--- title: WebVTT slug: Web/API/WebVTT_API translation_of: Web/API/WebVTT_API original_slug: Web/API/Web_Video_Text_Tracks_Format ---

WebVTT 是一種 UTF-8 編碼的文字檔案格式,可藉由 {{ HTMLElement("track") }} 元素顯示加註時間資訊之文字軌,其主要設計目的是為 {{ HTMLElement("video") }} 顯示字幕。

WebVTT 當中可以採用空白或分隔字元(tab)。

WebVTT 的 MIME Type 為 text/vtt


WebVTT 文本

WebVTT 檔的結構中,有兩項必備資訊、四項選用資訊。

範例 1 - 最簡單的 WEBVTT 檔

範例 2 - 很簡單的 WebVTT 檔
  WEBVTT - 這個檔案沒有時間節點

範例 3 - 常見的 WebVTT 例子
  WEBVTT - 這個檔案有時間節點

  00:01:14.815 --> 00:01:18.114
  - What?
  - Where are we now?

  00:01:18.171 --> 00:01:20.991
  - This is big bat country.

  00:01:21.058 --> 00:01:23.868
  - [ Bats Screeching ]
  - They won't get in your hair. They're after the bugs.


WebVTT 註解

Comments are an optional component that can be used to add information to a WebVTT file. Comments are intended for those reading the file and are not seen by users. Comments may contain newlines but it cannot contain a blank line, which is equivalent to two consecutive newlines. A blank line signifies the end of a comment.



範例 4 - 常見 WebVTT 範例
  NOTE 這行是註解
範例 5 - 多行註解

  NOTE 當然也可以像這樣
範例 6 - 常見註解使用方式
  WEBVTT - 翻譯我喜歡的影片字幕

  本字幕由 Kyle 翻譯,

  00:02:15.000 --> 00:02:20.000
  - Ta en kopp varmt te.
  - Det är inte varmt.

  00:02:20.000 --> 00:02:25.000
  - Har en kopp te.
  - Det smakar som te.

  NOTE This last line may not translate well.

  00:02:25.000 --> 00:02:30.000
  -Ta en kopp.


WebVTT 時間節點

時間節點(cue)是具備單一開始時間、結束時間、文字內容的字幕區段。 Example 6 consists of the header, a blank line, and then five cues separated by blank lines. 時間節點由五個部分組成:

範例7 - Example of a cue
1 - Title Crawl
00:00:5.000 --> 00:00:10.000 line:0 position:20% size:60% align:start
Some time ago in a place rather distant....


節點 ID

此 ID 代表時間節點的名稱,可以用以在腳本語言中參照某段特定時間節點。ID 中禁用換行字元,也不可以包括「-->」字串。ID 最後必須以一個換行字元作為結束。

雖然通常都用數字(1, 2, 3...)作為 ID,但規格上並不要求每個 ID 都是為一值。

範例 8 - 範例 7 中的時間節點 ID
1 - Title Crawl
範例 9 - ID 常見用法

00:00:22.230 --> 00:00:24.606
This is the first subtitle.

00:00:30.739 --> 00:00:34.074
This is the second.

00:00:34.159 --> 00:00:35.743




不同時間節點可以設定為同時顯示,但若 WebVTT 檔案是用在 chapters({{ HTMLElement("track") }} 的 {{ htmlattrxref("kind") }} 設定為 chapters),則不允許兩段節點同時出現。




Example 10 - Basic cue timing examples
00:22.230 --> 00:24.606
00:30.739 --> 00:00:34.074
00:00:34.159 --> 00:35.743
00:00:35.827 --> 00:00:40.122
Example 11 - Overlapping cue timing examples
00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:10.000
00:00:05.000 --> 00:01:00.000
00:00:30.000 --> 00:00:50.000
Example 12 - Non-overlapping cue timing examples
00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:10.000
00:00:10.000 --> 00:01:00.581
00:01:00.581 --> 00:02:00.100
00:02:01.000 --> 00:02:01.000


Cue Settings

Cue settings are optional components used to position where the cue payload text will be displayed over the video. This includes whether the text is displayed horizontally or vertically. There can be zero or more of them, and they can be used in any order so long as each setting is used no more than once.

The cue settings are added to the right of the cue timings. There must be one or more spaces between the cue timing and the first setting and between each setting. A setting's name and value are separated by a colon. The settings are case sensitive so use lower case as shown. There are five cue settings:

Example 13 - Cue setting examples

The first line demonstrates no settings. The second line might be used to overlay text on a sign or label. The third line might be used for a title. The last line might be used for an Asian language.

00:00:5.000 --> 00:00:10.000
00:00:5.000 --> 00:00:10.000 line:63% position:72% align:start
00:00:5.000 --> 00:00:10.000 line:0 position:20% size:60% align:start
00:00:5.000 --> 00:00:10.000 vertical:rt line:-1 align:end



The payload is where the main information or content is located. In normal usage the payload contains the subtitles to be displayed. The payload text may contain newlines but it cannot contain a blank line, which is equivalent to two consecutive newlines. A blank line signifies the end of a cue.

文字內容中不能包含「-->」字串、「&」符號或「<」符號。如欲使用後兩者,可採跳脫字串「&amp;」或「&lt;」。此外雖規格上允許使用「>」字元,仍然建議跳脫為「&gt;」以避免混淆。若您使用 WebVTT 檔作為後設資料,則可不管這些限制。


Table 6 - 跳脫字串
名稱 字元 跳脫字串
「與」 & &amp;
小於 < &lt;
大於 > &gt;
左到右標記   &lrm;
右到左標記   &rlm;
不斷行空白   &nbsp;



有很多標籤(例如 <bold>)可以用在文字內容中,但若 {{ HTMLElement("track") }} 的 {{ htmlattrxref("kind") }} 設定為 chapters 時,其中所用的 WebVTT  檔案裡就不能使用標籤。


以下則需要開頭標籤與結束標籤(例如 <b>text</b>)。



{{ CompatibilityTable() }}

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
基本支援 18 以上 24 (預設為關閉) 10 以上 15.0 以上  7 以上
Feature Android Firefox Mobile (Gecko) IChrome for Mobile Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
基本支援 4.4 以上        目前尚不支援          35.0 以上    21.0 以上 7 以上


