title: SVG Presentation Attributes
slug: Web/SVG/Attribute/Presentation
translation_of: Web/SVG/Attribute/Presentation
- {{SVGAttr('alignment-baseline')}}
- It specifies how an object is aligned along the font baseline with respect to its parent.
Value: auto
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('baseline-shift')}}
- It allows repositioning of the dominant-baseline relative to the dominant-baseline of the parent text content element.
Value: auto
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('clip')}} {{deprecated_inline('css')}}
- It defines what portion of an element is visible.
Value: auto
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('clip-path')}}
- It binds the element it is applied to with a given {{SVGElement('clipPath')}} element.
Value: none
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('clip-rule')}}
- It indicates how to determine what side of a path is inside a shape in order to know how a {{SVGElement('clipPath')}} should clip its target.
Value: nonezero
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('color')}}
- It provides a potential indirect value (
) for the fill
, stroke
, stop-color
, flood-color
and lighting-color
presentation attributes.
Value: <color>|inherit
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('color-interpolation')}}
- It specifies the color space for gradient interpolations, color animations, and alpha compositing.
Value: auto
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('color-interpolation-filters')}}
- It specifies the color space for imaging operations performed via filter effects.
Value: auto
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('color-profile')}} {{deprecated_inline('svg2')}}
- It defines which color profile a raster image included through the {{SVGElement('image')}} element should use.
Value: auto
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('color-rendering')}}
- It provides a hint to the browser about how to optimize its color interpolation and compositing operations.
Value: auto
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('cursor')}}
- It specifies the mouse cursor displayed when the mouse pointer is over an element.
Value: <FuncIRI>|<keywords>|inherit
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('direction')}}
- It specifies the base writing direction of text.
Value: ltr
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('display')}}
- It allows to control the rendering of graphical or container elements.
Value: see css {{cssxref('display')}}; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('dominant-baseline')}}
- It defines the baseline used to align the box’s text and inline-level contents.
Value: auto
| mathematical
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('enable-background')}} {{deprecated_inline('svg2')}}
- It tells the browser how to manage the accumulation of the background image.
Value: accumulate
; Animatable: No
- {{SVGAttr('fill')}}
- It defines the color of the inside of the graphical element it applies to.
Value: <paint>; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('fill-opacity')}}
- It specifies the opacity of the color or the content the current object is filled with.
Value: <number>|<percentage>; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('fill-rule')}}
- It indicates how to determine what side of a path is inside a shape.
Value: nonzero
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('filter')}}
- It defines the filter effects defined by the {{SVGElement('filter')}} element that shall be applied to its element.
Value: <FuncIRI>|none
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('flood-color')}}
- It indicates what color to use to flood the current filter primitive subregion defined through the {{SVGElement('feFlood')}} or {{SVGElement('feDropShadow')}} element.
Value: <color>; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('flood-opacity')}}
- It indicates the opacity value to use across the current filter primitive subregion defined through the {{SVGElement('feFlood')}} or {{SVGElement('feDropShadow')}} element.
Value: <number>|<percentage>; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('font-family')}}
- It indicates which font family will be used to render the text of the element.
Value: see css {{cssxref('font-family')}}; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('font-size')}}
- It specifies the size of the font.
Value: see css {{cssxref('font-size')}}; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('font-size-adjust')}}
- It specifies that the font size should be chosen based on the height of lowercase letters rather than the height of capital letters.
Value: <number>|none
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('font-stretch')}}
- It selects a normal, condensed, or expanded face from a font.
Value: see css {{cssxref('font-stretch')}}; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('font-style')}}
- It specifies whether a font should be styled with a normal, italic, or oblique face from its {{SVGAttr('font-family')}}.
Value: normal
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('font-variant')}}
- It specifies whether a font should be used with some of their variation such as small caps or ligatures.
Value: see css {{cssxref('font-variant')}}; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('font-weight')}}
- It specifies the weight (or boldness) of the font.
Value: normal
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('glyph-orientation-horizontal')}} {{deprecated_inline('svg2')}}
- It controls glyph orientation when the inline-progression-direction is horizontal.
Value: <angle>|inherit
; Animatable: No
- {{SVGAttr('glyph-orientation-vertical')}} {{deprecated_inline('svg2')}}
- It controls glyph orientation when the inline-progression-direction is vertical.
Value: auto
; Animatable: No
- {{SVGAttr('image-rendering')}}
- It provides a hint to the browser about how to make speed vs. quality tradeoffs as it performs image processing.
Value: auto
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('kerning')}} {{deprecated_inline('svg2')}}
- It indicates whether the browser should adjust inter-glyph spacing.
Value: auto
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('letter-spacing')}}
- It controls spacing between text characters.
Value: normal
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('lighting-color')}}
- It defines the color of the light source for filter primitives elements {{SVGElement('feDiffuseLighting')}} and {{SVGElement('feSpecularLighting')}}.
Value: <color>; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('marker-end')}}
- It defines the arrowhead or polymarker that will be drawn at the final vertex of the given {{SVGElement('path')}} element or basic shape.
Value: <FuncIRI>|none
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('marker-mid')}}
- It defines the arrowhead or polymarker that will be drawn at every vertex other than the first and last vertex of the given {{SVGElement('path')}} element or basic shape.
Value: <FuncIRI>|none
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('marker-start')}}
- It defines the arrowhead or polymarker that will be drawn at the first vertex of the given {{SVGElement('path')}} element or basic shape.
Value: <FuncIRI>|none
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('mask')}}
- It alters the visibility of an element by either masking or clipping the image at specific points.
Value: see css {{cssxref('mask')}}; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('opacity')}}
- It specifies the transparency of an object or a group of objects.
Value: <opacity-value>; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('overflow')}}
- Specifies whether the content of a block-level element is clipped when it overflows the element's box.
Value: visible
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('pointer-events')}}
- Defines whether or when an element may be the target of a mouse event.
Value: bounding-box
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('shape-rendering')}}
- Hints about what tradeoffs to make as the browser renders {{SVGElement('path')}} element or basic shapes.
Value: auto
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('solid-color')}}
- -
Value:; Animatable: -
- {{SVGAttr('solid-opacity')}}
- -
Value:; Animatable: -
- {{SVGAttr('stop-color')}}
- Indicates what color to use at that gradient stop.
Value: currentColor
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('stop-opacity')}}
- Defines the opacity of a given gradient stop.
Value: <opacity-value>|inherit
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('stroke')}}
- Defines the color used to paint the outline of the shape.
Value: <paint>; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('stroke-dasharray')}}
- Defines the pattern of dashes and gaps used to paint the outline of the shape.
Value: none
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('stroke-dashoffset')}}
- Defines an offset on the rendering of the associated dash array.
Value: <percentage>|<length>; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('stroke-linecap')}}
- Defines the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked.
Value: butt
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('stroke-linejoin')}}
- Defines the shape to be used at the corners of paths when they are stroked.
Value: arcs
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('stroke-miterlimit')}}
- Defines a limit on the ratio of the miter length to the {{ SVGAttr("stroke-width") }} used to draw a miter join.
Value: <number>; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('stroke-opacity')}}
- Defines the opacity of the stroke of a shape.
Value: <opacity-value>|<percentage>; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('stroke-width')}}
- Defines the width of the stroke to be applied to the shape.
Value: <length>|<percentage>; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('text-anchor')}}
- Defines the vertical alignment a string of text.
Value: start
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('text-decoration')}}
- Sets the appearance of decorative lines on text.
Value: none
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('text-rendering')}}
- Hints about what tradeoffs to make as the browser renders text.
Value: auto
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('transform')}}
- Defines a list of transform definitions that are applied to an element and the element's children.
Value: <transform-list>; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('unicode-bidi')}}
- -
Value:; Animatable: -
- {{SVGAttr('vector-effect')}}
- Specifies the vector effect to use when drawing an object.
Value: default
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('visibility')}}
- Lets you control the visibility of graphical elements.
Value: visible
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('word-spacing')}}
- Specifies spacing behavior between words.
Value: <length>|inherit
; Animatable: Yes
- {{SVGAttr('writing-mode')}}
- Specifies whether the initial inline-progression-direction for a {{SVGElement('text')}} element shall be left-to-right, right-to-left, or top-to-bottom.
Value: lr-tb
; Animatable: Yes
Browser compatibility