--- title: WebGLRenderingContext.pixelStorei() slug: Web/API/WebGLRenderingContext/pixelStorei translation_of: Web/API/WebGLRenderingContext/pixelStorei ---
是 WebGL API 中用于图像预处理的函数。
void gl.pixelStorei(pname, param);
模式名称 (pname ) |
描述 | 类型 | 默认值 | param 的可选值 | Specified in |
Packing of pixel data into memory | {{domxref("GLint")}} | 4 | 1, 2, 4, 8 | OpenGL ES 2.0 |
Unpacking of pixel data from memory. | {{domxref("GLint")}} | 4 | 1, 2, 4, 8 | OpenGL ES 2.0 |
如果为true,则把图片上下对称翻转坐标轴(图片本身不变)。 |
{{domxref("GLboolean")}} | false | true, false | WebGL |
Multiplies the alpha channel into the other color channels | {{domxref("GLboolean")}} | false | true, false | WebGL |
Default color space conversion or no color space conversion. | {{domxref("GLenum")}} | gl.BROWSER_DEFAULT_WEBGL |
WebGL |
When using a {{domxref("WebGL2RenderingContext", "WebGL 2 context", "", 1)}}, the following values are available additionally:
Constant | Description | Type | Default value | Allowed values (for param ) |
Specified in |
Number of pixels in a row. | {{domxref("GLint")}} | 0 | 0 to Infinity |
OpenGL ES 3.0 |
Number of pixel locations skipped before the first pixel is written into memory. | {{domxref("GLint")}} | 0 | 0 to Infinity |
OpenGL ES 3.0 |
Number of rows of pixel locations skipped before the first pixel is written into memory | {{domxref("GLint")}} | 0 | 0 to Infinity |
OpenGL ES 3.0 |
Number of pixels in a row. | {{domxref("GLint")}} | 0 | 0 to Infinity |
OpenGL ES 3.0 |
Image height used for reading pixel data from memory | {{domxref("GLint")}} | 0 | 0 to Infinity |
OpenGL ES 3.0 |
Number of pixel images skipped before the first pixel is read from memory | {{domxref("GLint")}} | 0 | 0 to Infinity |
OpenGL ES 3.0 |
Number of rows of pixel locations skipped before the first pixel is read from memory | {{domxref("GLint")}} | 0 | 0 to Infinity |
OpenGL ES 3.0 |
Number of pixel images skipped before the first pixel is read from memory | {{domxref("GLint")}} | 0 | 0 to Infinity |
OpenGL ES 3.0 |
Setting the pixel storage mode affects the {{domxref("WebGLRenderingContext.readPixels()")}} operations, as well as unpacking of textures with the {{domxref("WebGLRenderingContext.texImage2D()")}} and {{domxref("WebGLRenderingContext.texSubImage2D()")}} methods.
var tex = gl.createTexture(); gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, tex); gl.pixelStorei(gl.PACK_ALIGNMENT, 4);
To check the values for packing and unpacking of pixel data, you can query the same pixel storage parameters with {{domxref("WebGLRenderingContext.getParameter()")}}.
gl.getParameter(gl.PACK_ALIGNMENT); gl.getParameter(gl.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT);
Specification | Status | Comment |
{{SpecName('WebGL', "#5.14.3", "pixelStorei")}} | {{Spec2('WebGL')}} | Initial definition for WebGL. |
{{SpecName('WebGL', "#PIXEL_STORAGE_PARAMETERS", "Pixel Storage Parameters")}} | {{Spec2('WebGL')}} | Additional pixel storage parameters that aren't specified in OpenGL. |
{{SpecName('OpenGL ES 2.0', "glPixelStorei.xml", "glPixelStorei")}} | {{Spec2('OpenGL ES 2.0')}} | Man page of the OpenGL ES 2.0 API. |
{{SpecName('WebGL2', "#3.7.2", "pixelStorei")}} | {{Spec2('WebGL2')}} | Updated definition for WebGL 2. |
{{SpecName('OpenGL ES 3.0', "glPixelStorei.xhtml", "glPixelStorei")}} | {{Spec2('OpenGL ES 3.0')}} | Man page of the OpenGL ES 3.0 API. |
{{Compat("api/WebGLRenderingContext", "WebGLRenderingContext.pixelStorei")}}