--- title: FileSystemDirectoryReader slug: Web/API/FileSystemDirectoryReader tags: - API - File System API - File and Directory Entries API - FileSystemDirectoryReader - Files - Interface - NeedsTranslation - Non-standard - Offline - Reference - TopicStub translation_of: Web/API/FileSystemDirectoryReader ---

{{APIRef("File System API")}}{{Non-standard_header}}

The FileSystemDirectoryReader interface of the File and Directory Entries API lets you access the {{domxref("FileEntry")}}-based objects (generally {{domxref("FileSystemFileEntry")}} or {{domxref("FileSystemDirectoryEntry")}}) representing each entry in a directory.

Because this is a non-standard API, whose specification is not currently on a standards track, it's important to keep in mind that not all browsers implement it, and those that do may implement only small portions of it. Check the Browser compatibility section for details.


{{domxref("FileSystemDirectoryReader.readEntries", "readEntries()")}}
Returns a an array containing some number of the directory's entries. Each item in the array is an object based on {{domxref("FileSystemEntry")}}—typically either {{domxref("FileSystemFileEntry")}} or {{domxref("FileSystemDirectoryEntry")}}.


Specification Status Comment
{{SpecName('File System API')}} {{Spec2('File System API')}} Draft of proposed API

This API has no official W3C or WHATWG specification.

Browser compatibility


See also