--- title: SVGGeometryElement slug: Web/API/SVGGeometryElement tags: - API - DOM - NeedsExample - NeedsTranslation - Reference - SVG - SVG DOM - TopicStub translation_of: Web/API/SVGGeometryElement ---

The SVGGeometryElement interface represents SVG elements whose rendering is defined by geometry with an equivalent path, and which can be filled and stroked. This includes paths and the basic shapes.

{{InheritanceDiagram(600, 140)}}

Note: The pathLength property and the getTotalLength() and getPointAtLength() methods were originally part of the {{domxref("SVGPathElement")}} interface. In SVG 2 they were moved to this interface.


This interface also inherits properties from its parent, {{domxref("SVGGraphicsElement")}}.

{{domxref("SVGGeometryElement.pathLength")}} {{readOnlyInline}}
This property reflects the {{SVGAttr("pathLength")}} attribute.


This interface also inherits methods from its parent, {{domxref("SVGGraphicsElement")}}.

Determines whether a given point is within the fill shape of an element. Normal hit testing rules apply; the value of the {{cssxref("pointer-events")}} property on the element determines whether a point is considered to be within the fill.
Determines whether a given point is within the stroke shape of an element. Normal hit testing rules apply; the value of the {{cssxref("pointer-events")}} property on the element determines whether a point is considered to be within the stroke.
Returns the user agent's computed value for the total length of the path in user units.
Returns the point at a given distance along the path.


Specification Status Comment
{{SpecName("SVG2", "types.html#InterfaceSVGGeometryElement", "SVGGeometryElement")}} {{Spec2("SVG2")}} Initial definition

Browser compatibility
