--- title: Overview of NSS slug: NSS/Overview translation_of: Mozilla/Projects/NSS/Overview ---

Open Source Crypto Libraries

Proven Application Security Architecture

If you want to add support for SSL, S/MIME, or other Internet security standards to your application, you can use Network Security Services (NSS) to implement all your security features. NSS provides a complete open-source implementation of the crypto libraries used by AOL, Red Hat, Google, and other companies in a variety of products, including the following:

NSS includes a framework to which developers and OEMs can contribute patches, such as assembler code, to optimize performance on their platforms. NSS 3.x has been certified on 18 platforms.

For more detailed information about NSS, see wiki.mozilla.org and NSS FAQ.

Source code for a Java interface to NSS is available in the Mozilla CVS tree. For details, see Network Security Services for Java.

NSS makes use of Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR), a platform-neutral open-source API for system functions designed to facilitate cross-platform development. Like NSS, NSPR has been battle-tested in multiple products. For more information, see the NSPR Project Page.



For complete details, see Encryption Technologies.

FIPS 140 Validation and NISCC Testing

The NSS software crypto module has been validated three times for conformance to FIPS 140 at Security Levels 1 and 2. For more information, see the NSS FIPS page (Or this one).

The NSS libraries passed the NISCC TLS/SSL and S/MIME test suites (1.6 million test cases of invalid input data).

Complete Software Development Kit

除了开发库和APIs,NSS还提供了security tools工具以提供调试,诊断,证书和密钥管理,密码学模块管理和其他开发任务.

NSS comes with an extensive and growing set of documentation, including introductory material, API references, man pages for command-line tools, and sample code.

NSS is available as source and shared (dynamic) libraries. Every NSS release is backward compatible with previous releases, allowing NSS users to upgrade to the new NSS shared libraries without recompiling or relinking their applications.

Open-Source Licensing and Distribution

NSS is available under the Mozilla Public License, version 2. The latest source code is available for free worldwide from https://www.mozilla.org and its mirror sites.