--- title: 'TypeError: "x" is read-only' slug: Web/JavaScript/Reference/Errors/Read-only translation_of: Web/JavaScript/Reference/Errors/Read-only ---
TypeError: "x" is read-only (Firefox) //格式错误:"x"只读。(x可以代表任意值) TypeError: 0 is read-only (Firefox) TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'x' of #<Object> (Chrome) //格式错误:对象的x属性是只读的不能设置 (chrome) TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property '0' of [object Array] (Chrome)
全局变量或对象属性被设置为只读 (专业点讲,就是这条数据属性禁止写入.)
这条错误值发生在strict mode code(俗称严格模式). 正常情况下,是没有报错的。
只读属性不能直接创建, 但我们可以通过{{jsxref("Object.defineProperty()")}} 或 {{jsxref("Object.freeze()")}}设置.
"use strict"; var obj = Object.freeze({name: "Elsa", score: 157}); obj.score = 0; // TypeError "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(this, "LUNG_COUNT", {value: 2, writable: false}); LUNG_COUNT = 3; // TypeError "use strict"; var frozenArray = Object.freeze([0, 1, 2]); frozenArray[0]++; // TypeError 还有几个JavaScript内置属性. 如果你尝试修改一个常量. "use strict"; Math.PI = 4; // TypeError
, 所以你不能忽视臭名昭著的"undefined is not a function"错误:
"use strict"; undefined = function () {}; // TypeError: "undefined" is read-only
"use strict"; var obj = Object.freeze({name: "Score", points: 157}); obj = {name: obj.name, points: 0}; // 用一个新对象替换原来的对象(其实就是更改了对象的指针) "use strict"; var LUNG_COUNT = 2; // LUNG_COUNT = 3; //