--- title: Edit box of the MDN editor slug: orphaned/MDN/Editor/Keyboard_shortcuts translation_of: MDN/Editor/Keyboard_shortcuts original_slug: MDN/Editor/Edit_box ---

The edit box is, of course, where you actually do your writing. Right-clicking in the editor box offers appropriate additional options depending on the context of your click: right-clicking in a table offers table-related options and right-clicking in a list offers list-related options, for example.

By default, the editor uses its own contextual menu when you right-click on the editor. To access your browser's default contextual menu (such as to access the Firefox spell checker's list of suggested corrections), hold down the Shift or Control key (the Command key on Mac OS X) while clicking.


There are a number of convenient keyboard shortcuts available to help you avoid taking your hands off the keyboard while you work. The shortcuts are listed for Windows and Linux; on Mac, instead of using the Control key, you can use the Command key.

快捷鍵 說明
Ctrl + A 全選
Ctrl + C 複製到剪貼簿
Ctrl + V 從剪貼簿貼上
Ctrl + X 剪下
Ctrl + Z 回到上一步
Ctrl + Y 重置
Ctrl + K 開啟連結編輯器/新增連結
Ctrl + Shift + K 移除連結游標位置。
Ctrl + B 粗體
Ctrl + I 斜體
Ctrl + O 切換 <code> 樣式。
Ctrl + Shift + O


Ctrl + P 切換 <pre> 樣式在當前區塊中的開啟與關閉。
Ctrl + U 底線。
Ctrl + S 儲存修改並關閉編輯器。
Ctrl + Shift + S 儲存修改但不要關閉編輯器。
Ctrl + 0 Remove formatting from the selected area (That's a zero, not the letter "O").
Ctrl + 2 through Ctrl + 6 Select heading level 2 through 6. Heading level 1 is reserved for the page title displayed at the top of the article.
Ctrl + Shift + L Toggle from bulleted list to numbered list to and paragraph format
Tab Increase indent level if in indent mode, otherwise inserts two spaces as a tab. Inside tables, this moves the cursor to the next cell, or inserts a new row if there is no next cell. If the cursor is currently in the page title or in a heading, the cursor jumps to the next paragraph.
Shift + Tab Decrease indent level if in indent mode. Inside tables, this jumps to the previous cell, or inserts a new row if there is no previous cell. If the cursor is currently in the page title or in a heading, the cursor jumps to the next paragraph.
Shift + Space Insert a non-breaking space (&nbsp;)
Shift + Enter

Exits out of the current block. For example, if you're currently editing a <pre> block, Shift + Enter exits the block, putting you back in the body of the article.

Not currently implemented; see {{bug(780055)}}.

See also