--- title: Contribute a recipe slug: Web/CSS/Layout_cookbook/Contribute_a_recipe translation_of: Web/CSS/Layout_cookbook/Contribute_a_recipe ---
如果您愿意为 Layout Cookbook 贡献示例文件,那么本页将通过阐释步骤指导您发布示例。
任何有用的 web 设计模式的最简版本。您 CSS 文件中的每一行代码都应该有助于演示该模式, 省去无用的部分就是为了能让示例显得完美。这种想法就是,某个人既能将这种模式应用在网站中,又可以保持自己的风格。
一份 recipe 包括以下内容:
在将示例转换为 recipe 之前,先将您的模式创建成为一个简单的 HTML 页面。想想看您要展示的是什么,并使这个想法尽可能简单。避免使用特殊的 CSS 约定(例如 BEM),因为并非每个人都熟悉这些约定,反而会使他们将事情做得看起来要比预期中的更复杂。
确保 HTML 和 CSS 有效,并将其在一种以上的浏览器上进行测试。如果您使用的 CSS 属性并非广受支持,那也没关系!您可以在创建页面时包含浏览器支持信息。在某些情况下,创建示例的第二个版本可能会有帮助,其中包括回退支持。
The live examples that you can see on cookbook pages and elsewhere on MDN allow visitors to play with the code and change relevant parts without being overwhelmed with all of the code needed. You recipe will be demonstrated by way of one or more examples.
Fork the CSS Examples repo and then take a look in the css-cookbook
folder. There is a cookbook-template.html file you can copy as a starting point. Save this in the css-cookbook directory with a name that makes sense for your pattern. The template is commented to help you add the various parts to the right place.
The important parts of this are as follows.
There is a stylesheet for styles for the editor panels, and some basic body styling, and a JavaScript file included for the editor functionality. Leave these files as they are.
There are two style blocks in the head. The first are for things that a visitor to the page does not need to change to play with the example. The second is for any of the items they might want to play with in the live example. We typically add all of our CSS from like example in the first block, then choose which sets of rules we need to move down to the second block. The rules in the second block should be those that are fundamental to the pattern, perhaps those where a user could make a change to a CSS value and see the pattern update.
You need to add the HTML for your component twice. First inside the section with a class of preview, then inside the textarea playable-html
Your editable CSS, from the second block in the head, also needs to be copied into the playable-css
A simple worked example is center.html, which is embedded on the page Center an element. You can use this to see how to add the various bits correctly.
If you have forked the repo and therefore have our CSS and JavaScript files alongside your example, if you open up your live example in the browser you should see everything working exactly as it will when included in a page.
As the examples include all of our live example code, we want to offer visitors a simple example without all of that included. Make a copy of your live example with --download appended. For example, center.html, has a download version named center--download.html
. This file will be similar to your initial example. It should be a basic version of your pattern as a single HTML page. It can be handy to include the body CSS rules that are in our included stylesheet, if you take a look at cookbook-template--download.html, these are included as a starting point.
Make a PR on the CSS Examples repo. This way we can help you with any changes to the example that may be needed before you create your page, plus the example will need to be live to be included some it makes sense to create it first. Include in your PR an explanation of the pattern and what you are demonstrating.
Once your example is merged you can create your page. You will need an MDN account to do so with page creation permissions, and you can then create the page as a subpage of the CSS Cookbook page. There is a template for Cookbook pages here.
The template explains what should be part of each section, and you can refer to other cookbook examples for more help. If you click to edit any of those pages then you will be able to see things such as the macros used to embed compat data, and live examples.
If you need general guidance on using the MDN wiki, see the help pages available here.
If you need to ask any questions, or want someone to take a look at your page then the MDN Discourse forum is a good place to do this, or chat with us on Matrix.