--- title: UIEvent slug: Web/API/UIEvent tags: - 待翻譯 translation_of: Web/API/UIEvent ---

{{APIRef("DOM Events")}}

UIEvent 介面是使用者介面的事件的基本型態。

UIEvent 是從 {{domxref("Event")}} 衍伸過來。 雖然為了相容性,仍留著 {{domxref("UIEvent.initUIEvent()")}} 方法,建立 UIEvent 物件最好是選擇以 {{domxref("UIEvent.UIEvent", "UIEvent()")}} constructor 建立。

許多介面直接或間接繼承此介面,例如:{{domxref("MouseEvent")}}、{{domxref("TouchEvent")}}、{{domxref("FocusEvent")}}、{{domxref("KeyboardEvent")}}、{{domxref("WheelEvent")}}、{{domxref("InputEvent")}} 和 {{domxref("CompositionEvent")}}。


{{domxref("UIEvent.UIEvent()", "UIEvent()")}}
建立一個 UIEvent 物件 。


此介面亦繼承其父-- {{domxref("Event")}} 的屬性:

{{domxref("UIEvent.cancelBubble")}} {{Non-standard_inline}} {{Deprecated_inline}}
Is a {{jsxref("Boolean")}} indicating whether the bubbling of the event has been canceled or not.
Returns a long with details about the event, depending on the event type.
{{domxref("UIEvent.isChar")}} {{obsolete_inline}} {{readonlyinline}}
Returns a {{jsxref("Boolean")}} indicating whether the event produced a key character or not.
{{domxref("UIEvent.layerX")}} {{Non-standard_inline}} {{readonlyinline}}
Returns the horizontal coordinate of the event relative to the current layer.
{{domxref("UIEvent.layerY")}} {{Non-standard_inline}} {{readonlyinline}}
Returns the vertical coordinate of the event relative to the current layer.
{{domxref("UIEvent.pageX")}} {{Non-standard_inline}} {{readonlyinline}}
Returns the horizontal coordinate of the event relative to the whole document.
{{domxref("UIEvent.pageY")}} {{Non-standard_inline}} {{readonlyinline}}
Returns the vertical coordinate of the event relative to the whole document.
{{domxref("UIEvent.sourceCapabilities")}} {{non-standard_inline}} {{readonlyinline}}
Returns an instance of the InputDeviceCapabilities interface which provides information about the physical device responsible for generating a touch event.
Returns a {{domxref("WindowProxy")}} that contains the view that generated the event.
{{domxref("UIEvent.which")}} {{Non-standard_inline}} {{readonlyinline}}
Returns the numeric keyCode of the key pressed, or the character code (charCode) for an alphanumeric key pressed.


此介面亦繼承其父-- {{domxref("Event")}} 的方法:

{{domxref("UIEvent.initUIEvent()")}} {{deprecated_inline}}
初始化 UIEvent 物件。若該事件已經觸發的話,此方法就不會執行任何東西。


Specification Status Comment
{{SpecName('InputDeviceCapabilities')}} {{Spec2('InputDeviceCapabilities')}} Added sourceCapabilities property.
{{SpecName('DOM3 Events', '#interface-UIEvent', 'UIEvent')}} {{Spec2('DOM3 Events')}} Added the UIEvent() constructor, deprecated the initUIEvent() method and changed the type of view from AbstractView to WindowProxy.
{{SpecName('DOM2 Events', '#Events-UIEvent', 'UIEvent')}} {{Spec2('DOM2 Events')}} Initial definition


