--- title: Performance.getEntries() slug: Web/API/Performance/getEntries translation_of: Web/API/Performance/getEntries ---
对于给定的filter,此方法返回 {{domxref("PerformanceEntry")}} 对象数组. 数组成员(入口)可以在显式的时间点用 performance marks或measures 来创建(例如调用{{domxref("Performance.mark","mark()")}} 方法) .
此方法暴露给{{domxref("Window")}} 和 {{domxref("Worker")}}接口.
entries = window.performance.getEntries(); entries = window.performance.getEntries(PerformanceEntryFilterOptions);
entries = performance.getEntries({name: "entry_name", entryType: "mark"});
, performance entry. 的名字"entryType"
, entry 类型. 合法的entry类型可以从{{domxref("PerformanceEntry.entryType")}} 方法获取."initiatorType"
, 初始化资源的类型(例如一个HTML element). 其取值被 {{domxref("PerformanceResourceTiming.initiatorType")}} 接口所定义.function use_PerformanceEntry_methods() { log("PerformanceEntry tests ..."); if (performance.mark === undefined) { log("... performance.mark Not supported"); return; } // Create some performance entries via the mark() method performance.mark("Begin"); do_work(50000); performance.mark("End"); performance.mark("Begin"); do_work(100000); performance.mark("End"); do_work(200000); performance.mark("End"); // Use getEntries() to iterate through the each entry var p = performance.getEntries(); for (var i=0; i < p.length; i++) { log("Entry[" + i + "]"); check_PerformanceEntry(p[i]); } // Use getEntries(name, entryType) to get specific entries p = performance.getEntries({name : "Begin", entryType: "mark"}); for (var i=0; i < p.length; i++) { log("Begin[" + i + "]"); check_PerformanceEntry(p[i]); } // Use getEntriesByType() to get all "mark" entries p = performance.getEntriesByType("mark"); for (var i=0; i < p.length; i++) { log ("Mark only entry[" + i + "]: name = " + p[i].name + "; startTime = " + p[i].startTime + "; duration = " + p[i].duration); } // Use getEntriesByName() to get all "mark" entries named "Begin" p = performance.getEntriesByName("Begin", "mark"); for (var i=0; i < p.length; i++) { log ("Mark and Begin entry[" + i + "]: name = " + p[i].name + "; startTime = " + p[i].startTime + "; duration = " + p[i].duration); } } //entryType,name,initiatorType Examples var p = performance.getEntries(); var ptyps = p.map((ele) => {return(ele.entryType)}); //Array(94) [ "navigation", "resource", "resource", "resource", "resource", "resource", "resource", "resource", "resource", "resource", … ] var pnms = p.map((ele) => {return(ele.name)}); //Array(94) [ "document", "https://csdnimg.cn/public/static/css/avatar.css", "https://csdnimg.cn/public/common/libs/jquery/jquery-1.9.1.min.js", "https://csdnimg.cn/rabbit/exposure-click/main-1.0.5.js", "https://csdnimg.cn/release/phoenix/production/main-e96db8abdf.js", "https://csdnimg.cn/pubfooter/js/tracking-1.0.2.js", "https://csdnimg.cn/public/common/toolbar/js/content_toolbar.js", "https://csdnimg.cn/release/phoenix/production/markdown_views-ea0013b516.css", "https://csdnimg.cn/search/baidu_search-1.1.2.js?v=201802071056&autorun=true&install=true&keyword=%E5%B0%8F%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F%E6%89%A7%E8%A1%8C%E9%A1%BA%E5%BA%8F", "https://csdnimg.cn/release/phoenix/production/main-f869aa95a4.css", … ] var pityps = p.map((ele) => {return(ele.initiatorType)}); //Array(94) [ "navigation", "link", "script", "script", "script", "script", "script", "link", "script", "link", … ] Specifications
Specification | Status | Comment |
{{SpecName('Performance Timeline Level 2', '#dom-performance-getentries', 'getEntries()')}} | {{Spec2('Performance Timeline Level 2')}} | getEntries() method has an optional argument. |
{{SpecName('Performance Timeline', '#dom-performance-getentries', 'getEntries()')}} | {{Spec2('Performance Timeline')}} | Initial definition. |