--- title: :输入(表单输入)元素 slug: Web/HTML/Element/Input tags: - Element - Forms - HTML - HTML forms - HTML input tag - Input - Reference - Web translation_of: Web/HTML/Element/input ---


HTML <input> 元素用于为基于 Web 的表单创建交互式控件,以便接受来自用户的数据; 可以使用各种类型的输入数据和控件小部件,具体取决于设备和{{Glossary("user agent")}}。

{{EmbedInteractiveExample("pages/tabbed/input-text.html", "tabbed-shorter")}}

内容分类 流动区域; 内容区域; 交互式内容(如果不是处于hiddenhidden状态); 列表,可标签,可提交,可重置,与表单相关的元素。
允许的内容 无,这是一个{{Glossary("empty element","空元素")}}。


允许的祖先元素 任何元素都可以包含语句型元素。
  • type=button: {{ARIARole("link")}}, {{ARIARole("menuitem")}}, {{ARIARole("menuitemcheckbox")}}, {{ARIARole("menuitemradio")}}, {{ARIARole("radio")}}, {{ARIARole("switch")}}, {{ARIARole("tab")}}
  • type=checkbox: {{ARIARole("button")}}, {{ARIARole("menuitemcheckbox")}}, {{ARIARole("option")}}, {{ARIARole("switch")}}
  • type=image: {{ARIARole("link")}}, {{ARIARole("menuitem")}}, {{ARIARole("menuitemcheckbox")}}, {{ARIARole("menuitemradio")}}, {{ARIARole("radio")}}, {{ARIARole("switch")}}
  • type=radio: {{ARIARole("menuitemradio")}}
  • type=color|date|datetime|datetime-local|email|file: None
  • type=hidden|month|number|password|range|research: None
  • type=search|submit|tel|text|url|week: None
DOM 接口 {{domxref("HTMLInputElement")}}

<input> types

<input>的工作方式相当程度上取决于{{htmlattrxref("type", "input")}}属性的值,不同的 type 值会在各自的参考页中进行介绍。如果未指定此属性,则采用的默认类型为 text


Type 描述 基础例子 Spec
{{HTMLElement("input/button", "button")}} 没有默认行为的按钮,上面显示 {{anch('value')}} 属性的值,默认为空。 {{EmbedLiveSample("examplebutton",200,55,"","", "nobutton")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/checkbox", "checkbox")}} 复选框,可设为选中或未选中。 {{EmbedLiveSample("examplecheckbox",200,55,"","", "nobutton")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/color", "color")}} 用于指定颜色的控件;在支持的浏览器中,激活时会打开取色器。 {{EmbedLiveSample("examplecolor",200,55,"","", "nobutton")}} {{HTMLVersionInline("5")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/date", "date")}} 输入日期的控件(年、月、日,不包括时间)。在支持的浏览器激活时打开日期选择器或年月日的数字滚轮。 {{EmbedLiveSample("exampledate",200,55,"","", "nobutton")}}   {{HTMLVersionInline("5")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/datetime-local", "datetime-local")}} 输入日期和时间的控件,不包括时区。在支持的浏览器激活时打开日期选择器或年月日的数字滚轮。 {{EmbedLiveSample("exampledtl",200,55,"","", "nobutton")}} {{HTMLVersionInline("5")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/email", "email")}} 编辑邮箱地址的区域。类似 text 输入,但在支持的浏览器和带有动态键盘的设备上会有确认参数和相应的键盘。 {{EmbedLiveSample("exampleemail",200,55,"","", "nobutton")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/file", "file")}} 让用户选择文件的控件。使用{{anch('accept')}}属性规定控件能选择的文件类型。 {{EmbedLiveSample("examplefile",'100%',55,"","", "nobutton")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/hidden", "hidden")}} 不显示的控件,其值仍会提交到服务器。举个例子,右边就是一个隐形的控件。
{{HTMLElement("input/image", "image")}} 带图像的 submit 按钮。显示的图像由 src 属性规定。如果 {{anch('src')}} 缺失,{{anch('alt')}} 属性就会显示。 {{EmbedLiveSample("exampleimage",200,55,"","", "nobutton")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/month", "month")}} 输入年和月的控件,没有时区。 {{EmbedLiveSample("examplemonth",200,55,"","", "nobutton")}} {{HTMLVersionInline("5")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/number", "number")}} 用于输入数字的控件。如果支持的话,会显示滚动按钮并提供缺省验证(即只能输入数字)。拥有动态键盘的设备上会显示数字键盘。 {{EmbedLiveSample("examplenumber",200,55,"","", "nobutton")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/password", "password")}} 单行的文本区域,其值会被遮盖。如果站点不安全,会警告用户。 {{EmbedLiveSample("examplepassword",200,55,"","", "nobutton")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/radio", "radio")}} 单选按钮,允许在多个拥有相同 {{anch('name')}} 值的选项中选中其中一个。 {{EmbedLiveSample("exampleradio",200,55,"","", "nobutton")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/range", "range")}} 此控件用于输入不需要精确的数字。控件是一个范围组件,默认值为正中间的值。同时使用{{anch('htmlattrdefmin')}}   和 {{anch('htmlattrdefmax')}}来规定值的范围。 {{EmbedLiveSample("examplerange",200,55,"","", "nobutton")}}   {{HTMLVersionInline("5")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/reset", "reset")}} 此按钮将表单的所有内容重置为默认值。不推荐。 {{EmbedLiveSample("examplereset",200,55,"","", "nobutton")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/search", "search")}} 用于搜索字符串的单行文字区域。输入文本中的换行会被自动去除。在支持的浏览器中可能有一个删除按钮,用于清除整个区域。拥有动态键盘的设备上的回车图标会变成搜索图标。 {{EmbedLiveSample("examplesearch",200,55,"","", "nobutton")}} {{HTMLVersionInline("5")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/submit", "submit")}} 用于提交表单的按钮。 {{EmbedLiveSample("examplesubmit",200,55,"","", "nobutton")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/tel", "tel")}} 用于输入电话号码的控件。拥有动态键盘的设备上会显示电话数字键盘。 {{EmbedLiveSample("exampletel",200,55,"","", "nobutton")}} {{HTMLVersionInline("5")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/text", "text")}} 默认值。单行的文本区域,输入中的换行会被自动去除。 {{EmbedLiveSample("exampletext",200,55,"","", "nobutton")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/time", "time")}} 用于输入时间的控件,不包括时区。 {{EmbedLiveSample("exampletime",200,55,"","", "nobutton")}} {{HTMLVersionInline("5")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/url", "url")}}

用于输入 URL 的控件。类似 text 输入,但有验证参数,在支持动态键盘的设备上有相应的键盘。

{{EmbedLiveSample("exampleurl",200,55,"","", "nobutton")}} {{HTMLVersionInline("5")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/week", "week")}} 用于输入以年和周数组成的日期,不带时区。 {{EmbedLiveSample("exampleweek",200,55,"","", "nobutton")}}
{{HTMLElement("input/datetime", "datetime")}} {{deprecated_inline}} {{obsolete_inline}} 用于输入基于 UTC 时区的日期和时间(时、分、秒及秒的小数部分)。 {{EmbedLiveSample("exampledatetime",200,75,"","", "nobutton")}}


<input>元素由于拥有诸多属性而异常强大,其中前文举例说明的{{htmlattrxref("type", "input")}}属性尤其重要。由于所有<input>元素,无论是哪种 type ,都基于{{domxref("HTMLInputElement")}}接口,所以理论上说,它们共享一套相同的属性。但实际上大部分属性只作用于特定一组 type。此外,一些属性作用于<input>的方式取决于<input>type属性,不同的type有不同的效果。

下面的表格列出了所有属性,每个属性都有简短的描述。表格后的列表更详细地描述了各个属性及它们与哪些<input> type相关。与大部分或者全部<input> type都相关的属性会讲述更多细节。一些针对特定<input> type的属性,或者所有<input> type都有,但在特定的<input> type上有特定表现的属性,会在相应的type页面中说明。这个元素包含全局属性,一些针对<input>元素有额外意义的全局属性也会特别说明。

{{htmlelement('input')}}元素的属性包括全局 HTML 属性和以下属性:

属性 相关的 type 描述
{{anch('htmlattrdefaccept', 'accept')}} file 用于规定文件上传控件中期望的文件类型
{{anch('htmlattrdefalt', 'alt')}} image image type 的 alt 属性,是可访问性的要求。
{{anch('htmlattrdefautocomplete', 'autocomplete')}} 所有 用于表单的自动填充功能
{{anch('htmlattrdefautofocus', 'autofocus')}} 所有 页面加载时自动聚焦到此表单控件
{{anch('htmlattrdefcapture', 'capture')}} file 文件上传控件中媒体拍摄的方式
{{anch('htmlattrdefchecked', 'checked')}} radio, checkbox 用于控制控件是否被选中
{{anch('htmlattrdefdirname', 'dirname')}} text, search 表单区域的一个名字,用于在提交表单时发送元素的方向性
{{anch('htmlattrdefdisabled', 'disabled')}} 所有 表单控件是否被禁用
{{anch('htmlattrdefform', 'form')}} 所有 将控件和一个 form 元素联系在一起
{{anch('htmlattrdefformaction', 'formaction')}} image, submit 用于提交表单的 URL
{{anch('htmlattrdefformenctype', 'formenctype')}} image, submit 表单数据集的编码方式,用于表单提交
{{anch('htmlattrdefformmethod', 'formmethod')}} image, submit 用于表单提交的 HTTP 方法 
{{anch('htmlattrdefformnovalidate', 'formnovalidate')}} image, submit 提交表单时绕过对表单控件的验证
{{anch('htmlattrdefformtarget', 'formtarget')}} image, submit 表单提交的浏览上下文
{{anch('htmlattrdefheight', 'height')}} image

和 {{htmlelement('img')}} 的 height 属性相同;垂直方向

{{anch('htmlattrdeflist', 'list')}} 绝大部分 自动填充选项的{{htmlelement('datalist')}} 的 id 值
{{anch('htmlattrdefmax', 'max')}} 数字 type 最大值
{{anch('htmlattrdefmaxlength', 'maxlength')}} password, search, tel, text, url value 的最大长度(最多字符数目)
{{anch('htmlattrdefmin', 'min')}} 数字 type 最小值
{{anch('htmlattrdefminlength', 'minlength')}} password, search, tel, text, url value 的最小长度(最少字符数目)
{{anch('htmlattrdefmultiple', 'multiple')}} email, file 布尔值。 是否允许多个值
{{anch('htmlattrdefname', 'name')}} 所有 input 表单控件的名字。以名字/值对的形式随表单一起提交
{{anch('htmlattrdefpattern', 'pattern')}} password, text, tel 匹配有效 value 的模式(pattern)
{{anch('htmlattrdefplaceholder', 'placeholder')}} password, search, tel, text, url 当表单控件为空时,控件中显示的内容
readonly 绝大部分 布尔值。存在时表示控件的值不可编辑
required 绝大部分 布尔值。表示此值为必填项或者提交表单前必须先检查该值
{{anch('htmlattrdefsize', 'size')}} email, password, tel, text 控件的大小
{{anch('htmlattrdefsrc', 'src')}} image 和{{htmlelement('img')}} 的 src 属性一样;图像资源的地址
{{anch('htmlattrdefstep', 'step')}} 数字 type 有效的递增值
{{anch('htmlattrdeftype', 'type')}} 所有 input 表单控件的 type
{{anch('htmlattrdefvalue', 'value')}} 所有 表单控件的值。以名字/值对的形式随表单一起提交
{{anch('htmlattrdefwidth', 'width')}} image 与 {{htmlelement('img')}} 的 width 属性一样



{{ htmlattrdef("accept") }}
如果该元素的 type 属性的值是 file,则该属性表明了服务器端可接受的文件类型;否则它将被忽略。该属性的值必须为一个逗号分割的列表,包含了多个唯一的内容类型声明:
{{ htmlattrdef("accesskey") }} {{ HTMLVersionInline(4) }} only, {{ obsoleteGeneric("inline", "HTML5") }}
用户按下后可以获得此控件焦点的单个字符。这是 HTML5 全局属性。
{{ htmlattrdef("autocomplete") }} {{ HTMLVersionInline(5) }}
这个属性表示这个控件的值是否可被浏览器自动填充。如果type属性的值是 hidden、checkbox、radio、file,或为按钮类型(button、submit、reset、image),则本属性被忽略。可用的值是:

如果<input>元素上没有autocomplete属性,浏览器可使用包含该 input 元素的表单(<form>)或通过 input 的form属性指定的表单的autocomplete属性值。更多信息请参见{{ HTMLElement("form") }}的autocomplete属性。

与其他浏览器不同,autocomplete 还控制着 Firefox 浏览器 对 <input> 持久化动态禁用状态和(如果适用)跨页面加载的动态检查。持久化特性默认是开启的。设置autocomplete的值为off 可以关闭该特性即使 autocomplete 属性通常不应用于<input>的 type,它也可以工作。具体可以查看{{bug(654072)}}。

{{ htmlattrdef("autofocus") }} {{ HTMLVersionInline(5) }}
这个布尔属性允许您指定的表单控件在页面加载时具有焦点(自动获得焦点),除非用户将其覆盖,例如通过键入不同的控件。文档中只有一个表单元素可以具有 autofocus 属性,它是一个布尔值。 如果 type 属性设置为隐藏则不能应用(即您不能自动获得焦点的属性设置为隐藏的控件)。

Introduced in the HTML Media Capture specification and valid for the file input type only, the capture attribute defines which media—microphone, video, or camera—should be used to capture a new file for upload with file upload control in supporting scenarios. See the {{HTMLElement("input/file", "file")}} input type.

{{ htmlattrdef("checked") }}
如果该元素的type属性的值为radio 或者checkbox,则该布尔属性的存在与否表明了该控件是否是默认选择状态。

If present on a checkbox type, it indicates that the checkbox is checked by default (when the page loads). It does not indicate whether this checkbox is currently checked: if the checkbox’s state is changed, this content attribute does not reflect the change. (Only the HTMLInputElement’s checked IDL attribute is updated.)

Note: Unlike other input controls, a checkboxes and radio buttons value are only included in the submitted data if they are currently checked. If they are, the name and the value(s) of the checked controls are submitted.

For example, if a checkbox whose name is fruit has a value of cherry, and the checkbox is checked, the form data submitted will include fruit=cherry. If the checkbox isn't active, it isn't listed in the form data at all. The default value for checkboxes and radio buttons is on.


Valid for text and search input types only, the dirname attribute enables the submission of the directionality of the element. When included, the form control will submit with two name/value pairs: the first being the {{anch('name')}} and {{anch('value')}}, the second being the value of the dirname as the name with the value of ltr or rtl being set by the browser.

<form action="page.html" method="post">
  <label>Fruit: <input type="text" name="fruit" dirname="fruit.dir" value="cherry"></label>
  <input type="submit"/>
<!-- page.html?fruit=cherry&fruit.dir=ltr -->

When the form above is submitted, the input cause both the name / value pair of fruit=cherry and the dirname / direction pair of fruit.dir=ltr to be sent.

{{ htmlattrdef("disabled") }}
这个布尔属性表示此表单控件不可用。 特别是在禁用的控件中, click 事件 将不会被分发 。 并且,禁用的控件的值在提交表单时也不会被提交。如果 type 属性为  hidden,此属性将被忽略。
Note: Although not required by the specification, Firefox will by default persist the dynamic disabled state of an <input> across page loads. Use the {{htmlattrxref("autocomplete","input")}} attribute to control this feature.
{{ htmlattrdef("form") }} {{ HTMLVersionInline(5) }}

A string specifying the {{HTMLElement("form")}} element with which the input is associated (that is, its form owner). This string's value, if present, must match the {{htmlattrxref("id")}} of a <form> element in the same document. If this attribute isn't specified, the <input> element is associated with the nearest containing form, if any.

The form attribute lets you place an input anywhere in the document but have it included with a form elsewhere in the document.

Note: An input can only be associated with one form.


Valid for the image and submit input types only. See the {{HTMLElement("input/submit", "submit")}} input type for more information.


Valid for the image and submit input types only. See the {{HTMLElement("input/submit", "submit")}} input type for more information.


Valid for the image and submit input types only. See the {{HTMLElement("input/submit", "submit")}} input type for more information.


Valid for the image and submit input types only. See the {{HTMLElement("input/submit", "submit")}} input type for more information.


Valid for the image and submit input types only. See the {{HTMLElement("input/submit", "submit")}} input type for more information.

{{ htmlattrdef("height") }} {{ HTMLVersionInline(5) }}

Global attribute valid for all elements, including all the input types, it defines a unique identifier (ID) which must be unique in the whole document. Its purpose is to identify the element when linking. The value is used as the value of the {{htmlelement('label')}}'s for attribute to link the label with the form control. See the {{anch('the label element')}} below.


Global value valid for all elements, it provides a hint to browsers as to the type of virtual keyboard configuration to use when editing this element or its contents. Values include none
texttelurlemailnumericdecimal, and search.


The values of the list attribute is the {{domxref("Element.id", "id")}} of a {{HTMLElement("datalist")}} element located in the same document. The <datalist>  provides a list of predefined values to suggest to the user for this input. Any values in the list that are not compatible with the {{htmlattrxref("type", "input")}} are not included in the suggested options.  The values provided are suggestions, not requirements: users can select from this predefined list or provide a different value.

<datalist id="colorsxx">
<datalist id="numbersxx">
<datalist id="fruitsxx">
<datalist id="urlsxx">

<p><label for="textx">Text</label> <input type="text" list="fruitsxx" id="textx"/></p>
<p><label for="colorx">Color</label> <input type="color" list="colorsxx" id="colorx"/></p>
<p><label for="rangex">Range</label> <input type="range" min="0" max="64" list="numbersxx" id="rangex"/></p>
<p><label for="numberx">Number</label> <input type="number" min="0" max="64" list="numbersxx" id="numberx"/></p>
<p><label for="urlx">URL</label> <input type="url" list="urlsxx" id="urlx"/></p>

{{EmbedLiveSample("datalist",400,275,"","", "nobutton")}}

It is valid on textsearchurltelemaildatemonthweektimedatetime-localnumberrange, and color

Per the specifications, the list attribute is not supported by the hiddenpasswordcheckboxradiofile, or any of the button types.

Depending on the browser, the user may see a custom color palette suggested, tic marks along a range, or even a input that opens like a select but allows for non-listed values. Check out the browser compatibility table for the other input types.

See the {{htmlelement('datalist')}} element.

{{ htmlattrdef("max") }} {{ HTMLVersionInline(5) }} 
{{ htmlattrdef("maxlength") }} {{ HTMLVersionInline(5) }}
如果 type 的值是  textemailsearch, password, tel, 或 url,那么这个属性指明了用户最多可以输入的字符个数(按照 Unicode 编码方式计数);对于其他类型的输入框,该属性被忽略。它可以大于 size 属性的值。如果不指定这个属性,那么用户可以输入任意多的字符。如果指定为一个负值,那么元素表现出默认行为,即用户可以输入任意多的字符。本属性的约束规则,仅在元素的 value 属性发生变化时才会执行。译者注:ie10+
{{ htmlattrdef("min") }} {{ HTMLVersionInline(5) }} 

Valid for textsearchurltelemail, and password, it defines the minimum number of characters (as UTF-16 code units) the user can enter into the entry field. This must be an non-negative integer value smaller than or equal to the value specified by maxlength. If no minlength is specified, or an invalid value is specified, the input has no minimum length.

The input will fail constraint validation if the length of the text entered into the field is fewer than minlength UTF-16 code units long, preventing form submission. See {{anch("Client-side validation")}} for more information.

{{ htmlattrdef("multiple") }}{{ HTMLVersionInline(5) }}
This Boolean attribute indicates whether the user can enter more than one value.这个属性指示用户能否输入多个值。这个属性仅在type属性为 email 或 file 的时候生效 ; 否则被忽视。
{{ htmlattrdef("name") }}
{{ htmlattrdef("pattern") }}{{ HTMLVersionInline(5) }}
检查控件值的正则表达式.。pattern 必须匹配整个值,而不仅仅是某些子集.。使用 title 属性来描述帮助用户的模式.。当类型属性的值为text, search, tel, url 或 email时,此属性适用,否则将被忽略。译者注:ie10+
{{ htmlattrdef("placeholder") }} {{ HTMLVersionInline(5) }}
提示用户输入框的作用。用于提示的占位符文本不能包含回车或换行。仅适用于当type 属性为text, search, tel, url or email 时; 否则会被忽略。
Note: 请不要用placeholder 属性替换 {{ HTMLElement("label") }} 元素。他们的作用不同:  {{ HTMLElement("label") }} 属性描述表单元素的角色; 也就是说,它展示预期的信息,而placeholder 属性是提示用户内容的输入格式。某些情况下 placeholder 属性对用户不可见, 所以当没有它时也需要保证 form 能被理解。
{{ htmlattrdef("readonly") }}

{{ HTMLVersionInline(5) }} 如果控件的 type 属性为hidden, range, color, checkbox, radio, file 或 type 时,此属性会被忽略。

{{ htmlattrdef("required") }} {{ HTMLVersionInline(5) }}
这个属性指定用户在提交表单之前必须为该元素填充值。当 type 属性是 hidden,image 或者按钮类型 (submit,reset,button) 时不可使用. {{ cssxref(":optional") }} 和 {{ cssxref(":required") }} CSS 伪元素的样式将可以被该字段应用作外观。
{{ htmlattrdef("selectionDirection") }} {{ HTMLVersionInline(5) }}
The direction in which selection occurred. This is "forward" if the selection was made from left-to-right in an LTR locale or right-to-left in an RTL locale, or "backward" if the selection was made in the opposite direction. This can be "none" if the selection direction is unknown.
{{ htmlattrdef("size") }}
控件的初始大小。以像素为单位。但当type  属性为text 或 password 时, 它表示输入的字符的长度。从 HTML5 开始, 此属性仅适用于当 type 属性为 text, search, tel, url, email,或 password;否则会被忽略。 此外,它的值必须大于 0。 如果未指定大小,则使用默认值 20。 HTML5 概述 "用户代理应该确保至少大部分字符是可见的", 但是不同的字符的用不同的字体表示可能会导致宽度不同。在某些浏览器中,一串带有 x 的字符即使定义了到 x 的大小也将显示不完整。 。
{{ htmlattrdef("spellcheck") }} {{ HTMLVersionInline(5) }}
将此属性的值设置为true表示元素需要检查其拼写和语法。值default 表示该元素将根据默认行为进行操作,可能基于父元素自己的spellcheck值。值false表示不应该检查元素
{{ htmlattrdef("src") }}
如果type属性的值是image, 这个属性指定了按钮图片的路径; 否则它被忽视。
{{ htmlattrdef("step") }} {{ HTMLVersionInline(5) }}
使用minmax 属性来限制可以设置数字或日期时间值的增量。它可以是任意字符串或是正浮点数。如果此属性未设置为任何,则控件仅接受大于最小步长值的倍数的值。
{{ htmlattrdef("tabindex") }} element-specific in {{ HTMLVersionInline(4) }}, global in {{ HTMLVersionInline(5) }}
元素在当前文档的 Tab 导航顺序中的位置。

Global attribute valid for all elements, including all input types, containing a text representing advisory information related to the element it belongs to. Such information can typically, but not necessarily, be presented to the user as a tooltip. The title should NOT be used as the primary explanation of the purpose of the form control. Instead, use the {{htmlelement('label')}} element with a for attribute set to the form control's {{htmlattrdef('id')}} attribute. See {{anch("Labels")}} below.

{{ htmlattrdef("type") }}
要呈现的控件类型。有关各个类型的信息,请参阅 {{anch("Form <input> types")}},其中包含指向每个类型的更多信息的链接。
{{ htmlattrdef("usemap") }} {{ HTMLVersionInline(4) }} only, {{ obsoleteGeneric("inline", "HTML5") }}
作为图像映射的{{ HTMLElement("map") }}元素的名称。
{{ htmlattrdef("value") }}
控件的初始值。此属性是可选的,除非type 属性是radiocheckbox注意,当重新加载页面时,如果在重新加载之前更改了值,Gecko 和 IE 将忽略 HTML 源代码中指定的值
{{ htmlattrdef("width") }} {{ HTMLVersionInline(5) }}

非标准 <input> 属性

{{htmlattrdef("autocorrect")}} {{non-standard_inline}}
This is a non-standard attribute supported by Safari that is used to control whether autocorrection should be enabled when the user is entering/editing the text value of the <input>. Possible attribute values are: autocorrect documentation in the Safari HTML Reference.
{{ htmlattrdef("mozactionhint") }} {{ non-standard_inline() }}
Specifies an "action hint" used to determine how to label the enter key on mobile devices with virtual keyboards. Supported values are go, done, next, search, and send; these automatically get mapped to the appropriate string (and are case-insensitive).
{{htmlattrdef("autocapitalize")}} {{non-standard_inline}}
This is a nonstandard attribute used by iOS Safari Mobile which controls whether and how the text value should be automatically capitalized as it is entered/edited by the user. The non-deprecated values are available in iOS 5 and later. Possible values are: autocapitalize documentation in the Safari HTML Reference
{{htmlattrdef("incremental")}} {{non-standard_inline}}
This is a nonstandard attribute supported by WebKit (Safari) and Blink (Chrome) that only applies when the type is search. If the attribute is present, regardless of what its value is, the <input> fires search events as the user edits the text value. The event is only fired after an implementation-defined timeout has elapsed since the most recent keystroke, and new keystrokes reset the timeout. In other words, the event firing is debounced. If the attribute is absent, the search event is only fired when the user explicitly initiates a search (e.g. by pressing the Enter key while within field). incremental documentation in the Safari HTML Reference
{{htmlattrdef("mozactionhint")}} {{non-standard_inline}}
Specifies an "action hint" used to determine how to label the enter key on mobile devices with virtual keyboards. Supported values are godonenextsearch, and send. These automatically get mapped to the appropriate string and are case-insensitive.
{{htmlattrdef("results")}} {{non-standard_inline}}
This is a nonstandard attribute supported by Safari that only applies when the type is search. It is used to control the maximum number of entries that should be displayed in the <input>'s native dropdown list of past search queries. Its value should be a nonnegative decimal integer.
{{htmlattrdef("webkitdirectory")}} {{non-standard_inline}}
This Boolean attribute indicates if the selector used when the type attribute is filehas to allow for the selection of directories only.
{{htmlattrdef("x-moz-errormessage")}} {{non-standard_inline}}
This Mozilla extension allows you to specify the error message to display when a field doesn't successfully validate.


The following methods are provided by the HTMLInputElement interface which represents <input> elements in the DOM. Also available are those methods specified by the parent interfaces, HTMLElement, Element, Node, and EventTarget.

Immediately runs the validity check on the element, triggering the document to fire the invalid event at the element if the value isn't valid.
Returns true if the element's value passes validity checks; otherwise, returns false.
Selects the entire content of the <input> element, if the element's content is selectable. For elements with no selectable text content (such as a visual color picker or calendar date input), this method does nothing.
Sets a custom message to display if the input element's value isn't valid.
Sets the contents of the specified range of characters in the input element to a given string. A selectMode parameter is available to allow controlling how the existing content is affected.
Selects the specified range of characters within a textual input element. Does nothing for inputs which aren't presented as text input fields.
Decrements the value of a numeric input by one, by default, or by the specified number of units.
Increments the value of a numeric input by one or by the specified number of units.


Inputs, being replaced elements, have a few features not applicable to non form elements. There are CSS selectors that can specification target form controls based on their UI features, also known as UI pseudo-classes. The input element can also be targeted by type with attribute selectors. There are some properties that are especially useful as well.

UI pseudo-classes

Captions super relevant to the <input> element:
Pseudo-class Description
:enabled Any currently enabled element that can be activated (selected, clicked on, typed into, etc.) or accept focus and also has a disabled state, in which it can't be activated or accept focus.
:disabled Any currently disabled element that has an enabled state, meaing it otherwise could be activated (selected, clicked on, typed into, etc.) or accept focus were it not disabled.
:read-only Element not editable by the user
:read-write Element that is editable by the user.
:placeholder-shown Element that is currently displaying placeholder text, including input elements with the placeholder attribute present that has, as of yet, no value.
:default Form elements that are the default in a group of related elements. Matches checkbox and radio input types that were checked on page load or render.
:checked Matches checkbox and radio input types that are currently checked (and the (<option> in a <select> that is currently selected).
:indeterminate checkbox elements whose indeterminate property is set to true by JavaScript, radio elements, when all radio buttons with the same name value in the form are unchecked, and <progress> elements in an indeterminate state
:valid Form controls that can have constraint validation applied and are currently valid.
:invalid Form controls that have constraint validation applied and are currently not valid. Matches a form control whose value doesn't match the constraints set on it by it's attributes, such as required, pattern , step and max.
:in-range A non-empty input whose current value is within the range limits specified by the min and max attributes and the step .
:out-of-range A non-empty input whose current value is NOT within the range limits specified by the min and max attributes or does not adher to the step constraint.
:placeholder-shown An <input> or <textarea> element that is currently displaying placeholder text.
:required <input>, <select>, or <textarea> element that has the required attribute set on it. Only matches elements that can be required. The attribute included on a non-requirable element will not make for a match.
:optional <input>, <select>, or <textarea> element that does NOT have the required attribute set on it. Does not match elements that can't be required.
:blank <input> and <textarea> elements that currently have no value.
:user-invalid Similar to :invalid, but is activated on blur. Matches invalid input but only after the user interaction, such as by focusing on the control, leaving the control, or attempting to submit the form containing the invalid control.


We can style a checkbox label based on whether the checkbox is checked or not. In this example, we are styling the color and font-weight of the <label> that comes immediately after a checked input. We haven't applied any styles if the input is not checked.

input:checked + label {
  color: red;
  font-weight: bold;

Attribute selectors

It is possible to target different types of form controls based on their type using attribute selectors. CSS attribute selectors match elements based on either just the presence of a attribute or the value of a given attribute.

/* matches a password input */
input[type="password"] {}

/* matches a form control whose valid values are limited to a range of values*/
input[min][max] {}

/* matches a form control with with a pattern attribute */
 input[pattern] {}


By default, the appearance of placeholder text is a translucent or light gray. The ::placeholder pseudo-element is the input's placeholder text. It can be styled with a limited subset of CSS properties.

::placeholder {
  color: blue;

Only the subset of CSS properties that apply to the ::first-line pseudo-element can be used in a rule using ::placeholder in its selector.


The appearance property enables the displaying of (almost) any element as a platform-native style based on the operating system's theme as well as the removal of any platform-native styling with the none value.

You could make a <div> look like a radio button with div {appearance: radio;} or a radio look like a checkbox with [type="checkbox] {appearance: checkbox;}, but don't.

Setting appearance: none removes platform native borders, but not functionality.


A property specific to text entry-related elements is the CSS caret-color property, which lets you set the color used to draw the text input caret:


<label for="textInput">Note the red caret:</label>
<input id="textInput" class="custom" size="32">


input.custom {
  caret-color: red;
  font: 16px "Helvetica", "Arial", "sans-serif"


object-position and object-fit

In certain cases (typically involving non-textual inputs and specialized interfaces), the <input> element is a replaced element. When it is, the position and size of the element's size and positioning within its frame can be adjusted using the CSS object-position and object-fit properties


For more information about adding color to elements in HTML, see:

Also see:

Additional Features


Labels are needed to associate assistive text with an <input>. The <label> element provides explanatory information about a form field that is always appropriate (aside from any layout concerns you have). It's never a bad idea to use a <label> to explain what should be entered into an <input> or <textarea>.

Associated labels

The semantic pairing of <input> and <label> elements is useful for assistive technologies such as screen readers. By pairing them using the <label>'s for attribute, you bond the label to the input in a way that lets screen readers describe inputs to users more precisely.

It does not suffice to have plain text adjacent to the <input> element,. Rather, usability and accessibility requires the inclusion of either implicit or explicit <label>:

<!-- inaccessible -->
<p>Enter your name: <input id="name" type="text" size="30"></p>

<!-- implicit label -->
<p><label>Enter your name: <input id="name" type="text" size="30"></label></p>

<!-- explicit label -->
<p><label for="name">Enter your name: </label><input id="name" type="text" size="30"></p>

The first example is inaccessible: no relationship exists between the prompt and the <input> element.

In addition to an accessible name, the label provides a larger 'hit' area for mouse and touch screen users to click on or touch. By pairing a <label> with an <input>, clicking on either one will focus the <input>. If you use plain text to "label" your input, this won't happen. Having the prompt part of the activation area for the input is helpful for people with motor control conditions.

As web developers, it's important that we never assume that people will know all the things that we know. The diversity of people using the web—and by extension your web site—practically guarantees that some of your site's visitors will have some variation in thought processes and/or circumstances that leads them to interpret your forms very differently from you without clear and properly-presented labels.

Placeholders are not accessible

The placeholder attribute lets you specify a text that appears within the <input> element's content area itself when empty. The placeholder should never be required in order to understand your forms. It is not a label, and should not be used as a substitute, because it isn't. The placeholder is used to show an example input, not an explanation or prompt. Not only is the placeholder not accessible to screen readers, but once the user enters any text into the form control, or if the form control already has a value, there is no placeholder. Browsers with automatic page translation features may skip over attributes when translating, meaning the placeholder may not get translated.

Don't use the placeholder attribute if you can avoid it. If you need to label an <input> element, use the <label> element

Client-side validation

In addition to using CSS to style inputs based on the :valid or :invalid UI states based on the current state of each input, as noted in the UI pseudo-classes section above, the browser provides for client-side validation on (attempted) form submission. On form submission, if their is a form control that fails constraint validation, supporting browsers will display an error message on the first invalid form control; displaying a default message based on the error type, or a message set by you.

Some input types and other attributes place limits on what values are valid for a given input. For example, <input type="number" min="2" max="10" step="2"> means only the number 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10 are valid. Several errors could occur, including a rangeUnderflow error if the value is less than 2, rangeOverflow if greater than 10, stepMismatch if the value is a number between 2 and 10, but not an even integer (does not match the requirements of the step attribute), or typeMismatch if the value is not a number.

Specific attributes and their values can lead to specific error ValidityState

Validity object errors depend on the <input> attributes and their values:
Attribute Relevent property Description
max validityState.rangeOverflow Occurs when the value is greater than the maximum value as defined by the max attribute
maxlength validityState.tooLong Occurs when the number of characters is greater than the number allowed by the maxlength property
min validityState.rangeUnderflow Occurs when the value is less than the minimum value as defined by the min attribute
minlength validityState.tooShort Occurs when the number of characters is less than the number required by the minlength property
pattern validityState.patternMismatch Occurs when a pattern attribute is included with a valid regular expression and the value does not match it.
required validityState.valueMissing Occurs when the required attribute is present but the value is null or radio or checkbox is not checked.
step validityState.stepMismatch The value doesn't match the step increment. Increment default is 1, so only integers are valid on type="number" is step is not included. step="any" will never throw this error.
type validityState.typeMismatch Occurs when the value is not of the correct type, for example a email does not contain an @ or a url doesn't contain a protocol.

If a form control doesn't have the required attribute, no value, or an empty string, is not invalid. Even if the above attributes are present, with the exception of 'required', and empty string will not lead to an error.

We can set limits on what values we accept, and supporting browsers will natively validate these form values and alert the user if there is a mistake when the form is submitted.

In addition to the errors described in the table above, the validityState interface contains the badInput, valid, and customError boolean readonly properties. The validity object includes:

For each of these Boolean properties, a value of true indicates that the specified reason validation may have failed is true, with the exception of the valid property, which is true if the element's value obeys all constraints.

If there is an error, supporting browsers will both alert the user and prevent the form from being submitted. A word of caution: if a custom error is set to a truthy value (anything other than the empty string or null), the form will be be prevented from being submitted. If there is no custom error message, and none of the other properties return true, valid will be true, and the form can be submitted.

function validate(input) {
  let validityState_object = input.validity;
  if(validityState_object.valueMissing) {
     input.setCustomValidity('A value is required');
  } else if (input.rangeUnderflow) {
    input.setCustomValidity('Your value is too low');
  } else if (input.rangeOverflow) {
    input.setCustomValidity('Your value is too high');
  } else {

The last line, setting the custom validity message to the error string is vital. If the user makes an error, and the validity is set, it will fail to submit, even if all of the values are valid, until the message is null.


If you want to present a custom error message when a field fails to validate, you need to use the Constraint validation features available on <input> (and related) elements. Take the following form:

  <label for="name">Enter username (upper and lowercase letters): </label>
  <input type="text" name="name" id="name" required pattern="[A-Za-z]+">

The basic HTML form validation features will cause this to produce a default error message if you try to submit the form with either no valid filled in, or a value that does not match the pattern.

If you wanted to instead display custom error messages, you could use JavaScript like the following:

const nameInput = document.querySelector('input');
const form = document.querySelector('form');

nameInput.addEventListener('input', () => {

nameInput.addEventListener('invalid', () => {
  if(nameInput.value === '') {
    nameInput.setCustomValidity('Enter your username!');
  } else {
    nameInput.setCustomValidity('Usernames can only contain upper and lowercase letters. Try again!');

The example renders like so:

In brief:

Note: Always validate input constraints both client side and server side. Constraint validation doesn't remove the need for validation on the server side. Invalid values can still be sent by older browsers or by bad actors.

Note: Firefox supported a proprietary error attribute — x-moz-errormessage — for many versions, which allowed you set custom error messages in a similar way. This has been removed as of version 66 (see bug 1513890).


The allowed inputs for certain <input> types depend on the locale. In some locales, 1,000.00 is a valid number, while in other locales the valid way to enter this number is 1.000,00.

Firefox uses the following heuristics to determine the locale to validate the user's input (at least for type="number"):

Technical summary

Content categories Flow content, listed, submittable, resettable, form-associated element, phrasing content. If the type is not hidden, then labelable element, palpable content.
Permitted content None, it is an empty element.
Tag omission Must have a start tag and must not have an end tag.
Permitted parents Any element that accepts phrasing content.
Permitted ARIA roles
DOM interface HTMLInputElement


Specification Status Comment
HTML Living Standard
The definition of '<input>' in that specification.
Living Standard
HTML Media Capture
The definition of 'capture attribute' in that specification.
Recommendation Adds the capture attribute
The definition of '<input>' in that specification.
HTML 4.01 Specification
The definition of '<form>' in that specification.

Accessibility concerns


When including inputs, it is an accessibilty requirement to add labels along side. This is needed so those who use assistive technologies can tell what the input is for. Also, clicking or touching a label gives focus to the label's associated form control. This improves the accessibility and usability for sighted users, increases the area a user can click or touch to activate the form control. this is especially useful (and even needed) for radio buttons and checkboxes, which are tiny. For more information about labels in general see Labels .

The following is an example of how to associate the <label> with an <input> element in the above style. You need to give the <input> an id attribute. The <label> then needs a for attribute whose value is the same as the input's id.

<label for="peas">Do you like peas?</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="peas" id="peas">


Interactive elements such as form input should provide an area large enough that it is easy to activate them. This helps a variety of people, including people with motor control issues and people using non-precise forms of input such as a stylus or fingers. A minimum interactive size of 44×44 CSS pixels is recommended.

Browser compatibility

Update compatibility data on GitHub
Desktop Mobile
Chrome Edge Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari Android webview Chrome for Android Firefox for Android Opera for Android Safari on iOS Samsung Internet
input Chrome Full support Yes Edge Full support 12 Firefox Full support 1 IE Full support Yes Opera Full support Yes Safari Full support 1 WebView Android Full support 1 Chrome Android Full support Yes Firefox Android Full support 4 Opera Android Full support Yes Safari iOS Full support 1 Samsung Internet Android Full support Yes
type="button" Chrome Full support 1 Edge Full support 12 Firefox Full support 1 IE Full support Yes Opera Full support Yes Safari Full support 1 WebView Android Full support Yes Chrome Android Full support 18 Firefox Android Full support 4 Opera Android Full support Yes Safari iOS Full support Yes Samsung Internet Android Full support 1.0
type="checkbox" Chrome Full support Yes Edge Full support 12 Firefox Full support Yes IE Full support Yes Opera Full support Yes Safari Full support Yes WebView Android Full support Yes Chrome Android Full support Yes Firefox Android Full support 4 Opera Android Full support Yes Safari iOS Full support Yes Samsung Internet Android Full support Yes
type="color" Chrome Full support 20 Edge Full support 14 Firefox Full support 29
Full support 29
Notes Firefox doesn't yet support inputs of type color on Windows Touch.
IE No support No Opera Full support 12 Safari Full support 12.1 WebView Android Full support 4.4 Chrome Android Full support 25 Firefox Android Full support 27 Opera Android Full support 12 Safari iOS Full support 12.2 Samsung Internet Android Full support 1.5
type="date" Chrome Full support 20 Edge Full support 12 Firefox Full support 57 IE No support No Opera Full support 11 Safari No support No
No support No
Notes The input type is recognized, but there is no date-specific control. See bug 119175.
WebView Android Full support Yes Chrome Android Full support Yes Firefox Android Full support 57 Opera Android Full support 11 Safari iOS Full support 5 Samsung Internet Android Full support Yes
type="datetime-local" Chrome Full support 20 Edge Full support 12 Firefox No support No
No support No
Notes See bug 888320 and TPE DOM/Date time input types.
IE No support No Opera Full support 11 Safari No support No
No support No
Notes The input type is recognized, but there is no date-specific control. See bug 200416.
WebView Android Full support Yes Chrome Android Full support Yes Firefox Android Full support Yes Opera Android Full support 11 Safari iOS Full support Yes Samsung Internet Android Full support Yes
type="email" Chrome Full support 5 Edge Full support 12 Firefox Full support Yes IE Full support 10 Opera Full support 11 Safari Full support Yes WebView Android ? Chrome Android ? Firefox Android Full support 4 Opera Android Full support Yes Safari iOS Full support 3.1
Full support 3.1
Notes Doesn't do validation, but instead offers a custom 'email' keyboard, which is designed to make entering email addresses easier.
Notes The custom 'email' keyboard does not provide a comma key, so users cannot enter multiple email addresses.
Notes Automatically applies a default style of opacity: 0.4 to disable textual <input> elements, including those of type 'email'. Other major browsers don't currently share this particular default style.
Samsung Internet Android ?
type="file" Chrome Full support 1 Edge Full support 12 Firefox Full support 1
Full support 1
Notes You can set as well as get the value of HTMLInputElement.files in all modern browsers; this was most recently added to Firefox, in version 57 (see bug 1384030).
IE Full support Yes Opera Full support 11 Safari Full support 1 WebView Android Full support Yes Chrome Android Full support Yes Firefox Android Full support 4 Opera Android Full support 11 Safari iOS Full support Yes Samsung Internet Android Full support Yes
type="hidden" Chrome Full support 1 Edge Full support 12 Firefox Full support 1 IE Full support Yes Opera Full support 2 Safari Full support 1 WebView Android Full support Yes Chrome Android Full support Yes Firefox Android Full support 4 Opera Android Full support Yes Safari iOS Full support Yes Samsung Internet Android Full support Yes
type="image" Chrome Full support Yes Edge Full support 12 Firefox Full support Yes IE Full support Yes Opera Full support Yes Safari Full support Yes WebView Android Full support Yes Chrome Android ? Firefox Android Full support Yes Opera Android Full support Yes Safari iOS Full support Yes Samsung Internet Android ?
x-moz-errormessage attribute
Chrome No support No Edge No support No Firefox No support ? — 66 IE No support No Opera No support No Safari No support No WebView Android No support No Chrome Android No support No Firefox Android No support ? — 66 Opera Android No support No Safari iOS No support No Samsung Internet Android No support No
type="month" Chrome Full support 20 Edge Full support 12 Firefox No support No
No support No
Notes See bug 888320.
IE No support No Opera Full support 11 Safari No support No
No support No
Notes The input type is recognized, but there is no month-specific control. See bug 200416.
WebView Android Full support Yes Chrome Android Full support Yes Firefox Android No support No Opera Android Full support Yes Safari iOS Full support Yes Samsung Internet Android Full support Yes
type="number" Chrome Full support Yes Edge Full support 12 Firefox Full support Yes IE Full support 10 Opera Full support Yes Safari Full support Yes WebView Android Full support Yes Chrome Android Full support Yes Firefox Android Full support Yes Opera Android Full support Yes Safari iOS Full support Yes Samsung Internet Android Full support Yes
type="password" Chrome Full support 1 Edge Full support 12 Firefox Full support 1 IE Full support 2 Opera Full support 2 Safari Full support 1 WebView Android ? Chrome Android Full support Yes Firefox Android Full support 4 Opera Android Full support Yes Safari iOS Full support Yes Samsung Internet Android Full support Yes
type="radio" Chrome Full support Yes Edge Full support 12 Firefox Full support Yes IE Full support Yes Opera Full support Yes Safari Full support Yes WebView Android Full support Yes Chrome Android Full support Yes Firefox Android Full support 4 Opera Android Full support Yes Safari iOS Full support Yes Samsung Internet Android Full support Yes
type="range" Chrome Full support 4 Edge Full support 12 Firefox Full support 23 IE Full support 10 Opera Full support 11 Safari Full support 3.1 WebView Android Full support 4.4
Full support 4.4
No support 2 — 4.4
Notes Pre-Chromium Android WebView recognizes the range type, but doesn't implement a range-specific control.
Chrome Android Full support 57 Firefox Android Full support 52 Opera Android Full support Yes Safari iOS Full support 5.1 Samsung Internet Android Full support 7.0
type="reset" Chrome Full support 1 Edge Full support 12 Firefox Full support 1
Full support 1
Notes Unlike other browsers, Firefox by default persists the dynamic disabled state of a <button> across page loads. Use the autocomplete attribute to control this feature.
IE Full support Yes Opera Full support Yes Safari Full support 1 WebView Android Full support Yes Chrome Android Full support Yes Firefox Android Full support 4
Full support 4
Notes Unlike other browsers, Firefox by default persists the dynamic disabled state of a <button> across page loads. Use the autocomplete attribute to control this feature.
Opera Android Full support Yes Safari iOS Full support Yes Samsung Internet Android Full support Yes
type="search" Chrome Full support 5 Edge Full support 12 Firefox Full support 4 IE Full support 10 Opera Full support 10.6 Safari Full support 5 WebView Android Full support Yes Chrome Android Full support Yes Firefox Android Full support Yes Opera Android Full support Yes Safari iOS Full support Yes Samsung Internet Android Full support Yes
type="submit" Chrome Full support 1 Edge Full support 12 Firefox Full support 1
Full support 1
Notes Unlike other browsers, Firefox by default persists the dynamic disabled state of a <button> across page loads. Use the autocomplete attribute to control this feature.
IE Full support Yes Opera Full support Yes Safari Full support 1 WebView Android Full support Yes Chrome Android Full support Yes Firefox Android Full support 4
Full support 4
Notes Unlike other browsers, Firefox by default persists the dynamic disabled state of a <button> across page loads. Use the autocomplete attribute to control this feature.
Opera Android Full support Yes Safari iOS Full support Yes Samsung Internet Android Full support Yes
type="tel" Chrome Full support Yes Edge Full support 12 Firefox Full support Yes IE Full support 10 Opera Full support 11 Safari Full support Yes WebView Android Full support Yes Chrome Android Full support Yes Firefox Android Full support Yes Opera Android Full support Yes Safari iOS Full support Yes Samsung Internet Android Full support Yes
type="text" Chrome Full support 1 Edge Full support 12 Firefox Full support 1 IE Full support Yes Opera Full support Yes Safari Full support 1 WebView Android Full support Yes Chrome Android Full support Yes Firefox Android Full support 4 Opera Android Full support Yes Safari iOS Full support Yes Samsung Internet Android Full support Yes
type="time" Chrome Full support 20 Edge Full support 12 Firefox Full support 57 IE No support No Opera Full support 10 Safari No support No
No support No
Notes See bug 200416.
WebView Android Full support Yes Chrome Android Full support 25 Firefox Android Full support 57 Opera Android Full support Yes Safari iOS Full support Yes Samsung Internet Android Full support 1.5
type="url" Chrome Full support 1 Edge Full support 12 Firefox Full support Yes IE Full support 10 Opera Full support 11 Safari Full support Yes WebView Android Full support Yes Chrome Android Full support Yes Firefox Android Full support Yes Opera Android Full support Yes Safari iOS Full support Yes Samsung Internet Android Full support Yes
type="week" Chrome Full support 20 Edge Full support 12 Firefox No support No
No support No
Notes See bug 888320.
IE No support No Opera Full support 11 Safari No support No
No support No
Notes See bug 200416.
WebView Android Full support Yes Chrome Android Full support Yes Firefox Android Full support Yes Opera Android Full support Yes Safari iOS Full support Yes Samsung Internet Android Full support Yes


Full support
Full support
No support
No support
Compatibility unknown
Compatibility unknown
Experimental. Expect behavior to change in the future.
Experimental. Expect behavior to change in the future.
Non-standard. Expect poor cross-browser support.
Non-standard. Expect poor cross-browser support.
Deprecated. Not for use in new websites.
Deprecated. Not for use in new websites.
See implementation notes.
See implementation notes.
