... etc. } } }
See VRDisplay.json for a full example.
There are some advanced features that you'll want to include in browser compat data. The aim of this section is to list the most common ones, providing an example of each to show how you can implement them in your own compat data.
Often compat tables will include footnotes related to certain entries that explain useful details or strange behavior that developers will find useful. As an example, the Chrome Android entry for {{domxref("VRDisplay.capabilities")}} (see also VRDisplay.json) (at the time of writing) had a footnote "Currently supported only by Google Daydream." To include this in the capabilities data, we added a "notes" submember inside the relevant "chrome_android" submember; it would look like this:
"chrome_android": { "version_added": true, "notes": "Currently supported only by Google Daydream." }
If a feature is supported behind a vendor prefix in one or more browsers, you'll want to make that clear in the browser compat data. 例如您可能有一个特性在Firefox浏览器中要用-moz-
"firefox": { "version_added": true, "prefix": "-moz-" }
Some features may be supported in a browser, but they are experimental and turned off by default. If a user wants to play with this feature they need to turn it on using a preference/flag.
To represent this in the compat data, you need to add the "flags" submember inside the relevant browser identifier submember. The value of "flags" is an array of objects each of which contains of three members:
in Firefox, or chrome://flags
in Chrome), but you might also sometimes use a value of "compile_flag", which is a preference set when the browser build is compiled.chrome://flags
.So to add a preference/flag to the Chrome support for a feature, you'd do something like this:
"chrome": { "version_added": "50", "flags": [ { "type": "preference", "name": "Enable Experimental Web Platform Features", "value_to_set": "true" } ] },
If a feature is behind two or more flags, you can add additional objects to the "flags" array, like in this case, for example:
"firefox": { "version_added": "57", "flags": [ { "type": "preference", "name": "dom.streams.enabled", "value_to_set": "true" }, { "type": "preference", "name": "javascript.options.streams", "value_to_set": "true" } ] },
"firefox": { "version_added": "35", "version_removed": "47", },
Sometimes you'll want to add multiple support data points for the same browser inside the same feature.
As an example, the {{cssxref("text-align-last")}} property (see also text-align-last.json) was added to Chrome in version 35, supported behind a pref.
The support mentioned above was then removed in version 47; also in version 47, support was added for text-align-last
enabled by default.
To include both of these data points, you can make the value of the "chrome" submember an array containing two support information objects, rather than just a single support information object:
"chrome": [ { "version_added": "47" }, { "version_added": "35", "version_removed": "47", "flags": [ { "type": "preference", "name": "Enable Experimental Web Platform Features", "value_to_set": "true" } ] } ],
Note: You should put the most current or important support point first in the array — this makes the data easier to read for people who just want to scan it for the latest info.
Occasionally browsers will support a feature under a different name to the name defined in its specification. This might be for example because a browser added experimental support for a feature early, and then the name changed before the spec stabilized.
To include such a case in the browser compat data, you can include a support information point that specifies the alternative name inside an "alternative_name" member.
Note: The alternative name might not be an exact alias — it might have differing behaviour to the standard version.
Let's look at an example. The {{cssxref("border-top-right-radius")}} property (see also border-top-right-radius.json) was supported in Firefox:
prefix, for browser compatibility purposes.-moz-border-radius-topright
. Support for this alias was removed in version 12.To represent this in the data, we used the following JSON:
"firefox": [ { "version_added": "4", "notes": "Prior to Firefox 50.0, border styles of rounded corners were always rendered as if <code>border-style</code> was solid. This has been fixed in Firefox 50.0." }, { "prefix": "-webkit-", "version_added": "49", "notes": "From Firefox 44 to 48, the <code>-webkit-</code> prefix was available with the <code>layout.css.prefixes.webkit</code> preference. Starting with Firefox 49, the preference defaults to <code>true</code>." }, { "alternative_name": "-moz-border-radius-topright", "version_added": "1", "version_removed": "12" } ],
npm run lint
— 测试所有兼容性数据以确保JSON的格式和书写风格正确,例如正确的缩进和没有遗漏逗号等等。该命令会打印出一个很长的文件名和测试结果的列表;if an error is found, the linter will throw an error on the file it is found in, giving you useful debugging info like line number, error message, etc.npm run show-errors
— validates the JSON against the data schema, and highlights errors such as invalid browser version numbers being used.npm run render 'dotted.path.to.feature'
— allows you to preview the markup for the compat table for a data file in the repo. As an example, npm run render 'css.properties.background'
shows the table markup for the {{cssxref("background")}} property.If it is looking OK, you then need to commit it and push it back up to your remote fork on GitHub. You can do this easily with terminal commands like this:
git add . git commit -m 'adding compat data for name-of-feature' git push
Now go to your remote fork (i.e. https://github.com/your-username/browser-compat-data
) and you should see information about your push at the top of the files list (under "Your recently pushed branches"). You can create a pull request (starting the process of pushing this to the main repo) by pressing the "Compare & pull request" button, then following the simple prompts on the subsequent screen.
At this point, you just need to wait. A reviewer will review your pull request, and merge it with the main repo, OR request that you make changes. If changes are needed, make the changes and submit again until the PR is accepted.
Once your new data has been included in the main repo, you can start dynamically generating browser compat tables based on that data on MDN pages using the \{{Compat}} macro. This takes a single parameter, the dot notation required to walk down the JSON data and find the object representing the feature you want to generate the compat table for.
Above the macro call, to help other contributors finding their way, you should add a hidden text that is only visible in MDN contributors in edit mode:
<div class="hidden"> <p>此页面上的兼容性表格由结构化数据生成。如果你想贡献数据,可以看看 <a href="https://github.com/mdn/browser-compat-data">https://github.com/mdn/browser-compat-data</a>并向我们发送 pull request.</p> </div>
As an example, on the {{httpheader("Accept-Charset")}} HTTP header page, the macro call looks like this: \{{Compat("http.headers.Accept-Charset")}}. If you look at the accept-charset.json file in the repo, you'll see how this is reflected in the JSON data.
As another example, The compat table for the {{domxref("VRDisplay.capabilities")}} property is generated using \{{Compat("api.VRDisplay.capabilities")}}. The macro call generates the following table (and corresponding set of notes):
注意: 文件名通常与给予JSON结构内的接口的标签相匹配,但事实并非总是如此。 当宏调用生成表时,他们遍历所有文件,直到找到相关的JSON使用,所以文件名不是关键。 说到这一点,你应该始终尽可能直观地命名它们。