--- title: background-repeat slug: Web/CSS/background-repeat tags: - CSS_参考 - background-repeat translation_of: Web/CSS/background-repeat ---
{{ CSSRef() }}
CSS 属性定义背景图像的重复方式。背景图像可以沿着水平轴,垂直轴,两个轴重复,或者根本不重复。
The source for this interactive example is stored in a GitHub repository. If you'd like to contribute to the interactive examples project, please clone https://github.com/mdn/interactive-examples and send us a pull request.
默认情况下,重复的图像被剪裁为元素的大小,但它们可以缩放 (使用 round
) 或者均匀地分布 (使用 space
/* 单值语法 */
background-repeat: repeat-x;
background-repeat: repeat-y;
background-repeat: repeat;
background-repeat: space;
background-repeat: round;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
/* 双值语法: 水平horizontal | 垂直vertical */
background-repeat: repeat space;
background-repeat: repeat repeat;
background-repeat: round space;
background-repeat: no-repeat round;
background-repeat: inherit;
单值 | 等价于双值 |
repeat-x |
repeat no-repeat |
repeat-y |
no-repeat repeat |
repeat |
repeat repeat |
space |
space space |
round |
round round |
no-repeat |
no-repeat no-repeat |
repeat |
图像会按需重复来覆盖整个背景图片所在的区域. 最后一个图像会被裁剪, 如果它的大小不合适的话. |
space |
图像会尽可能得重复, 但是不会裁剪. 第一个和最后一个图像会被固定在元素(element)的相应的边上, 同时空白会均匀地分布在图像之间. {{cssxref("background-position")}}属性会被忽视, 除非只有一个图像能被无裁剪地显示. 只在一种情况下裁剪会发生, 那就是图像太大了以至于没有足够的空间来完整显示一个图像. |
round |
随着允许的空间在尺寸上的增长, 被重复的图像将会伸展(没有空隙), 直到有足够的空间来添加一个图像. 当下一个图像被添加后, 所有的当前的图像会被压缩来腾出空间. 例如, 一个图像原始大小是260px, 重复三次之后, 可能会被伸展到300px, 直到另一个图像被加进来. 这样他们就可能被压缩到225px. 译者注: 关键是浏览器怎么计算什么时候应该添加一个图像进来, 而不是继续伸展. |
no-repeat |
图像不会被重复(因为背景图像所在的区域将可能没有完全被覆盖). 那个没有被重复的背景图像的位置是由{{cssxref("background-position")}}属性来决定. |
<ol> <li>no-repeat <div class="one"> </div> </li> <li>repeat <div class="two"> </div> </li> <li>repeat-x <div class="three"> </div> </li> <li>repeat-y <div class="four"> </div> </li> <li>repeat-x, repeat-y (multiple images) <div class="five"> </div> </li> </ol>
/* Shared for all DIVS in example */ li {margin-bottom: 12px;} div { background-image: url(https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/12005/starsolid.gif); width: 144px; height: 84px; } /* 因为 space 和 round 当前没有被广泛支持的, 所以没有添加*/ .one { background-repeat: no-repeat; } .two { background-repeat: repeat; } .three { background-repeat: repeat-x; } .four { background-repeat: repeat-y; } /* Multiple images */ .five { background-image: url(https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/12005/starsolid.gif), url(https://developer.mozilla.org/static/img/favicon32.png); background-repeat: repeat-x, repeat-y; height: 144px; }
在这个例子中, 每一个列表项都使用了不同的background-repeat语法.
{{EmbedLiveSample("例子", 240, 360)}}
Specification 规范 | Status 状态 | Comment 内容 |
{{SpecName('CSS3 Backgrounds', '#the-background-repeat', 'background-repeat')}} | {{Spec2('CSS3 Backgrounds')}} | Added support for multiple background images, the two-value syntax allowing distinct repetition behavior for the horizontal and vertical directions, the space and round keywords, and for backgrounds on inline-level element by defining precisely the background painting area. |
{{SpecName('CSS2.1', 'colors.html#propdef-background-repeat', 'background-repeat')}} | {{Spec2('CSS2.1')}} | No significant changes |
{{SpecName('CSS1', '#background-repeat', 'background-repeat')}} | {{Spec2('CSS1')}} | Initial definition |
The compatibility table in this page is generated from structured data. If you'd like to contribute to the data, please check out https://github.com/mdn/browser-compat-data and send us a pull request.