--- title: AuthenticatorResponse.clientDataJSON slug: Web/API/AuthenticatorResponse/clientDataJSON translation_of: Web/API/AuthenticatorResponse/clientDataJSON ---

{{APIRef("Web Authentication API")}}{{securecontext_header}}

The clientDataJSON property of the {{domxref("AuthenticatorResponse")}} interface stores a JSON string in an {{domxref("ArrayBuffer")}}, representing the client data that was passed to {{domxref("CredentialsContainer.create()")}} or {{domxref("CredentialsContainer.get()")}}. This property is only accessed on one of the child objects of AuthenticatorResponse, specifically {{domxref("AuthenticatorAttestationResponse")}} or {{domxref("AuthenticatorAssertionResponse")}}.


var arrayBuffer = AuthenticatorAttestationResponse.clientDataJSON;
var arrayBuffer = AuthenticatorAssertionResponse.clientDataJSON;


An {{jsxref("ArrayBuffer")}}.


After the clientDataJSON object is converted from an ArrayBuffer to a JavaScript object, it will have the following properties:

A string which is either "webauthn.get" when an existing credential is retrieved or "webauthn.create" when a new credential is created.
The base64url encoded version of the cryptographic challenge sent from the relying party's server. The original value is passed via {{domxref("PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions.challenge")}} or {{domxref("PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions.challenge")}}.
The fully qualified origin of the requester which has been given by the client/browser to the authenticator. We should expect the relying party's id to be a suffix of this value.
tokenBindingId {{optional_inline}}

An object describing the state of the token binding protocol for the communication with the relying party. It has two properties:

Should this property be absent, it would indicate that the client does not support token binding.


function arrayBufferToStr(buf) {
    return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(buf));

// pk is a PublicKeyCredential that is the result of a create() or get() Promise
var clientDataStr = arrayBufferToStr(pk.clientDataJSON);
var clientDataObj = JSON.parse(clientDataStr);

console.log(clientDataObj.type);      // "webauthn.create" or "webauthn.get"
console.log(clientDataObj.challenge); // base64 encoded String containing the original challenge
console.log(clientDataObj.origin);    // the window.origin


Specification Status Comment
{{SpecName('WebAuthn','#dom-authenticatorresponse-clientdatajson', 'clientDataJSON')}} {{Spec2('WebAuthn')}} Initial definition.

