--- title: 侧边栏 slug: Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/user_interface/Sidebars translation_of: Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/user_interface/Sidebars original_slug: Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/user_interface/侧边栏 ---
A sidebar is a pane that is displayed at the side of the browser window, next to the web page. The browser provides a UI that enables the user to see the currently available sidebars and to select a sidebar to display. For example, Firefox has a "View > Sidebar" menu. Only one sidebar can be shown at a time, and that sidebar will be displayed for all tabs and all browser windows.
The browser may include a number of built-in sidebars. For example, Firefox includes a sidebar for interacting with bookmarks:
Using the
manifest.json key, an extension can add its own sidebar to the browser. It will be listed alongside the built-in sidebars, and the user will be able to open it using the same mechanism as for the built-in sidebars.
可以使用函数{{WebExtAPIRef("sidebarAction.setPanel()")}}指定侧边栏仅用于指定的某个标签,使用{{WebExtAPIRef("windows.getCurrent()")}} 侧边栏知道自己属于哪一个标签。
// sidebar.js browser.windows.getCurrent({populate: true}).then((windowInfo) => { myWindowId = windowInfo.id; });
不同的窗口使用不同的侧边栏是非常有用的,这是一个实例 ,见"annotate-page" example.
侧边栏俱有和后台程序以及弹出窗口相同的API权限,在非隐藏模式下,侧边栏使用API {{WebExtAPIRef("runtime.getBackgroundPage()")}} 可以直接访问后台页面,使用 API 如{{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.sendMessage()")}} 与content scripts交互,使用API 如 {{WebExtAPIRef("runtime.sendNativeMessage()")}} 与原生应用交互。
关闭窗口或关闭侧边栏时,侧边栏文档退出。这意味着和后台页面不同,侧边栏文档不是一直住留,也不像弹出窗口,只要用户与页面交互 ,它就一直存在。
声明侧边栏,只需在manifest.json中指 定关键字 sidebar_action
并同时指定title 和 icon:
"sidebar_action": { "default_title": "My sidebar", "default_panel": "sidebar.html", "default_icon": "sidebar_icon.png" }
使用API {{WebExtAPIRef("sidebarAction")}} ,你可以用编程的方式修改title panel icon。
浏览器提供的显示侧边栏的UI中,title和icon显示给用户,如Firefox菜单栏的"View > Sidebar"
For details on how to design your sidebar's web page to match the style of Firefox, see the Photon Design System documentation.
The webextensions-examples repository on GitHub includes the annotate-page example which implements a sidebar.