--- title: 使用IndexedDB slug: Web/API/IndexedDB_API/Using_IndexedDB translation_of: Web/API/IndexedDB_API/Using_IndexedDB ---
由於IndexedDB的標準仍在演進,所以目前一些實作還需要加上瀏覽器前綴標示(如Gecko基礎瀏覽器的前綴標示為moz,WebKit基礎瀏覽器的前綴標示為webkit),瀏覽器的實作也可能會有所差異,不過一旦共識標準達成,無瀏覽器前綴標示實作將出現。其實,Internet Explorer 10, Firefox 16, Chrome 24已經有了無瀏覽器前綴標示實作。
// In the following line, you should include the prefixes of implementations you want to test. window.indexedDB = window.indexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB; // DON'T use "var indexedDB = ..." if you're not in a function. // Moreover, you may need references to some window.IDB* objects: window.IDBTransaction = window.IDBTransaction || window.webkitIDBTransaction || window.msIDBTransaction; window.IDBKeyRange = window.IDBKeyRange || window.webkitIDBKeyRange || window.msIDBKeyRange; // (Mozilla has never prefixed these objects, so we don't need window.mozIDB*)
if (!window.indexedDB) { window.alert("Your browser doesn't support a stable version of IndexedDB. Such and such feature will not be available."); }
// Let us open our database var request = window.indexedDB.open("MyTestDatabase", 3);
request.onerror = function(event) { // Do something with request.errorCode! }; request.onsuccess = function(event) { // Do something with request.result! };
這裡呼叫indexedDB.open()開啟indexedDB資料庫並回傳request物件,假設使用者允許我們建立indexedDB資料庫,我們也收到suceess事件觸發了success回呼函數(callback),request物件的result屬性會是一個IDBDatabase物件 ,接下來便是要儲存這個物件之後使用。下方是整個作業的示範程式碼:
var db; var request = indexedDB.open("MyTestDatabase"); request.onerror = function(event) { alert("Why didn't you allow my web app to use IndexedDB?!"); }; request.onsuccess = function(event) { db = request.result; };
db.onerror = function(event) { // Generic error handler for all errors targeted at this database's // requests! alert("Database error: " + event.target.errorCode); };
// This event is only implemented in recent browsers request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) { var db = event.target.result; // Create an objectStore for this database var objectStore = db.createObjectStore("name", { keyPath: "myKey" }); };
資料庫版本是unsigned long long的數字,所以能夠非常長。
var request = indexedDB.open("MyTestDatabase", 2.4); // don't do this, as the version will be rounded to 2
Webkit支援最新標準不過只有Chrome 23才開始導入,而較舊不支援最新版標準的版本則不支援indexedDB.open(name, version).onupgradeneeded。關於如何在舊版標準下升級資料庫版本請參考"IDBDatabase參考文章"。
indexedDB不用資料表而是物件存檔,物件存檔可以有很多。一筆物件存檔裡的資料值對應一筆資料鍵,依據使用{資料鍵路徑(key path)}或{資料鍵產生器(key generator)}。
Key Path | Key Generator | 描述 |
No | No | 物件存檔資料值能為任何型別,即使像數字或字串。每當新增一筆資料,必須提供不同的資料鍵。 |
Yes | No | 物件存檔資料值僅能為Javacript物件,而該資料物件必須含有和資料鍵路徑相同名稱之屬性成員。 |
No | Yes | 物件存檔資料值能為任何型別,資料鍵自動產生,但如果想要指定資料鍵也可以另外提供資料鍵。 |
Yes | Yes | 物件存檔資料值僅能為Javascript物件。通常被產生的新資料鍵的值會被存在物件屬性名稱和資料鍵路徑名稱相同的物件屬性下,如果這個屬性已經存在,這個已經存在之屬性之值將被用作為資料鍵,而非新產生的資料鍵。 |
// This is what our customer data looks like. const customerData = [ { ssn: "444-44-4444", name: "Bill", age: 35, email: "bill@company.com" }, { ssn: "555-55-5555", name: "Donna", age: 32, email: "donna@home.org" } ]; const dbName = "the_name"; var request = indexedDB.open(dbName, 2); request.onerror = function(event) { // Handle errors. }; request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) { var db = event.target.result; // Create an objectStore to hold information about our customers. We're // going to use "ssn" as our key path because it's guaranteed to be // unique. var objectStore = db.createObjectStore("customers", { keyPath: "ssn" }); // Create an index to search customers by name. We may have duplicates // so we can't use a unique index. objectStore.createIndex("name", "name", { unique: false }); // Create an index to search customers by email. We want to ensure that // no two customers have the same email, so use a unique index. objectStore.createIndex("email", "email", { unique: true }); // Store values in the newly created objectStore. for (var i in customerData) { objectStore.add(customerData[i]); } };
// Open the indexedDB. var request = indexedDB.open(dbName, 3); request.onupgradeneeded = function (event) { var db = event.target.result; // Create another object store called "names" with the autoIncrement flag set as true. var objStore = db.createObjectStore("names", { autoIncrement : true }); // Because the "names" object store has the key generator, the key for the name value is generated automatically. // The added records would be like: // key : 1 => value : "Bill" // key : 2 => value : "Donna" for (var i in customerData) { objStore.add(customerData[i].name); } }
關於資料鍵產生器細節,請參考"W3C Key Generators"。
在操作資料庫之前必須要先進行交易,交易來自資料庫物件,在交易中要指定涵蓋物件存檔範圍,然後也要決定是要變更資料庫或純粹讀取資料。交易共有三種種類,分別是讀取(read-only),讀寫(read/write), 以及版本變更(versionchange),如果只需要讀資料最好只使用讀取(read-only)交易,因為讀取(read-only)交易可以多重同步進行。
var transaction = db.transaction(["customers"], "readwrite"); // Note: Older experimental implementations use the deprecated constant IDBTransaction.READ_WRITE instead of "readwrite". // In case you want to support such an implementation, you can just write: // var transaction = db.transaction(["customers"], IDBTransaction.READ_WRITE);
交易能收到三種事件: 錯誤(error)、中斷(abort)以及完成(complete),其中錯誤事件會向上傳遞,所以任何一個交易下轄的請求產生錯誤事件,該交易都會收到。如果交易收到錯誤事件時,瀏覽器預設行為會中斷交易,除非我們有在錯誤事件上呼叫preventDefault()阻擋瀏覽器預設行動,否則整筆交易都將取消、復原,這樣的設計告訴我們必須要思考如何處裡錯誤,或者說如果對每一個錯誤進行處裡過於麻煩,那麼至少加入一個概括性的錯誤處理器也是可以。只要不處裡錯誤或呼叫abort(),交易將取消、復原,然後中斷事件接著觸發,反之,當所有請求都完成後,我們會收到一個完成事件,所以說如果我們同時發起多項請求時,可以只追蹤單一交易而非個別請求,這樣會大大減輕我們的負擔。
// Do something when all the data is added to the database. transaction.oncomplete = function(event) { alert("All done!"); }; transaction.onerror = function(event) { // Don't forget to handle errors! }; var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("customers"); for (var i in customerData) { var request = objectStore.add(customerData[i]); request.onsuccess = function(event) { // event.target.result == customerData[i].ssn; }; }
var request = db.transaction(["customers"], "readwrite") .objectStore("customers") .delete("444-44-4444"); request.onsuccess = function(event) { // It's gone! };
var transaction = db.transaction(["customers"]); var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("customers"); var request = objectStore.get("444-44-4444"); request.onerror = function(event) { // Handle errors! }; request.onsuccess = function(event) { // Do something with the request.result! alert("Name for SSN 444-44-4444 is " + request.result.name); };
db.transaction("customers").objectStore("customers").get("444-44-4444").onsuccess = function(event) { alert("Name for SSN 444-44-4444 is " + event.target.result.name); };
var objectStore = db.transaction("customers").objectStore("customers"); objectStore.openCursor().onsuccess = function(event) { var cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { alert("Name for SSN " + cursor.key + " is " + cursor.value.name); cursor.continue(); } else { alert("No more entries!"); } };
var customers = []; objectStore.openCursor().onsuccess = function(event) { var cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { customers.push(cursor.value); cursor.continue(); } else { alert("Got all customers: " + customers); } };
objectStore.getAll().onsuccess = function(event) { alert("Got all customers: " + event.target.result); };
var index = objectStore.index("name"); index.get("Donna").onsuccess = function(event) { alert("Donna's SSN is " + event.target.result.ssn); };
index.openCursor().onsuccess = function(event) { var cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { // cursor.key is a name, like "Bill", and cursor.value is the whole object. alert("Name: " + cursor.key + ", SSN: " + cursor.value.ssn + ", email: " + cursor.value.email); cursor.continue(); } }; index.openKeyCursor().onsuccess = function(event) { var cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { // cursor.key is a name, like "Bill", and cursor.value is the SSN. // No way to directly get the rest of the stored object. alert("Name: " + cursor.key + ", SSN: " + cursor.value); cursor.continue(); } };
// Only match "Donna" var singleKeyRange = IDBKeyRange.only("Donna"); // Match anything past "Bill", including "Bill" var lowerBoundKeyRange = IDBKeyRange.lowerBound("Bill"); // Match anything past "Bill", but don't include "Bill" var lowerBoundOpenKeyRange = IDBKeyRange.lowerBound("Bill", true); // Match anything up to, but not including, "Donna" var upperBoundOpenKeyRange = IDBKeyRange.upperBound("Donna", true); // Match anything between "Bill" and "Donna", but not including "Donna" var boundKeyRange = IDBKeyRange.bound("Bill", "Donna", false, true); index.openCursor(boundKeyRange).onsuccess = function(event) { var cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { // Do something with the matches. cursor.continue(); } };
objectStore.openCursor(null, "prev").onsuccess = function(event) { var cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { // Do something with the entries. cursor.continue(); } };
index.openKeyCursor(null, "nextunique").onsuccess = function(event) { var cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { // Do something with the entries. cursor.continue(); } };
請思考以下狀況: 使用者在第一個瀏覽器分頁中使用著舊版本,然後使用者又打開第二個分頁載入網頁,此時我們在新分頁需要對資料庫進行升級,所以呼叫open()以更新版本開啟資料庫,但是由於第一個瀏覽器分頁並沒有關閉資料庫,因此第二個分頁的資料庫升級作業會被擋住。所以我們需要注意多個分頁同時開啟的狀況,每個分頁都得注意當發生資料庫升級事件時,要記得關閉資料庫,讓資料庫升級作業得以進行。實際作法如下:
var openReq = mozIndexedDB.open("MyTestDatabase", 2); openReq.onblocked = function(event) { // If some other tab is loaded with the database, then it needs to be closed // before we can proceed. alert("Please close all other tabs with this site open!"); }; openReq.onupgradeneeded = function(event) { // All other databases have been closed. Set everything up. db.createObjectStore(/* ... */); useDatabase(db); } openReq.onsuccess = function(event) { var db = event.target.result; useDatabase(db); return; } function useDatabase(db) { // Make sure to add a handler to be notified if another page requests a version // change. We must close the database. This allows the other page to upgrade the database. // If you don't do this then the upgrade won't happen until the user closes the tab. db.onversionchange = function(event) { db.close(); alert("A new version of this page is ready. Please reload!"); }; // Do stuff with the database. }
就像對載入{{ HTMLElement("frame") }}和{{ HTMLElement("iframe") }}網頁的第三方cookie所設下的安全性和隱私權考量限制,IndexedDB無法在載入{{ HTMLElement("frame") }}和{{ HTMLElement("iframe") }}網頁上運作,詳情請見{{ bug(595307) }}。
事實上不論瀏覽器是否正常關閉,都沒有任何方法保證IndexedDB交易能夠順利完成,請見{{ bug(870645) }}。
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script> <h1>IndexedDB Demo: storing blobs, e-publication example</h1> <div class="note"> <p> Works and tested with: </p> <div id="compat"> </div> </div> <div id="msg"> </div> <form id="register-form"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <label for="pub-title" class="required"> Title: </label> </td> <td> <input type="text" id="pub-title" name="pub-title" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label for="pub-biblioid" class="required"> Bibliographic ID:<br/> <span class="note">(ISBN, ISSN, etc.)</span> </label> </td> <td> <input type="text" id="pub-biblioid" name="pub-biblioid"/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label for="pub-year"> Year: </label> </td> <td> <input type="number" id="pub-year" name="pub-year" /> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td> <label for="pub-file"> File image: </label> </td> <td> <input type="file" id="pub-file"/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label for="pub-file-url"> Online-file image URL:<br/> <span class="note">(same origin URL)</span> </label> </td> <td> <input type="text" id="pub-file-url" name="pub-file-url"/> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="button-pane"> <input type="button" id="add-button" value="Add Publication" /> <input type="reset" id="register-form-reset"/> </div> </form> <form id="delete-form"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <label for="pub-biblioid-to-delete"> Bibliographic ID:<br/> <span class="note">(ISBN, ISSN, etc.)</span> </label> </td> <td> <input type="text" id="pub-biblioid-to-delete" name="pub-biblioid-to-delete" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label for="key-to-delete"> Key:<br/> <span class="note">(for example 1, 2, 3, etc.)</span> </label> </td> <td> <input type="text" id="key-to-delete" name="key-to-delete" /> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="button-pane"> <input type="button" id="delete-button" value="Delete Publication" /> <input type="button" id="clear-store-button" value="Clear the whole store" class="destructive" /> </div> </form> <form id="search-form"> <div class="button-pane"> <input type="button" id="search-list-button" value="List database content" /> </div> </form> <div> <div id="pub-msg"> </div> <div id="pub-viewer"> </div> <ul id="pub-list"> </ul> </div>
body { font-size: 0.8em; font-family: Sans-Serif; } form { background-color: #cccccc; border-radius: 0.3em; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 0.5em; padding: 1em; } table { border-collapse: collapse; } input { padding: 0.3em; border-color: #cccccc; border-radius: 0.3em; } .required:after { content: "*"; color: red; } .button-pane { margin-top: 1em; } #pub-viewer { float: right; width: 48%; height: 20em; border: solid #d092ff 0.1em; } #pub-viewer iframe { width: 100%; height: 100%; } #pub-list { width: 46%; background-color: #eeeeee; border-radius: 0.3em; } #pub-list li { padding-top: 0.5em; padding-bottom: 0.5em; padding-right: 0.5em; } #msg { margin-bottom: 1em; } .action-success { padding: 0.5em; color: #00d21e; background-color: #eeeeee; border-radius: 0.2em; } .action-failure { padding: 0.5em; color: #ff1408; background-color: #eeeeee; border-radius: 0.2em; } .note { font-size: smaller; } .destructive { background-color: orange; } .destructive:hover { background-color: #ff8000; } .destructive:active { background-color: red; }
(function () { var COMPAT_ENVS = [ ['Firefox', ">= 16.0"], ['Google Chrome', ">= 24.0 (you may need to get Google Chrome Canary), NO Blob storage support"] ]; var compat = $('#compat'); compat.empty(); compat.append('<ul id="compat-list"></ul>'); COMPAT_ENVS.forEach(function(val, idx, array) { $('#compat-list').append('<li>' + val[0] + ': ' + val[1] + '</li>'); }); const DB_NAME = 'mdn-demo-indexeddb-epublications'; const DB_VERSION = 1; // Use a long long for this value (don't use a float) const DB_STORE_NAME = 'publications'; var db; // Used to keep track of which view is displayed to avoid uselessly reloading it var current_view_pub_key; function openDb() { console.log("openDb ..."); var req = indexedDB.open(DB_NAME, DB_VERSION); req.onsuccess = function (evt) { // Better use "this" than "req" to get the result to avoid problems with // garbage collection. // db = req.result; db = this.result; console.log("openDb DONE"); }; req.onerror = function (evt) { console.error("openDb:", evt.target.errorCode); }; req.onupgradeneeded = function (evt) { console.log("openDb.onupgradeneeded"); var store = evt.currentTarget.result.createObjectStore( DB_STORE_NAME, { keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement: true }); store.createIndex('biblioid', 'biblioid', { unique: true }); store.createIndex('title', 'title', { unique: false }); store.createIndex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; } /** * @param {string} store_name * @param {string} mode either "readonly" or "readwrite" */ function getObjectStore(store_name, mode) { var tx = db.transaction(store_name, mode); return tx.objectStore(store_name); } function clearObjectStore(store_name) { var store = getObjectStore(DB_STORE_NAME, 'readwrite'); var req = store.clear(); req.onsuccess = function(evt) { displayActionSuccess("Store cleared"); displayPubList(store); }; req.onerror = function (evt) { console.error("clearObjectStore:", evt.target.errorCode); displayActionFailure(this.error); }; } function getBlob(key, store, success_callback) { var req = store.get(key); req.onsuccess = function(evt) { var value = evt.target.result; if (value) success_callback(value.blob); }; } /** * @param {IDBObjectStore=} store */ function displayPubList(store) { console.log("displayPubList"); if (typeof store == 'undefined') store = getObjectStore(DB_STORE_NAME, 'readonly'); var pub_msg = $('#pub-msg'); pub_msg.empty(); var pub_list = $('#pub-list'); pub_list.empty(); // Resetting the iframe so that it doesn't display previous content newViewerFrame(); var req; req = store.count(); // Requests are executed in the order in which they were made against the // transaction, and their results are returned in the same order. // Thus the count text below will be displayed before the actual pub list // (not that it is algorithmically important in this case). req.onsuccess = function(evt) { pub_msg.append('<p>There are <strong>' + evt.target.result + '</strong> record(s) in the object store.</p>'); }; req.onerror = function(evt) { console.error("add error", this.error); displayActionFailure(this.error); }; var i = 0; req = store.openCursor(); req.onsuccess = function(evt) { var cursor = evt.target.result; // If the cursor is pointing at something, ask for the data if (cursor) { console.log("displayPubList cursor:", cursor); req = store.get(cursor.key); req.onsuccess = function (evt) { var value = evt.target.result; var list_item = $('<li>' + '[' + cursor.key + '] ' + '(biblioid: ' + value.biblioid + ') ' + value.title + '</li>'); if (value.year != null) list_item.append(' - ' + value.year); if (value.hasOwnProperty('blob') && typeof value.blob != 'undefined') { var link = $('<a href="' + cursor.key + '">File</a>'); link.on('click', function() { return false; }); link.on('mouseenter', function(evt) { setInViewer(evt.target.getAttribute('href')); }); list_item.append(' / '); list_item.append(link); } else { list_item.append(" / No attached file"); } pub_list.append(list_item); }; // Move on to the next object in store cursor.continue(); // This counter serves only to create distinct ids i++; } else { console.log("No more entries"); } }; } function newViewerFrame() { var viewer = $('#pub-viewer'); viewer.empty(); var iframe = $('<iframe />'); viewer.append(iframe); return iframe; } function setInViewer(key) { console.log("setInViewer:", arguments); key = Number(key); if (key == current_view_pub_key) return; current_view_pub_key = key; var store = getObjectStore(DB_STORE_NAME, 'readonly'); getBlob(key, store, function(blob) { console.log("setInViewer blob:", blob); var iframe = newViewerFrame(); // It is not possible to set a direct link to the // blob to provide a mean to directly download it. if (blob.type == 'text/html') { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = (function(evt) { var html = evt.target.result; iframe.load(function() { $(this).contents().find('html').html(html); }); }); reader.readAsText(blob); } else if (blob.type.indexOf('image/') == 0) { iframe.load(function() { var img_id = 'image-' + key; var img = $('<img id="' + img_id + '"/>'); $(this).contents().find('body').html(img); var obj_url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); $(this).contents().find('#' + img_id).attr('src', obj_url); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(obj_url); }); } else if (blob.type == 'application/pdf') { $('*').css('cursor', 'wait'); var obj_url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); iframe.load(function() { $('*').css('cursor', 'auto'); }); iframe.attr('src', obj_url); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(obj_url); } else { iframe.load(function() { $(this).contents().find('body').html("No view available"); }); } }); } /** * @param {string} biblioid * @param {string} title * @param {number} year * @param {string} url the URL of the image to download and store in the local * IndexedDB database. The resource behind this URL is subjected to the * "Same origin policy", thus for this method to work, the URL must come from * the same origin as the web site/app this code is deployed on. */ function addPublicationFromUrl(biblioid, title, year, url) { console.log("addPublicationFromUrl:", arguments); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', url, true); // Setting the wanted responseType to "blob" // http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest2/#the-response-attribute xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.onload = function (evt) { if (xhr.status == 200) { console.log("Blob retrieved"); var blob = xhr.response; console.log("Blob:", blob); addPublication(biblioid, title, year, blob); } else { console.error("addPublicationFromUrl error:", xhr.responseText, xhr.status); } }; xhr.send(); // We can't use jQuery here because as of jQuery 1.8.3 the new "blob" // responseType is not handled. // http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/11461 // http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/7248 // $.ajax({ // url: url, // type: 'GET', // xhrFields: { responseType: 'blob' }, // success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { // console.log("Blob retrieved"); // console.log("Blob:", data); // // addPublication(biblioid, title, year, data); // }, // error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { // console.error(errorThrown); // displayActionFailure("Error during blob retrieval"); // } // }); } /** * @param {string} biblioid * @param {string} title * @param {number} year * @param {Blob=} blob */ function addPublication(biblioid, title, year, blob) { console.log("addPublication arguments:", arguments); var obj = { biblioid: biblioid, title: title, year: year }; if (typeof blob != 'undefined') obj.blob = blob; var store = getObjectStore(DB_STORE_NAME, 'readwrite'); var req; try { req = store.add(obj); } catch (e) { if (e.name == 'DataCloneError') displayActionFailure("This engine doesn't know how to clone a Blob, " + "use Firefox"); throw e; } req.onsuccess = function (evt) { console.log("Insertion in DB successful"); displayActionSuccess(); displayPubList(store); }; req.onerror = function() { console.error("addPublication error", this.error); displayActionFailure(this.error); }; } /** * @param {string} biblioid */ function deletePublicationFromBib(biblioid) { console.log("deletePublication:", arguments); var store = getObjectStore(DB_STORE_NAME, 'readwrite'); var req = store.index('biblioid'); req.get(biblioid).onsuccess = function(evt) { if (typeof evt.target.result == 'undefined') { displayActionFailure("No matching record found"); return; } deletePublication(evt.target.result.id, store); }; req.onerror = function (evt) { console.error("deletePublicationFromBib:", evt.target.errorCode); }; } /** * @param {number} key * @param {IDBObjectStore=} store */ function deletePublication(key, store) { console.log("deletePublication:", arguments); if (typeof store == 'undefined') store = getObjectStore(DB_STORE_NAME, 'readwrite'); // As per spec http://www.w3.org/TR/IndexedDB/#object-store-deletion-operation // the result of the Object Store Deletion Operation algorithm is // undefined, so it's not possible to know if some records were actually // deleted by looking at the request result. var req = store.get(key); req.onsuccess = function(evt) { var record = evt.target.result; console.log("record:", record); if (typeof record == 'undefined') { displayActionFailure("No matching record found"); return; } // Warning: The exact same key used for creation needs to be passed for // the deletion. If the key was a Number for creation, then it needs to // be a Number for deletion. req = store.delete(key); req.onsuccess = function(evt) { console.log("evt:", evt); console.log("evt.target:", evt.target); console.log("evt.target.result:", evt.target.result); console.log("delete successful"); displayActionSuccess("Deletion successful"); displayPubList(store); }; req.onerror = function (evt) { console.error("deletePublication:", evt.target.errorCode); }; }; req.onerror = function (evt) { console.error("deletePublication:", evt.target.errorCode); }; } function displayActionSuccess(msg) { msg = typeof msg != 'undefined' ? "Success: " + msg : "Success"; $('#msg').html('<span class="action-success">' + msg + '</span>'); } function displayActionFailure(msg) { msg = typeof msg != 'undefined' ? "Failure: " + msg : "Failure"; $('#msg').html('<span class="action-failure">' + msg + '</span>'); } function resetActionStatus() { console.log("resetActionStatus ..."); $('#msg').empty(); console.log("resetActionStatus DONE"); } function addEventListeners() { console.log("addEventListeners"); $('#register-form-reset').click(function(evt) { resetActionStatus(); }); $('#add-button').click(function(evt) { console.log("add ..."); var title = $('#pub-title').val(); var biblioid = $('#pub-biblioid').val(); if (!title || !biblioid) { displayActionFailure("Required field(s) missing"); return; } var year = $('#pub-year').val(); if (year != '') { // Better use Number.isInteger if the engine has EcmaScript 6 if (isNaN(year)) { displayActionFailure("Invalid year"); return; } year = Number(year); } else { year = null; } var file_input = $('#pub-file'); var selected_file = file_input.get(0).files[0]; console.log("selected_file:", selected_file); // Keeping a reference on how to reset the file input in the UI once we // have its value, but instead of doing that we rather use a "reset" type // input in the HTML form. //file_input.val(null); var file_url = $('#pub-file-url').val(); if (selected_file) { addPublication(biblioid, title, year, selected_file); } else if (file_url) { addPublicationFromUrl(biblioid, title, year, file_url); } else { addPublication(biblioid, title, year); } }); $('#delete-button').click(function(evt) { console.log("delete ..."); var biblioid = $('#pub-biblioid-to-delete').val(); var key = $('#key-to-delete').val(); if (biblioid != '') { deletePublicationFromBib(biblioid); } else if (key != '') { // Better use Number.isInteger if the engine has EcmaScript 6 if (key == '' || isNaN(key)) { displayActionFailure("Invalid key"); return; } key = Number(key); deletePublication(key); } }); $('#clear-store-button').click(function(evt) { clearObjectStore(); }); var search_button = $('#search-list-button'); search_button.click(function(evt) { displayPubList(); }); } openDb(); addEventListeners(); })(); // Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)
{{ LiveSampleLink('Full_IndexedDB_example', "線上範例") }}
請參考IndexedDB文件,看看有甚麼IndexedDB API可供使用,實際試玩一下吧。
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