--- title: Element.classList slug: Web/API/Element/classList tags: - API - DOM - Element - 元素 - 参考 - 只读属性 - 属性 translation_of: Web/API/Element/classList ---
是一个只读属性,返回一个元素的类属性的实时 {{domxref("DOMTokenList")}} 集合。
相比将 {{domxref("element.className")}} 作为以空格分隔的字符串来使用,classList
const elementClasses = elementNodeReference.classList;
是一个 {{domxref("DOMTokenList")}} 表示 elementNodeReference
的类属性 。如果类属性未设置或为空,那么 elementClasses.length
返回 0
。虽然 element.classList
本身是只读的,但是你可以使用 add()
和 remove()
const div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'foo'; // 初始状态:<div class="foo"></div> console.log(div.outerHTML); // 使用 classList API 移除、添加类值 div.classList.remove("foo"); div.classList.add("anotherclass"); // <div class="anotherclass"></div> console.log(div.outerHTML); // 如果 visible 类值已存在,则移除它,否则添加它 div.classList.toggle("visible"); // add/remove visible, depending on test conditional, i less than 10 div.classList.toggle("visible", i < 10 ); console.log(div.classList.contains("foo")); // 添加或移除多个类值 div.classList.add("foo", "bar", "baz"); div.classList.remove("foo", "bar", "baz"); // 使用展开语法添加或移除多个类值 const cls = ["foo", "bar"]; div.classList.add(...cls); div.classList.remove(...cls); // 将类值 "foo" 替换成 "bar" div.classList.replace("foo", "bar");
Firefox 26 以下的版本并未实现 add
方法中的所有参数。参见 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=814014
和多令牌列表的聚合列表确保了IE10-IE11浏览器的所有标准方法和属性的完全覆盖以及IE 6-9向其“疯狂靠近”——这可真是值得吃惊的。看看吧:
// 1. String.prototype.trim polyfill if (!"".trim) String.prototype.trim = function(){ return this.replace(/^[\s]+|[\s]+$/g, ''); }; (function(window){"use strict"; // prevent global namespace pollution if(!window.DOMException) (DOMException = function(reason){this.message = reason}).prototype = new Error; var wsRE = /[\11\12\14\15\40]/, wsIndex = 0, checkIfValidClassListEntry = function(O, V) { if (V === "") throw new DOMException( "Failed to execute '" + O + "' on 'DOMTokenList': The token provided must not be empty." ); if((wsIndex=V.search(wsRE))!==-1) throw new DOMException("Failed to execute '"+O+"' on 'DOMTokenList': " + "The token provided ('"+V[wsIndex]+"') contains HTML space characters, which are not valid in tokens."); } // 2. Implement the barebones DOMTokenList livelyness polyfill if (typeof DOMTokenList !== "function") (function(window){ var document = window.document, Object = window.Object, hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty, allowTokenListConstruction = 0, skipPropChange = 0; function DOMTokenList(){ if (!allowTokenListConstruction) throw TypeError("Illegal constructor"); // internally let it through } DOMTokenList.prototype.toString = DOMTokenList.prototype.toLocaleString = function(){return this.value}; DOMTokenList.prototype.add = function(){ a: for(var v=0, argLen=arguments.length,val="",ele=this[" uCL"],proto=ele[" uCLp"]; v!==argLen; ++v) { val = arguments[v] + "", checkIfValidClassListEntry("add", val); for (var i=0, Len=proto.length, resStr=val; i !== Len; ++i) if (this[i] === val) continue a; else resStr += " " + this[i]; this[Len] = val, proto.length += 1, proto.value = resStr; } skipPropChange = 1, ele.className = proto.value, skipPropChange = 0; }; DOMTokenList.prototype.remove = function(){ for (var v=0, argLen=arguments.length,val="",ele=this[" uCL"],proto=ele[" uCLp"]; v !== argLen; ++v) { val = arguments[v] + "", checkIfValidClassListEntry("remove", val); for (var i=0, Len=proto.length, resStr="", is=0; i !== Len; ++i) if(is){ this[i-1]=this[i] }else{ if(this[i] !== val){ resStr+=this[i]+" "; }else{ is=1; } } if (!is) continue; delete this[Len], proto.length -= 1, proto.value = resStr; } skipPropChange = 1, ele.className = proto.value, skipPropChange = 0; }; window.DOMTokenList = DOMTokenList; function whenPropChanges(){ var evt = window.event, prop = evt.propertyName; if ( !skipPropChange && (prop==="className" || (prop==="classList" && !defineProperty)) ) { var target = evt.srcElement, protoObjProto = target[" uCLp"], strval = "" + target[prop]; var tokens=strval.trim().split(wsRE), resTokenList=target[prop==="classList"?" uCL":"classList"]; var oldLen = protoObjProto.length; a: for(var cI = 0, cLen = protoObjProto.length = tokens.length, sub = 0; cI !== cLen; ++cI){ for(var innerI=0; innerI!==cI; ++innerI) if(tokens[innerI]===tokens[cI]) {sub++; continue a;} resTokenList[cI-sub] = tokens[cI]; } for (var i=cLen-sub; i < oldLen; ++i) delete resTokenList[i]; //remove trailing indexs if(prop !== "classList") return; skipPropChange = 1, target.classList = resTokenList, target.className = strval; skipPropChange = 0, resTokenList.length = tokens.length - sub; } } function polyfillClassList(ele){ if (!ele || !("innerHTML" in ele)) throw TypeError("Illegal invocation"); ele.detachEvent( "onpropertychange", whenPropChanges ); // prevent duplicate handler infinite loop allowTokenListConstruction = 1; try{ function protoObj(){} protoObj.prototype = new DOMTokenList(); } finally { allowTokenListConstruction = 0 } var protoObjProto = protoObj.prototype, resTokenList = new protoObj(); a: for(var toks=ele.className.trim().split(wsRE), cI=0, cLen=toks.length, sub=0; cI !== cLen; ++cI){ for (var innerI=0; innerI !== cI; ++innerI) if (toks[innerI] === toks[cI]) { sub++; continue a; } this[cI-sub] = toks[cI]; } protoObjProto.length = cLen-sub, protoObjProto.value = ele.className, protoObjProto[" uCL"] = ele; if (defineProperty) { defineProperty(ele, "classList", { // IE8 & IE9 allow defineProperty on the DOM enumerable: 1, get: function(){return resTokenList}, configurable: 0, set: function(newVal){ skipPropChange = 1, ele.className = protoObjProto.value = (newVal += ""), skipPropChange = 0; var toks = newVal.trim().split(wsRE), oldLen = protoObjProto.length; a: for(var cI = 0, cLen = protoObjProto.length = toks.length, sub = 0; cI !== cLen; ++cI){ for(var innerI=0; innerI!==cI; ++innerI) if(toks[innerI]===toks[cI]) {sub++; continue a;} resTokenList[cI-sub] = toks[cI]; } for (var i=cLen-sub; i < oldLen; ++i) delete resTokenList[i]; //remove trailing indexs } }); defineProperty(ele, " uCLp", { // for accessing the hidden prototype enumerable: 0, configurable: 0, writeable: 0, value: protoObj.prototype }); defineProperty(protoObjProto, " uCL", { enumerable: 0, configurable: 0, writeable: 0, value: ele }); } else { ele.classList=resTokenList, ele[" uCL"]=resTokenList, ele[" uCLp"]=protoObj.prototype; } ele.attachEvent( "onpropertychange", whenPropChanges ); } try { // Much faster & cleaner version for IE8 & IE9: // Should work in IE8 because Element.prototype instanceof Node is true according to the specs window.Object.defineProperty(window.Element.prototype, "classList", { enumerable: 1, get: function(val){ if (!hasOwnProp.call(this, "classList")) polyfillClassList(this); return this.classList; }, configurable: 0, set: function(val){this.className = val} }); } catch(e) { // Less performant fallback for older browsers (IE 6-8): window[" uCL"] = polyfillClassList; // the below code ensures polyfillClassList is applied to all current and future elements in the doc. document.documentElement.firstChild.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).styleSheet.cssText=( '_*{x-uCLp:expression(!this.hasOwnProperty("classList")&&window[" uCL"](this))}' + // IE6 '[class]{x-uCLp/**/:expression(!this.hasOwnProperty("classList")&&window[" uCL"](this))}' //IE7-8 ); } })(window); // 3. Patch in unsupported methods in DOMTokenList (function(DOMTokenListProto, testClass){ if (!DOMTokenListProto.item) DOMTokenListProto.item = function(i){ function NullCheck(n) {return n===void 0 ? null : n} return NullCheck(this[i]); }; if (!DOMTokenListProto.toggle || testClass.toggle("a",0)!==false) DOMTokenListProto.toggle=function(val){ if (arguments.length > 1) return (this[arguments[1] ? "add" : "remove"](val), !!arguments[1]); var oldValue = this.value; return (this.remove(oldValue), oldValue === this.value && (this.add(val), true) /*|| false*/); }; if (!DOMTokenListProto.replace || typeof testClass.replace("a", "b") !== "boolean") DOMTokenListProto.replace = function(oldToken, newToken){ checkIfValidClassListEntry("replace", oldToken), checkIfValidClassListEntry("replace", newToken); var oldValue = this.value; return (this.remove(oldToken), this.value !== oldValue && (this.add(newToken), true)); }; if (!DOMTokenListProto.contains) DOMTokenListProto.contains = function(value){ for (var i=0,Len=this.length; i !== Len; ++i) if (this[i] === value) return true; return false; }; if (!DOMTokenListProto.forEach) DOMTokenListProto.forEach = function(f){ if (arguments.length === 1) for (var i = 0, Len = this.length; i !== Len; ++i) f( this[i], i, this); else for (var i=0,Len=this.length,tArg=arguments[1]; i !== Len; ++i) f.call(tArg, this[i], i, this); }; if (!DOMTokenListProto.entries) DOMTokenListProto.entries = function(){ var nextIndex = 0, that = this; return {next: function() { return nextIndex<that.length ? {value: [nextIndex, that[nextIndex]], done: false} : {done: true}; }}; }; if (!DOMTokenListProto.values) DOMTokenListProto.values = function(){ var nextIndex = 0, that = this; return {next: function() { return nextIndex<that.length ? {value: that[nextIndex], done: false} : {done: true}; }}; }; if (!DOMTokenListProto.keys) DOMTokenListProto.keys = function(){ var nextIndex = 0, that = this; return {next: function() { return nextIndex<that.length ? {value: nextIndex, done: false} : {done: true}; }}; }; })(window.DOMTokenList.prototype, window.document.createElement("div").classList); })(window);
的多适应性版本和W3规范之间的一个主要差异是:对于IE6-8,没有办法创建一个不可变的对象(其属性不能被直接修改的对象)。然而,在IE9中,可以通过扩展原型、冻结可见对象和覆盖本地属性方法来实现。虽然这样的动作在IE6-IE8中不起作用,即使在IE9中,这样做也会使整个网页的性能慢得像蜗牛爬行一样,使得这些修改对于这个聚合函数来说完全不切实际。 需要注意的是,在IE6-7中,这个polyfill使用window对象上的window[" uCL"]属性与CSS表达式进行通信,使用x-uCLp css属性对所有元素进行通信,使用元素[" uCL"]属性对所有元素进行通信,以允许垃圾收集并提高性能。在所有多填充浏览器(IE6-9)中,一个额外的元素[" uCLp"]属性被添加到元素以确保符合标准原型,并且一个DOMTokenList[" uCL"]属性被添加到每个元素["classList"]对象以确保DOMTokenList被绑定到它自己的元素。
Specification | Status | Comment |
{{SpecName("DOM WHATWG", "#dom-element-classlist", "Element.classList")}} | {{Spec2("DOM WHATWG")}} | Initial definition |
{{SpecName("DOM4", "#dom-element-classlist", "Element.classList")}} | {{Spec2("DOM4")}} |