--- title: AudioParamDescriptor slug: Web/API/AudioParamDescriptor translation_of: Web/API/AudioParamDescriptor ---
{{APIRef("Web Audio API")}}

The AudioParamDescriptor dictionary of the Web Audio API specifies properties for an {{domxref("AudioParam")}} objects. It is used to create custom AudioParams on an {{domxref("AudioWorkletNode")}}. If the underlying {{domxref("AudioWorkletProcessor")}} has a {{domxref("AudioWorkletProcessor.parameterDescriptors", "parameterDescriptors")}} static getter, then the returned array of objects based on this dictionary is used internally by AudioWorkletNode constructor to populate its {{domxref("AudioWorkletNode.parameters", "parameters")}} property accordingly.


The {{domxref("DOMString")}} which represents the name of the AudioParam. Under this name the AudioParam will be available in the {{domxref("AudioWorkletNode.parameters", "parameters")}} property of the node, and under this name the {{domxref("AudioWorkletProcessor.process")}} method will acquire the calculated values of this AudioParam.
automationRate {{optional_inline}}
Either "a-rate", or "k-rate" string which represents an automation rate of this AudioParam. Defaults to "a-rate".
minValue {{optional_inline}}
A float which represents minimum value of the AudioParam. Defaults to -3.4028235e38.
maxValue {{optional_inline}}
A float which represents maximum value of the AudioParam. Defaults to 3.4028235e38.
defaultValue {{optional_inline}}
A float which represents initial value of the AudioParam. Defaults to 0.


{{page("/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioWorkletNode/parameters", "Examples")}}


Specification Status Comment
{{SpecName('Web Audio API','#dictdef-audioparamdescriptor','AudioParamDescriptor')}} {{Spec2('Web Audio API')}} Initial definition.

