消息头 |
描述 |
更多信息 |
标准 |
Accept |
用户代理期望的MIME 类型列表 |
HTTP Content Negotiation |
HTTP/1.1 |
列出配置数据,服务器可据此来选择适当的响应。 |
HTTP Client Hints |
Accept-Charset |
列出用户代理支持的字符集。 |
HTTP Content Negotiation |
HTTP/1.1 |
Accept-Features |
HTTP Content Negotiation |
RFC 2295, §8.2 |
Accept-Encoding |
列出用户代理支持的压缩方法。 |
HTTP Content Negotiation |
HTTP/1.1 |
Accept-Language |
列出用户代理期望的页面语言。 |
HTTP Content Negotiation |
HTTP/1.1 |
Accept-Ranges |
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials |
HTTP Access Control and Server Side Access Control{{ gecko_minversion_inline("1.9.1") }} |
W3C Cross-Origin Resource Sharing |
Access-Control-Allow-Origin |
HTTP Access Control and Server Side Access Control{{ gecko_minversion_inline("1.9.1") }} |
W3C Cross-Origin Resource Sharing |
Access-Control-Allow-Methods |
HTTP Access Control and Server Side Access Control{{ gecko_minversion_inline("1.9.1") }} |
W3C Cross-Origin Resource Sharing |
Access-Control-Allow-Headers |
HTTP Access Control and Server Side Access Control{{ gecko_minversion_inline("1.9.1") }} |
W3C Cross-Origin Resource Sharing |
Access-Control-Max-Age |
HTTP Access Control and Server Side Access Control{{ gecko_minversion_inline("1.9.1") }} |
W3C Cross-Origin Resource Sharing |
Access-Control-Expose-Headers |
HTTP Access Control and Server Side Access Control{{ gecko_minversion_inline("2") }} |
W3C Cross-Origin Resource Sharing |
Access-Control-Request-Method |
HTTP Access Control and Server Side Access Control{{ gecko_minversion_inline("1.9.1") }} |
W3C Cross-Origin Resource Sharing |
Access-Control-Request-Headers |
HTTP Access Control and Server Side Access Control{{ gecko_minversion_inline("1.9.1") }} |
W3C Cross-Origin Resource Sharing |
Age |
Allow |
Alternates |
HTTP Content Negotiation |
RFC 2295, §8.3 |
Authorization |
包含用服务器验证用户代理的凭证 |
Cache-Control |
HTTP Caching FAQ |
Connection |
Content-Encoding |
Content-Language |
Content-Length |
Content-Location |
Content-MD5 |
{{ unimplemented_inline("232030") }} |
Content-Range |
Content-Security-Policy |
控制用户代理在一个页面上可以加载使用的资源。 |
CSP (Content Security Policy) |
W3C Content Security Policy |
Content-Type |
指示服务器文档的MIME 类型。帮助用户代理(浏览器)去处理接收到的数据。 |
Cookie |
RFC 2109 |
设置该值为1, 表明用户明确退出任何形式的网上跟踪。 |
Supported by Firefox 4, Firefox 5 for mobile, IE9, and a few major companies. |
{{SpecName("Tracking")}} |
Date |
ETag |
HTTP Caching FAQ |
Expect |
Expires |
HTTP Caching FAQ |
From |
Host |
If-Match |
If-Modified-Since |
HTTP Caching FAQ |
If-None-Match |
HTTP Caching FAQ |
If-Range |
If-Unmodified-Since |
Last-Event-ID |
给出服务器在先前HTTP连接上接收的最后事件的ID。用于同步文本/事件流。 |
Server-Sent Events |
Server-Sent Events spec |
Last-Modified |
HTTP Caching FAQ |
Link |
For the rel=prefetch case, see Link Prefetching FAQ
Introduced in HTTP 1.1's RFC 2068, section, it was removed in the final HTTP 1.1 spec, then reintroduced, with some extensions, in RFC 5988
Location |
Max-Forwards |
Negotiate |
HTTP Content Negotiation |
RFC 2295, §8.4 |
Origin |
HTTP Access Control and Server Side Access Control{{ gecko_minversion_inline("1.9.1") }} |
More recently defined in the Fetch spec (see Fetch API.) Originally defined in W3C Cross-Origin Resource Sharing |
Pragma |
for the pragma: nocache value see HTTP Caching FAQ |
Proxy-Authenticate |
Proxy-Authorization |
Range |
Referer |
(请注意,在HTTP / 0.9规范中引入的正交错误必须在协议的后续版本中保留)
Retry-After |
Sec-Websocket-Extensions |
Websockets |
Sec-Websocket-Key |
Websockets |
Sec-Websocket-Origin |
Websockets |
Sec-Websocket-Protocol |
Websockets |
Sec-Websocket-Version |
Websockets |
Server |
Set-Cookie |
RFC 2109 |
Set-Cookie2 |
RFC 2965 |
Strict-Transport-Security |
HTTP Strict Transport Security |
IETF reference |
HTTP Content Negotiation |
RFC 2295, §8.5 |
TE |
Trailer |
列出将在消息正文之后在尾部块中传输的头。这允许服务器计算一些值,如Content-MD5:在传输数据时。请注意,Trailer:标头不得列出Content-Length :, Trailer:或Transfer-Encoding:headers。
RFC 2616, §14.40 |
Transfer-Encoding |
Upgrade |
User-Agent |
for Gecko's user agents see the User Agents Reference |
Variant-Vary |
HTTP Content Negotiation |
RFC 2295, §8.6 |
Vary |
HTTP Content Negotiation & HTTP Caching FAQ |
Via |
Warning |
WWW-Authenticate |
X-Content-Duration |
Configuring servers for Ogg media |
X-Content-Security-Policy |
Using Content Security Policy |
X-DNSPrefetch-Control |
Controlling DNS prefetching |
X-Frame-Options |
The XFrame-Option Response Header |
X-Requested-With |
Not standard |