--- title: 整型 slug: Web/CSS/integer tags: - CSS - CSS数据类型 - Reference - Web translation_of: Web/CSS/integer ---

The <integer> CSS data type is a special type of {{cssxref("number")}} that represents a whole number, whether positive or negative. Integers can be used in numerous CSS properties, such as {{cssxref("column-count")}}, {{cssxref("counter-increment")}}, {{cssxref("grid-column")}}, {{cssxref("grid-row")}}, and {{cssxref("z-index")}}.
The <integer> css数据类型是一种特殊的<number>类型,它表示一个整数,无论是正数还是负数。整数可以用于许多css属性,例如{{cssxref("column-count")}}, {{cssxref("counter-increment")}}, {{cssxref("grid-column")}}, {{cssxref("grid-row")}}, and {{cssxref("z-index")}}.


The <integer> data type consists of one or several decimal digits, 0 through 9 inclusive, optionally preceded by a single + or - sign. There is no unit associated with integers.

Note: There is no official range of valid <integer> values. Opera 12.1 supports values up to 215-1, IE up to 220-1, and other browsers even higher. During the CSS3 Values cycle there was a lot of discussion about setting a minimum range to support: the latest decision, in April 2012 during the LC phase, was [-227-1; 227-1], but other values like 224-1 and 230-1 were also proposed. However, the latest spec doesn't specify a range anymore.
注意:没有有效的<integer>值的正式范围。Opera12.1支持高达215-1的值,IE高达220-1的值,其他浏览器支持更高的值。在CSS3值周期中,有很多关于设置最小支持范围的讨论:2012年4月在LC阶段的最新决定是[-227-1; 227-1],,但也提出了224-1 and 230等其他值。但是,最新的规范不再指定范围。


When animated, values of the <integer> data type are interpolated using discrete, whole steps. The calculation is done as if they were real, floating-point numbers; the discrete value is obtained using the floor function. The speed of the interpolation is determined by the timing function associated with the animation.



12          Positive integer (without a leading + sign)
+123        Positive integer (with a leading + sign)
-456        Negative integer
0           Zero
+0          Zero, with a leading +
-0          Zero, with a leading -


12.0        This is a <number>, not an <integer>, though it represents an integer.
12.         Decimal points are not allowed.
+---12      Only one leading +/- is allowed.
ten         Letters are not allowed.
_5          Special characters are not allowed.
\35         Escaped Unicode characters are not allowed, even if they are an integer (here: 5).
\4E94       Non-arabic numerals are not allowed, even when escaped (here: the Japanese 5, 五).
3e4         Scientific notation is not allowed.


Specification Status Comment
{{SpecName('CSS3 Values', '#integers', '<integer>')}} {{Spec2('CSS3 Values')}} No significant change.
{{SpecName('CSS2.1', 'syndata.html#numbers', '<integer>')}} {{Spec2('CSS2.1')}} Explicit definition.
{{SpecName('CSS1', '', '<integer>')}} {{Spec2('CSS1')}} Implicit definition.


