--- title: HTMLElement.lang slug: Web/API/HTMLElement/lang tags: - API - HTML DOM - HTMLElement - NeedsBrowserCompatibility - NeedsUpdate - Property - Reference translation_of: Web/API/HTMLElement/lang ---
{{ APIRef("HTML DOM") }}

HTMLElement.lang 屬性({{Glossary("property")}})可以讀取或設定一個表示元素之語系的標籤屬性({{Glossary("attribute")}})值。

HTMLElement.lang 屬性所回傳的語系代碼定義於網際網路工程任務小組(IETF)的 Tags for Identifying Languages (BCP47) 文件中。常見的例子如 "en" 代表英語、"ja" 代表日語、"es" 代表西班牙語等等。此標籤屬性的預設值為 unknown。請留意,雖然此標籤屬性於個別層級的元素上是有效的,但大部分都設定於文件的根元素。

HTMLElement.lang 屬性只對 lang 標籤屬性有作用,而不是 xml:lang


var languageUsed = elementNodeReference.lang; // Get the value of lang
elementNodeReference.lang = NewLanguage; // Set new value for lang

languageUsed is a string variable that gets the language in which the text of the current element is written. NewLanguage is a string variable with its value setting the language in which the text of the current element is written.


// this snippet compares the base language and
// redirects to another url based on language
if (document.documentElement.lang === "en") {
  window.location.href = "Some_document.html.en";
} else if (document.documentElement.lang === "ru") {
  window.location.href = "Some_document.html.ru";


Specification Status Comment
{{SpecName('DOM2 HTML', 'html.html#ID-59132807', 'lang')}} {{Spec2('DOM2 HTML')}}