title: 遊戲開發
slug: Games
translation_of: Games
{{EmbedGHLiveSample("web-tech-games/index.html", '100%', 820)}}
web 遊戲開發
歡迎來到 MDN 遊戲開發中心!我們將給想要開發遊戲的 web 開發者,提供 web 遊戲開發相關的資源。你會找到很多有用的教學與技術文章,所以請盡情瀏覽。
我們也涵蓋了參考的章節,你可以從那裡找到遊戲開發最需要用到的一些 API。
注:建立遊戲會需要用上一些 web 的核心技術,如 HTML、CSS、JavaScript。
從原生到 Web
如果你是原生介面開發者(例如,你寫 C++ 的遊戲)、對於怎麼把遊戲移植到 Web 有興趣的話,請看看我們的工具 Emscripten:這是個 LLVM 轉到 JavaScript 的編譯器,它使用了 LLVM 位元碼(例如,使用 Clang 從 C/C++ 產生。其他語言亦可)並編譯到能在 Web 運行的 asm.js。

- Build New Games
- A collaborative site featuring a large number of open web game development tutorials. Has not been very active recently, but still holds some nice resources.
- Creative JS
- A collection of impressive JavaScript techniques and experiments, not specific to games, but helpful nonetheless. Has not been very active recently, but still holds some nice resources.
- Game programming patterns
- An online book, written by Bob Nystrom, which discusses programming patterns in the context of game development with the aim of helping game developers produce more effective and efficient code.
- Gamedev.js Weekly
- Weekly newsletter about HTML5 game development, sent every Friday. Contains the latest articles, tutorials, tools and resources.
- HTML5 Game Devs Forum
- Forums for developers, framework creators and publishers. Ask questions, get feedback and help others.
- HTML5 Game Engine
- List of the most popular HTML5 game frameworks along with their rating, features and samples.
- JSBreakouts
- Compare JavaScript Breakout clones in different frameworks to help you choose the right one for you.
- Tuts+ Game Development
- Tutorials and articles about game development in general.
- HTML5 Gamedev Starter
- Starter for the new game developers, a curated list of links to various, useful resources around the web.
- js13kGames
- JavaScript coding competition for HTML5 game developers with the file size limit set to 13 kilobytes. All the submitted games are available in a readable form on GitHub.
- Mozilla Hacks blog
- Games category on the Mozilla Hacks blog containing interesting gamedev related articles.