--- title: MDN的社群論壇 slug: MDN/Community/論壇 tags: - MDN 資料 - 指南 - 社群論壇 translation_of: MDN/Community/Conversations ---
MDN的『 工作 』通常在MDN的網頁上,但『社群』也會透過異步討論(Asynchronous discussions),及同步線上討論或會議(Synchronous chat)進行。

異步討論 Asynchronous discussions

為了分享資訊及持續的溝通,MDN在Mozilla論壇中有獨立的類別("MDN"),這個類別連結所有與MDN相關的主題,包括文檔內容的創建,翻譯和維護; MDN平台開發;以及計劃,目標設定和進度跟踪。


Prior to June 2017, MDN-related discussions took place in mailings lists that were gatewayed and archived with Google groups. If you want to search these past discussions, you can look at the Google groups corresponding to the old mailing lists. (Yes, we know these names are overlapping and confusing. Historical accident. Sorry about that.)

mozilla.dev.mdc a.k.a. dev-mdc
This list was for discussions about documentation content on MDN.
mozilla.dev.mdn a.k.a. dev-mdn
This list was about the development work on MDN's underlying Kuma platform.
mozilla.mdn a.k.a. mdn@
This forum was for high-level planning and prioritization discussions, for the MDN website and other related initiatives.

同步討論(Synchronous chat)

Mozilla's platform for real-time discussions is Matrix, a chat protocol for which Mozilla has its own server.

The MDN Web docs chat room is a major channel for discussing the content of MDN. We talk about writing, organization of content, and so on. We also have "water cooler" conversations here—it's a way our community can keep in touch and just hang out. This room is most likely to be active during weekdays in North America and Europe.

You might want to learn more about using Matrix with Mozilla, and, if you're really into it, install a stand-alone Matrix application such as Riot.im.


For many years, Mozilla used Internet Relay Chat (IRC) for real-time discussions. As of early 2020, IRC has been deprecated in favor of Matrix. You may see references to IRC channels in many places, including on MDN. You can help by updating links to IRC channels that you find on MDN to point to the corresponding Matrix rooms instead. If you're not sure what the Matrix room is for a topic, ask in the General room. Projects or topics that are no longer active might not have a Matrix room; in such cases, just delete the link.

參與我們的會議 (或其他活動)

MDN團隊舉辦了許多對MDN社群開放的常規會議,請參閱Mozilla wiki上的MDN Meetings頁面,可以獲取日程、議程、註釋相關以及如何加入的訊息。

有關這些會議及其他會議,當地聚會和其他活動,可參閱MDN 活動日曆。定期會議會呈現在MDN Meetings wiki page