--- title: keyup slug: Web/API/Document/keyup_event translation_of: Web/API/Document/keyup_event ---



網頁文件, 網頁元素
Default Action


Property Type Description
target {{readonlyInline}} EventTarget The event target (the topmost target in the DOM tree).
type {{readonlyInline}} DOMString The type of event.
bubbles {{readonlyInline}} Boolean Whether the event normally bubbles or not
cancelable {{readonlyInline}} Boolean Whether the event is cancellable or not?
view {{readonlyInline}} WindowProxy document.defaultView (window of the document)
detail {{readonlyInline}} long (float) 0.
target {{readonlyInline}} EventTarget (DOM element) Focused element processing the key event, root element if no suitable input element focused.
char {{readonlyInline}} DOMString (string) The character value of the key. If the key corresponds to a printable character, this value is a non-empty Unicode string containing that character. If the key doesn't have a printable representation, this is an empty string. See key names and char values for the detail.
Note: If the key is used as a macro that inserts multiple characters, this attribute's value is the entire string, not just the first character.
key {{readonlyInline}} DOMString (string) The key value of the key represented by the event. If the value has a printed representation, this attribute's value is the same as the char attribute. Otherwise, it's one of the key value strings specified in {{ anch("Key values") }}. If the key can't be identified, this is the string "Unidentified". See key names and char values for the detail. Read Only.
charCode {{readonlyInline}} Unsigned long (int) The Unicode reference number of the key; this attribute is used only by the keypress event. For keys whose char attribute contains multiple characters, this is the Unicode value of the first character in that attribute.
Warning: This attribute is deprecated; you should use char instead, if available.
keyCode {{readonlyInline}} Unsigned long (int) A system and implementation dependent numerical code identifying the unmodified value of the pressed key. This is usually the decimal ASCII ({{ RFC(20) }}) or Windows 1252 code corresponding to the key; see {{ anch("Virtual key codes") }} for a list of common values. If the key can't be identified, this value is 0.
Warning: This attribute is deprecated; you should use key instead, if available.
which {{readonlyInline}} Unsigned long (int) A system and implementation dependent numeric code identifying the unmodified value of the pressed key; this is usually the same as keyCode.
Warning: This attribute is deprecated; you should use key instead, if available.
location {{readonlyInline}} long (float) The location of the key on the device.
repeat {{readonlyInline}} boolean true if a key has been depressed long enough to trigger key repetition, otherwise false.
locale {{readonlyInline}} string The language code for the key event, if available; otherwise, the empty string.
ctrlKey {{readonlyInline}} boolean true if the control key was down when the event was fired. false otherwise.
shiftKey {{readonlyInline}} boolean true if the shift key was down when the event was fired. false otherwise.
altKey {{readonlyInline}} boolean true if the alt key was down when the event was fired. false otherwise.
metaKey {{readonlyInline}} boolean true if the meta key was down when the event was fired. false otherwise.