--- title: menulist slug: Mozilla/Tech/XUL/menulist tags: - XUL Elements - XUL Reference translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/XUL/menulist ---
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An element that can be used for drop-down choice lists. The user may select one of the elements displayed in the menulist. The currently selected choice is displayed on the menulist element. To create the drop-down, put a menupopup inside the menulist containing the choices as menuitem elements. The command event may be used to execute code when the menulist selection changes.

More information is available in the XUL tutorial.

accesskey, crop, disableautoselect, disabled, editable, focused, image, label, oncommand, open, preference, readonly, sizetopopup, tabindex, value
accessibleType, crop, description, disableautoselect, disabled, editable, editor, image, inputField, itemCount, label, menuBoxObject, menupopup, open, selectedIndex, selectedItem, tabIndex, value
appendItem, contains, getIndexOfItem, getItemAtIndex, insertItemAt, removeAllItems, removeItemAt, select


      <menuitem label="option 1" value="1"/>
      <menuitem label="option 2" value="2"/>
      <menuitem label="option 3" value="3"/>
      <menuitem label="option 4" value="4"/>


类型: character【字符】
本属性允许为控件(元素)设定一个字符作为快捷键,这个字符应该是 label 属性文本中的一个字符。该字符将会被加下划线以重点强调,平台和主体的变换并不影响这一表现行为。 当用户点击 ALT (在其他平台上具有类似功能的键) 和这个字符对应的按键时, 控件(元素)将立刻被从窗口中的某处激活或/并且获得焦点 。虽说字符不分大小写,但是当label中存在大写字符和小写字符时,快捷键的字符将首先选择与之完全匹配的那一个,如果label中存在两个或更多的与accesskey字符相同的字符,其中的第一个字符将被加下划线。



  <label value="Enter Name" accesskey="e" control="myName"/>
  <textbox id="myName"/>
  <button label="Cancel" accesskey="n"/>
  <button label="Ok" accesskey="O"/>

See also

label attribute, acceltext attribute

Type: one of the values below
If the label of the element is too big to fit in its given space, the text will be cropped on the side specified by the crop attribute. An ellipsis will be used in place of the cropped text. If the box direction is reversed, the cropping is reversed.

Type: boolean
If this attribute is true or omitted, the selected item on the menu will update to match what the user entered in the textbox. If the text does not match any of the items in the list, the menu selection is cleared. If this attribute is false, the selection is never updated to match the text box. This attribute applies only to editable menulists.




// Disabling an element
document.getElementById('buttonRemove').setAttribute("disabled", "true");

// Enabling back an element by removing the "disabled" attribute

Firefox 3.5 note

For keyset elements, support for this attribute was added in Firefox 3.5.

Type: boolean
Indicates that the value of the menulist can be modified by typing directly into the value field. This is rendered as a textbox with a drop-down arrow beside it. The user may enter text into the textbox or select one of the choices by clicking from the drop-down.
Type: boolean
This attribute is true if the element is focused.
Type: image URL
The URL of the image to appear on the element. If this attribute is empty or left out, no image appears. The position of the image is determined by the dir and orient attributes.

Type: string
The label that will appear on the element. If this is left out, no text appears.
label 在元素上显示。如果左侧出界,则不显示任何文字。

Type: script code
This event handler is called when the command is activated. This occurs when a user selects a menu item or presses a keyboard shortcut attached to the command.
Type: boolean
For the menu type buttons, the open attribute is set to true when the menu is open. The open attribute is not present if the menu is closed.
Type: id
Connects the element to a corresponding preference. This attribute only has any effect when used inside a prefwindow. More information is available in the Preferences System article.
Type: boolean
If set to true, then the user cannot change the value of the element. However, the value may still be modified by a script.
Type: one of the values below
Indicates how the menu width and the menupopup width are determined. If the sizetopopup attribute is left out or set to none, the menu will be its preferred width and the popup may extend outside of this width, unaffected by the maximum width of the menu itself. Otherwise, the menu will size itself to at least the size of the popup. If the menu has a maximum width, the popup will also be this width.
The width of the popup will not be constrained to the size of the menu.
The preferred width of the menu label or button will be the size needed for the popup contents. This is the default value for menulists.
Both the preferred and minimum width of the menu label or button will be the same as that necessary for the menupopup.
当用户按下 "tab" 键时焦点移动到元素上的顺序。tabindex 数字越大,顺序越靠后。

Type: string
The string attribute allows you to associate a data value with an element. It is not used for any specific purpose, but you can access it with a script for your own use.


Type: integer
A value indicating the type of accessibility object for the element.

Type: string
Gets and sets the value of the crop attribute.

Type: string
Set to the description of the currently selected menuitem.
Type: boolean
Gets and sets the value of the disableautoselect attribute.
Type: boolean
Gets and sets the value of the disabled attribute.

Type: boolean
Returns true if the element is editable. Autocomplete fields are editable so this property always returns true for those.


Type: nsIEditor
A reference to the nsIEditor for editable text. This property is read only.
Type: image URL
The image associated with the currently selected item.
Type: textbox element
A reference to the textbox element used for editable menu lists. This property is read only and applies to editable menulists only.
Type: integer
Read only property holding the number of child items.
Type: string
Gets and sets the value of the label attribute.

Type: nsIMenuBoxObject
A reference to the nsIMenuBoxObject which implements the menu.
Type: menupopup element
A reference to the menupopup used by the menu or menulist. This property is read-only.
Type: boolean
Gets and sets the value of the open attribute.
Type: integer
Returns the index of the currently selected item. You may select an item by assigning its index to this property. By assigning -1 to this property, all items will be deselected.

Type: element
Holds the currently selected item. If no item is currently selected, this value will be null. You can select an item by setting this value. A select event will be sent to the element when it is changed either via this property, the selectedIndex property, or changed by the user.

Type: integer
Gets and sets the value of the tabindex attribute.

Type: string
Gets and sets the value of the value attribute.


Inherited Methods
addEventListener(), appendChild(), blur, click, cloneNode(), compareDocumentPosition, dispatchEvent(), doCommand, focus, getAttribute(), getAttributeNode(), getAttributeNodeNS(), getAttributeNS(), getBoundingClientRect(), getClientRects(), getElementsByAttribute, getElementsByAttributeNS, getElementsByClassName(), getElementsByTagName(), getElementsByTagNameNS(), getFeature(), getUserData, hasAttribute(), hasAttributeNS(), hasAttributes(), hasChildNodes(), insertBefore(), isDefaultNamespace(), isEqualNode, isSameNode, isSupported(), lookupNamespaceURI, lookupPrefix, normalize(), querySelector(), querySelectorAll(), removeAttribute(), removeAttributeNode(), removeAttributeNS(), removeChild(), removeEventListener(), replaceChild(), setAttribute(), setAttributeNode(), setAttributeNodeNS(), setAttributeNS(), setUserData

appendItem( label, value, description )
Return type: element
Creates a new menuitem element and adds it to the end of the menulist. You may optionally set a value and description. The function returns the new item.
contains( item )
Return type: boolean
Returns true if the menulist contains the specified menuitem as one of its items.
getIndexOfItem( item )
Return type: integer
Returns the zero-based position of the specified item. Items are numbered starting at the first item displayed in the list.
getItemAtIndex( index )
Return type: element
Returns the element that is at the specified index.
insertItemAt( index, label, value )
Return type: element
This method creates a new item and inserts it at the specified position. You may optionally set a value. The new item element is returned.
Return type: no return value
Removes all of the items in the menu.
removeItemAt( index )
Return type: element
Removes the child item in the element at the specified index. The method returns the removed item.
Return type: no return value
Select all the text in the menulist's textbox. This method applies to editable menulists only.

menu, menubar, menuitem, menupopup, menuseparator
nsIAccessibleProvider, nsIDOMXULMenuListElement