--- title: XULRunner tips slug: XULRunner_tips translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/XULRunner/Tips ---
要安装扩展,你首先要在application.ini中激活扩展管理器. XULRunner 1.8.0不会从程序目录载入扩展;只有XULRunner目录和用户配置目录会被检查。 然而,XULRunner 1.9在配置和程序目录检查后,XULRunner目录将被略过。要让XPInstall对话框、扩展管理器、皮肤管理器运行,下面的选项必须要进行设置:
pref("xpinstall.dialog.confirm", "chrome://mozapps/content/xpinstall/xpinstallConfirm.xul"); pref("xpinstall.dialog.progress.skin", "chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul?type=themes"); pref("xpinstall.dialog.progress.chrome", "chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul?type=extensions"); pref("xpinstall.dialog.progress.type.skin", "Extension:Manager-themes"); pref("xpinstall.dialog.progress.type.chrome", "Extension:Manager-extensions"); pref("extensions.update.enabled", true); pref("extensions.update.interval", 86400); pref("extensions.dss.enabled", false); pref("extensions.dss.switchPending", false); pref("extensions.ignoreMTimeChanges", false); pref("extensions.logging.enabled", false); pref("general.skins.selectedSkin", "classic/1.0"); // NB these point at AMO pref("extensions.update.url", "chrome://mozapps/locale/extensions/extensions.properties"); pref("extensions.getMoreExtensionsURL", "chrome://mozapps/locale/extensions/extensions.properties"); pref("extensions.getMoreThemesURL", "chrome://mozapps/locale/extensions/extensions.properties");
If your application is based on Gecko 2.0, you need to register a component through the new component registration because the extension manager uses FUEL, namely Application.restart()
, to restart your xulrunner-based application after any change (installation, removal, enabling, disabling) in the extensions' list:
and fuelApplication.manifest
from browser/fuel/src
for instance into your components/
directory#include ../../../toolkit/components/exthelper/extApplication.js
in your copy of fuelApplication.js
as neededcomponents/Makefile.in
as in browser/fuel/src/Makefile.in
Most of these require branding.
Window | URL | Window Type |
Extension Manager | chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul?type=extensions | Extension:Manager-extensions |
Theme Manager | chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul?type=themes | Extension:Manager-themes |
JavaScript Console | chrome://global/content/console.xul | global:console |
about:config | chrome://global/content/config.xul |
skin communicator classic/1.0 skin/communicator/
@import url("chrome://global/skin");
To add DOM Inspector 2.0.* to your XULRunner 1.9.0.* application follow these steps:
content inspector jar:inspector.jar!/content/inspector/ xpcnativewrappers=no locale inspector en-US jar:inspector.jar!/locale/en-US/inspector/ skin inspector modern/1.0 jar:inspector.jar!/skin/modern/inspector/ skin inspector classic/1.0 jar:inspector.jar!/skin/classic/inspector/ overlay chrome://inspector/content/popupOverlay.xul chrome://inspector/content/viewers/dom/popupOverlay.xul overlay chrome://inspector/content/commandOverlay.xul chrome://inspector/content/viewers/styleRules/commandOverlay.xul overlay chrome://inspector/content/keysetOverlay.xul chrome://inspector/content/viewers/dom/keysetOverlay.xul overlay chrome://inspector/content/popupOverlay.xul chrome://inspector/content/viewers/styleRules/popupOverlay.xul overlay chrome://inspector/content/commandOverlay.xul chrome://inspector/content/viewers/dom/commandOverlay.xul
To launch DOM Inspector in your application, you need to open its main window, with a command like this:
window.open("chrome://inspector/content/inspector.xul", "", "chrome");
Alternatively, the DOM Inspector may also be added as an extension:
function startDOMi() { // Load the Window DataSource so that browser windows opened subsequent to DOM // Inspector show up in the DOM Inspector's window list. var windowDS = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/datasource;1?name=window-mediator"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowDataSource); var tmpNameSpace = {}; var sl = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.mozIJSSubScriptLoader); sl.loadSubScript("chrome://inspector/content/hooks.js", tmpNameSpace); tmpNameSpace.inspectDOMDocument(document); }
<button label="Start Inpector" oncommand="startDOMi()"/>
Note: I use this method of installing extensions into all of my Mozilla applications. This way I have one directory where I keep all my Mozilla extensions, and each application (Firefox, Thunderbird) simply contains a few small, one line files pointing to the location of the extensions. (I keep them in source control to be sure I can maintain compatibility)
Need custom build, first of all. What else?
Extension Developer's Extension is a useful tool, featuring Live XUL Editor and JavaScript Shell. To install the extension into your application you'll need to hack its install.rdf (see above). You'll probably also want to create menuitems that let you open the JS Shell and other tools provided by the extension.
Branding is a chrome package containing product-specific information (e.g. the product name, vendor, and logo). Some XULRunner components (in particular, the Extension Manager) depend on branding, in the sense that they expect to find certain strings in chrome://branding/locale/brand.dtd
and chrome://branding/locale/brand.properties
. In order to satisfy these dependencies, you can save Firefox's brand.dtd
to chrome/locale/branding
folder, modify them appropriately, and register a locale provider for branding
by adding the following line to your chrome manifest:
locale branding en-US chrome/locale/branding/
The location you put the branding files in doesn't matter, as long as you register it appropriately in the manifest. In addition, a branding content package must be registered to include the application logos:
content branding chrome/branding/
3 files should be provided in this folder: about.png, icon48.png and icon64.png. See Firefox for example.
By default, the task bar on Windows might group windows belonging to the same process into one button to save space. This button is usually called "xulrunner.exe" and has XULRunner's icon. There are two approaches to display the branding of your application instead:
MyApplication should be replaced by whatever you want to see as title of the button. You can also replace xulrunner.ico in the same directory to change XULRunner's icon to the icon of your application.
See Chrome: Command Line. Command line arguments are handled via nsICommandLineHandler, as usual.
To use the unknown-content-type and file-downloads dialogs from a <browser> element, you need to add the following prefs:
pref("browser.download.useDownloadDir", true); pref("browser.download.folderList", 0); pref("browser.download.manager.showAlertOnComplete", true); pref("browser.download.manager.showAlertInterval", 2000); pref("browser.download.manager.retention", 2); pref("browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting", true); pref("browser.download.manager.useWindow", true); pref("browser.download.manager.closeWhenDone", true); pref("browser.download.manager.openDelay", 0); pref("browser.download.manager.focusWhenStarting", false); pref("browser.download.manager.flashCount", 2); // pref("alerts.slideIncrement", 1); pref("alerts.slideIncrementTime", 10); pref("alerts.totalOpenTime", 4000); pref("alerts.height", 50);
If you are missing preferences that a dialog requires, you will get the following errors:
Component returned failure code: 0x8000ffff (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED) [nsIPrefBranch.getBoolPref] Error: dialog has no properties Source File: chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/u...ontentType.xul Line: 1
These preferences seem to be the default in Firefox, however, they are missing in XULRunner. Without these settings Password Manager will not store login details.
pref("signon.rememberSignons", true); pref("signon.expireMasterPassword", false); pref("signon.SignonFileName", "signons.txt");
You also need to get an instance of the login manager service, which internally initializes the system:
Firefox 3 contains the XULRunner runtime. It has an -app
command-line switch to run a specified XUL application instead of starting the browser.
On Windows:
firefox.exe -app path\to\application.ini
On Linux:
firefox -app path/to/application.ini
On the Mac:
/Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox-bin -app /path/to/application.ini
Note that at least on the Mac, you need to use a full path. Partial paths don't seem to work.
If the title of your XUL <window>
is blank, even though you specified a title attribute, make sure the extension on your XUL file is .xul
rather than .xml
To create a default theme you need to create a folder in the extensions folder with an install.rdf in it. As of Oct. 2008, the folder needs to have the same name as the one in Firefox 3.0.
It should also have an <em:internalName>classic/1.0</em:internalName> as that is the default theme in Firefox.
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