title: Firefox 11 技術文件
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/11
translation_of: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/11
Firefox 11 shipped on March 13, 2012. This article provides information about the new features and key bugs fixed in this release, as well as links to more detailed documentation for both web developers and add-on developers.
Changes for Web developers
- The attributes
and loop
on {{HTMLElement("audio")}} and {{HTMLElement("video")}} elements have been implemented.
- The {{domxref("element.outerHTML")}} property is now supported on HTML elements.
supports HTML parsing.
- Removed support for using the {{domxref("XMLHttpRequest")}}
and withCredentials
attributes when performing synchronous requests. Attempting to do so throws an NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_ACCESS_ERR
exception. This change has been proposed to the W3C for standardization.
- The new {{domxref("window.navigator.mozVibrate()")}} method lets you vibrate the device where supported; this is implemented as
on Gecko.
- {{domxref("window.navigator.mozApps")}} returns an
object you can use to install and manage open web applications.
events are no longer fired. {{domxref("window.requestAnimationFrame", "mozRequestAnimationFrame()")}} consumers who used these should pass a callback function instead.
- Support for canceling animation frame requests has been added; {{domxref("window.requestAnimationFrame", "window.mozRequestAnimationFrame()")}} now returns a request ID value, which you can pass to {{domxref("window.cancelAnimationFrame", "window.mozCancelAnimationFrame()")}} to cancel the request.
- Several {{domxref("Event")}} constructors (
, HTML events, UIEvent
, and MouseEvent
) introduced in DOM4 specifications are now supported.
- The {{domxref("window.navigator.mozBattery", "Battery API")}} is now enabled by default.
- Support for the
, loop
and muted
properties on HTMLMediaElement
has been added.
- Calling {{domxref("document.mozCancelFullScreen()")}} now restores the previously full-screen element if some other element was in full-screen mode when the current element's {{domxref("element.mozRequestFullScreen()")}} method was called.
- The {{domxref("window.requestAnimationFrame", "window.mozRequestAnimationFrame()")}} method no longer supports a no-argument form. This form was not used much and is unlikely to become part of the standard.
- SVG-as-an-image can now be drawn into a canvas without tainting the canvas.
- The non-standard
property of the GeoPositionAddress
interface has been removed; see {{interface("nsIDOMGeoPositionAddress")}}.
- Server-sent events now support CORS.
- In the past, when the user followed a link, the values set on the {{domxref("window.navigator")}} object were retained by the new page. Now a new
object is created for the new page. This makes Firefox behave like all other browsers.
No change.
- The {{domxref("SVGSVGElement")}} DOM interface now support the
- WebSocket API now supports binary messages (see {{bug("676439")}}).
- Both the protocol and the API has been updated to the latest draft of the specification and the API has been unprefixed (see {{bug("666349")}} and {{bug("695635")}}).
- Previously, messages sent and received using WebSockets in Firefox were limited to 16 MB in size; they may now be up to 2 GB (although memory capacity limitations may prevent them from being that large, Firefox supports it).
- The support for IDBFactory.cmp() has been added.
- An IndexedDB key can also be of one of the following types: Date, Arrays and Float (and not only String and Integer).
Changes for Mozilla and add-on developers
JavaScript code modules
has a new, optional, parameter to configure the character set interpretation while reading the input stream.
New JavaScript code modules
Provides a convenient, easy-to-use source code editor that you can use in your add-ons. This is the same editor used by Scratchpad and other developer tools integrated into Firefox.
Interface changes
- The {{interface("mozIAsyncHistory")}} interface has a new method {{ifmethod("mozIAsyncHistory","isURIVisited")}} to check if a URI has been visited.
- A new interface {{interface("mozIVisitStatusCallback")}} has been added to provide callback handling functionality for {{ifmethod("mozIAsyncHistory","isURIVisited")}}.
- The {{interface("nsIMacDockSupport")}} interface now supports adding a text badge to the application's icon in the Dock using its new
- In the {{interface("nsINavHistoryResultObserver")}} interface, you now need to implement {{ifmethod("nsINavHistoryResultObserver", "containerStateChanged")}} instead of the obsolete
and containerClosed()
Removed interfaces
The following interfaces were implementation details that are no longer needed:
- {{interface("nsICharsetResolver")}}
- {{interface("nsIDOMNSElement")}}, see bug707576, use {{interface("nsIDOMElement")}} instead.
- The
file is now called omni.ja
Preference changes
Specifies the delay, in milliseconds, between the mouse cursor beginning to hover and the display of a tooltip.
Build system changes
- The
build option has been removed.
Other changes
- Add-ons that have not been updated in a long time are no longer assumed to be compatible by default; this is currently add-ons that indicate a
of 4.0.
See also