title: XML Web Services
slug: XML_Web_Services
- XML Web Services
translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/Firefox/SOAP_in_Gecko-based_Browsers
XML Web Service是一组用于程序或系统之间交换数据的协议与标准。用不同语言编写的,在不同平台下运行的软件应用可以使用Web Service在计算机网络中(如因特网),像在本机的进程之间一样交换数据。在XML Web Service中,所有需要交换的数据使用XML标记。
. {{ Ref(1) }}
- SOAP 在基于Gecko的浏览器中的应用
- 本文介绍了如何在通过Gecko的浏览器对SOAP和JavaScript的兼容性来访问Web Service。
- W3School的 SOAP 教程
- SOAP is a simple XML-based protocol to let applications exchange information over HTTP. In this W3Schools SOAP tutorial, you will learn what SOAP is, and how it uses XML to exchange information between applications.
- XML-RPC新手上路
- Informal but informative introduction to XML Remote Procedure Calls (XML-RPC).
- Web Services 基础
- "Web services are a new breed of Web application. They are self-contained, self-describing, modular applications that can be published, located, and invoked across the Web."
{{ DiscussionList("dev-tech-xml", "mozilla.dev.tech.xml") }}
{{ Note(1) }} From Wikipedia.
--Halfmature 20:42 2006年4月24日 (PDT)
{{ languages( { "en": "en/XML_Web_Services", "es": "es/Servicios_Web_XML", "fr": "fr/Services_Web_XML", "it": "it/XML_Web_Services", "ja": "ja/XML_Web_Services", "ko": "ko/XML_Web_Services", "pl": "pl/XML_Web_Services" } ) }}