title: 渐进式 Web 应用(PWA)
slug: Web/Progressive_web_apps
- Apps
- Modern web apps
- Progressive web apps
- web app manifest
- 渐进式增强
- 渐进式增强的Web应用程序
translation_of: Web/Progressive_web_apps
PWA(Progressive web apps,渐进式 Web 应用)运用现代的 Web API 以及传统的渐进式增强策略来创建跨平台 Web 应用程序。这些应用无处不在、功能丰富,使其具有与原生应用相同的用户体验优势。 这组文档和指南告诉您有关 PWA 的所有信息。
PWA 的优势
PWA 是可被发现、易安装、可链接、独立于网络、渐进式、可重用、响应性和安全的。关于这些含义的细节,请参阅 PWA的优势。关于如何实施PWA,请参阅下面列出的指南。
核心 PWA 指南
- PWA 介绍
- PWA 结构
- 通过 Service workers 让 PWA 离线工作
- 让 PWA 易于安装
- 通过通知推送让 PWA 可重用
- 渐进式加载
- localForage — a nice simple JavaScript library for making client-side data storage really simple; it uses IndexedDB by default, and falls back to Web SQL/Web Storage if necessary.
- ServiceWorkerWare — an Express-like microframework for easy Service Worker development.
- oghliner — not only a template but a tool for deploying Offline Web Apps to GitHub Pages.
- sw-precache — a node module to generate service worker code that will precache specific resources.
- workbox — spiritual successor to sw-precache with more advanced caching strategies and easy precaching.
- upup — a tiny script that makes sure your site is always there for your users.
- The service worker cookbook — A series of excellent service worker/push recipes, showing how to implement an offline app, but also much more.