--- title: IDBFactory slug: Web/API/IDBFactory translation_of: Web/API/IDBFactory ---


IndexedDB API 的IDBFactory 接口让程序可以异步存取 indexed databases。window.indexedDB 对象实现了这个接口。你可以通过这个对象而不是直接使用IDBFactory接口打开—— 创建或者连接 —— 和删除一个数据库。


请求打开一个数据库的连接(connection to a database)。


IDBFactory.open, the original version {{ obsolete_inline }}
一个被废弃的方法请求打开一个数据库的连接,仍然在一些浏览器中被实施(connection to a database).


In the following code snippet, we make a request to open a database, and include handlers for the success and error cases. For a full working example, see our To-do Notifications app (view example live.)

var note = document.querySelector("ul");

// In the following line, you should include the prefixes of implementations you want to test.
window.indexedDB = window.indexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB;
// DON'T use "var indexedDB = ..." if you're not in a function.
// Moreover, you may need references to some window.IDB* objects:
window.IDBTransaction = window.IDBTransaction || window.webkitIDBTransaction || window.msIDBTransaction;
window.IDBKeyRange = window.IDBKeyRange || window.webkitIDBKeyRange || window.msIDBKeyRange;
// (Mozilla has never prefixed these objects, so we don't need window.mozIDB*)

// Let us open version 4 of our database
var DBOpenRequest = window.indexedDB.open("toDoList", 4);

// these two event handlers act on the database being opened successfully, or not
DBOpenRequest.onerror = function(event) {
  note.innerHTML += '<li>Error loading database.</li>';

DBOpenRequest.onsuccess = function(event) {
  note.innerHTML += '<li>Database initialised.</li>';

  // store the result of opening the database in the db variable. This is used a lot later on, for opening transactions and suchlike.
  db = request.result;


Specification Status Comment
{{SpecName('IndexedDB', '#idl-def-IDBFactory', 'IDBFactory')}} {{Spec2('IndexedDB')}}  

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support 23{{property_prefix("webkit")}}
10 {{property_prefix("moz")}}
10, partial 15 7.1
Feature Android Firefox Mobile (Gecko) Firefox OS IE Phone Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
Basic support 4.4 {{CompatGeckoMobile("22.0")}} 1.0.1 10 22 {{CompatNo}}

Be careful in Chrome as it still implements the old specification along with the new one. Similarly it still has the prefixed webkitIndexedDB property even if the unprefixed indexedDB is present.

See also